Note that if the number is higher than 256, it will return the number mod 256.
For example :
chr(321)=A because A=65(256)
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
chr — Bir sayıdan tek baytlık dizge üretir
işaretsiz bir tamsayı olarak yorumlanarak
belirtilen tek baytlık karakteri döndürür.
Bu, ASCII, ISO-8859 veya Windows 1252 gibi tek baytlık bir kodlamada, kodlamanın eşleme tablosunda istenen bir karakterin konumunu ileterek tek karakterlik bir dize oluşturmak için kullanılabilir. Ancak, bu işlev herhangi bir karakter kodlamasının farkında değildir ve özellikle UTF-8 veya UTF-16 gibi çok baytlı bir kodlamada bir dize oluşturmak için bir Unicode karakteri kod değeri bu işleve aktarılmamalıdır.
ord() işlevinin zıddıdır.
0 ile 255 arasında bir tamsayı.
Geçerli aralık (0..255) dışında kalan değerle 255 bitsel VElenir. Bu aşağıdaki algoritmaya eşdeğerdir:
while ($bytevalue < 0) {
$bytevalue += 256;
$bytevalue %= 256;
Belirtilen bayta karşılık gelen karakter.
Sürüm: | Açıklama |
7.4.0 |
Bu işlev artık desteklenmeyen sayı 'ları
sessizce kabul etmeyip bunları 0 'a dönüştürüyor.
Örnek 1 - chr() örneği
// Dizgenin ASCII veya ASCII uyumlu kodlama kullanacağı varsayılıyor
$dizge = "The string ends in escape: ";
$dizge .= chr(27); /* $dizgenin sonuna kaçış karakterini ekleyelim */
/* Aslında bu daha kullanışlıdır */
$dizge = sprintf("The string ends in escape: %c", 27);
Örnek 2 - Taşma davranışı
echo chr(-159), chr(833), PHP_EOL;
Yukarıdaki örneğin çıktısı:
Örnek 3 - Bir UTF-8 dizgeyi bayt bayt oluşturmak
$str = chr(240) . chr(159) . chr(144) . chr(152);
echo $str;
Yukarıdaki örneğin çıktısı:
Note that if the number is higher than 256, it will return the number mod 256.
For example :
chr(321)=A because A=65(256)
Another quick and short function to get unicode char by its code.
* Return unicode char by its code
* @param int $u
* @return char
function unichr($u) {
return mb_convert_encoding('&#' . intval($u) . ';', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
I spent hours looking for a function which would take a numeric HTML entity value and output the appropriate UTF-8 bytes. I found this at another site and only had to modify it slightly; so I don't take credit for this.
<?php function unichr($dec) {
if ($dec < 128) {
$utf = chr($dec);
} else if ($dec < 2048) {
$utf = chr(192 + (($dec - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
$utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));
} else {
$utf = chr(224 + (($dec - ($dec % 4096)) / 4096));
$utf .= chr(128 + ((($dec % 4096) - ($dec % 64)) / 64));
$utf .= chr(128 + ($dec % 64));
return $utf;
} ?>
So for example:
$str = "Chinese: 中文";
$str = preg_replace("/&#(\d{2,5});/e", "unichr($1);", $str);
Here is a sample of encoding and decoding using "chr" and "ord".
function Encode($txtData,$Level){
for ($j = 0;$j<$Level;$j++){
$tmpStr = '';
for ($i = 0;$i<strlen($txtData);$i++)
$tmpStr .= ord(substr(strtoupper($txtData), $i, 1));
$txtData = $tmpStr;
return (strlen($Level)).$Level.$txtData;
function Decode($txtData){
$intLevel = substr($txtData, 1, substr($txtData, 0, 1));
$startStr = substr($txtData, substr($txtData, 0, 1)+1, strlen($txtData));
for ($j = 0;$j<$intLevel;$j++){
for ($i = 0;$i<strlen($startStr);$i+=2)
$tmpStr .= chr(intval(substr($startStr, $i, 2)));
$startStr = $tmpStr;
$tmpStr = "";
return $startStr;
echo Encode('123',4).'<br>';
echo Decode(Encode('123',5));
for ($i = 128; $i <= 191; $i++) {
$str = chr(240) . chr(159) . chr(144) . chr($i);
echo $str;
// rivencodec 1.0
// encode riverse ascii 1 simple function can encode/decode
// can use it for secure source with speed encode text
function rivencodec($ch,$a=0) {
while((@$b = $ch[$a++])) { $ch[$a-1] = chr(255-ord($b)); }
return $ch;
$zz = rivencodec("abcdefghijklmn");
echo 'encode: ',$zz,'<br/>',PHP_EOL;
$yy = rivencodec($zz);
echo 'decode: ',$yy,'<br/>',PHP_EOL;
Want terminal colors in command line php scripts?
This should take care of that.
$_colors = array(
'LIGHT_RED' => "[1;31m",
'LIGHT_GREEN' => "[1;32m",
'YELLOW' => "[1;33m",
'LIGHT_BLUE' => "[1;34m",
'MAGENTA' => "[1;35m",
'LIGHT_CYAN' => "[1;36m",
'WHITE' => "[1;37m",
'NORMAL' => "[0m",
'BLACK' => "[0;30m",
'RED' => "[0;31m",
'GREEN' => "[0;32m",
'BROWN' => "[0;33m",
'BLUE' => "[0;34m",
'CYAN' => "[0;36m",
'BOLD' => "[1m",
'UNDERSCORE' => "[4m",
'REVERSE' => "[7m",
function termcolored($text, $color="NORMAL", $back=1){
global $_colors;
$out = $_colors["$color"];
if($out == ""){ $out = "[0m"; }
return chr(27)."$out$text".chr(27).chr(27)."[0m".chr(27);
echo chr(27)."$out$text".chr(27).chr(27)."[0m".chr(27);
}// end function
echo termcolored("test\n", "BLUE");
Secure password generator with a variable maximum amount of symbols.
function passwdGen($minLength = 8, $maxLength = 12, $maxSymbols = 2)
$symbolCount = 0;
srand((double)microtime() * 1000003);
for ($i = 0; $i < rand($minLength, $maxLength); $i++)
$char = rand(33, 126);
$symbolCount += $isSymbol = (!in_array($char, range(48, 57)) && !in_array($char, range(65, 90)) && !in_array($char, range(97, 122)));
if ($symbolCount <= $maxSymbols || !$isSymbol)
while (true);
$passwd = sprintf('%s%c', isset($passwd) ? $passwd : NULL, $char);
return $passwd;
Here is a function that's help me find what chr(number) outputs what character quicker than typing out 256 echo tags.
function listChr(){
for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {
static $genNum;
echo "chr($genNum) will output '";
echo (chr($genNum));
echo "'< br>\n";
Another helpful chr is #9, being a tab. Quite using when making error logs.
$tab = (chr(9));
echo "<pre>error{$tab}date{$tab}time</pre>";
-- HappyEvil
to remove the ASCII control characters (except "line feed" and "tab") :
$tab_chr = array() ;
for($control = 0; $control < 32; $control++) {
if ($control != 9 && $control != 10) {
$tab_chr[]= chr($control) ;
$tab_chr[]= chr(127) ;
$string = str_replace($tab_chr, '', $string);
In addition to replacing Microsoft Windows smart quotes, as sgaston demonstrated on 2006-02-13, I replace all other Microsoft Windows characters using suggestions[1] published by character code specialist[2] Jukka Korpela.
$str = str_replace(chr(130), ',', $str); // baseline single quote
$str = str_replace(chr(131), 'NLG', $str); // florin
$str = str_replace(chr(132), '"', $str); // baseline double quote
$str = str_replace(chr(133), '...', $str); // ellipsis
$str = str_replace(chr(134), '**', $str); // dagger (a second footnote)
$str = str_replace(chr(135), '***', $str); // double dagger (a third footnote)
$str = str_replace(chr(136), '^', $str); // circumflex accent
$str = str_replace(chr(137), 'o/oo', $str); // permile
$str = str_replace(chr(138), 'Sh', $str); // S Hacek
$str = str_replace(chr(139), '<', $str); // left single guillemet
$str = str_replace(chr(140), 'OE', $str); // OE ligature
$str = str_replace(chr(145), "'", $str); // left single quote
$str = str_replace(chr(146), "'", $str); // right single quote
$str = str_replace(chr(147), '"', $str); // left double quote
$str = str_replace(chr(148), '"', $str); // right double quote
$str = str_replace(chr(149), '-', $str); // bullet
$str = str_replace(chr(150), '-', $str); // endash
$str = str_replace(chr(151), '--', $str); // emdash
$str = str_replace(chr(152), '~', $str); // tilde accent
$str = str_replace(chr(153), '(TM)', $str); // trademark ligature
$str = str_replace(chr(154), 'sh', $str); // s Hacek
$str = str_replace(chr(155), '>', $str); // right single guillemet
$str = str_replace(chr(156), 'oe', $str); // oe ligature
$str = str_replace(chr(159), 'Y', $str); // Y Dieresis
[1] On the use of some MS Windows characters in HTML
[2] Unicode Explained by Jukka Korpela
When having to deal with parsing an IIS4 or IIS5 metabase dump I wrote a simple function for converting those MS hexidecimal values into their ascii counter parts. Hopefully someone will find use for it.
function hex_decode($string) {
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($string); $i) {
$decoded .= chr(hexdec(substr($string,$i,2)));
$i = (float)($i)+2;
return $decoded;
Simple password generation function using sprintf and the %c type specifier; which is the same as chr().
function genPass($len = 8) {
for ($i=0;$i<=$len;$i++) {
$passwd = sprintf('%s%c', isset($passwd) ? $passwd : NULL, rand(48, 122));
return $passwd;
Note that chr(10) is a 'line feed' and chr(13) is a 'carriage return' and they are not the same thing! I found this out while attempting to parse text from forms and text files for inclusion as HTML by replacing all the carriage returns with <BR>'s only to find after many head-scratchings that I should have been looking for line feeds. If anyone can shed some light on what the difference is, please do.
If you're planning on saving text from a form into a database for later display, you'll need to apply the following function so that it gets saved with the proper HTML tags.
$text = str_replace ( chr(10), "<BR>", $text );
When you want to plug it back into that form for editing you need to convert it back.
$text = str_replace ( "<BR>", chr(10), $text)
Hope this saves somebody some trouble. :)
argument is automatically converted to integer, so chr('65') and chr(65) would both output the letter A
[Editor's note:
%c is defined as: "Print the character belonging to the ascii code given"
chr() just gives a string, so you need to use %s, even if the string consists of only one character. This is consistent with other languages.]
Learn from my mistake:
Do not expect this to work!
$c_question = chr(63);
$v_out = sprintf("<%cphp\n", $c_question);
//... more stuff being sprintf'd into v_out here ...
$v_out = sprintf("%s%c>\n", $v_out, $c_question);
$v_fp = fopen("foofile", "w");
if ($v_fp)
fwrite($v_fp, $v_out, strlen($v_out));
When I did this, foofile contained <NUL NUL NUL NUL NUL>.
I spun my wheels quite awhile looking at fputs, fwrite to verify I was calling those functions correctly.
My mistake was using $c_question = chr(63) instead of
$c_question = 63 (correct). Then everything worked fine.
Another quick function to get unicode char by its code.
function unichr($dec)
if ($dec < 0x80)
$utf = chr($dec);
else if ($dec < 0x0800)
$utf = chr(0xC0 + ($dec >> 6));
$utf .= chr(0x80 + ($dec & 0x3f));
else if ($dec < 0x010000)
$utf = chr(0xE0 + ($dec >> 12));
$utf .= chr(0x80 + (($dec >> 6) & 0x3f));
$utf .= chr(0x80 + ($dec & 0x3f));
else if ($dec < 0x200000)
$utf = chr(0xF0 + ($dec >> 18));
$utf .= chr(0x80 + (($dec >> 12) & 0x3f));
$utf .= chr(0x80 + (($dec >> 6) & 0x3f));
$utf .= chr(0x80 + ($dec & 0x3f));
die("UTF-8 character size is more than 4 bytes");
return $utf;
echo unichr(0x263A);
I needed to generate an invalid UTF-8 character for testing with JSON. This did the trick:
echo 'Bogus UTF-8 character at end' . chr(0xC6) ;
string mb_chr ( int $cp [, string $encoding ] )
Parameter List:
cp - character code (in decimal notation)
encoding - encoding (UTF-8, ASCII and so on)
We get the letter 'Ж' from the encoding UTF-8:
$sim = mb_chr(0x0416, 'UTF-8');
echo $sim; // Ж
Get the character '}' from the encoding ASCII:
$sim = mb_chr(125, 'ASCII');
echo $sim ; // }
chr() with unicode support
function uchr ($codes) {
if (is_scalar($codes)) $codes= func_get_args();
$str= '';
foreach ($codes as $code) $str.= html_entity_decode('&#'.$code.';',ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8');
return $str;
echo uchr(23383); echo '<br/>';
echo uchr(23383,215,23383); echo '<br/>';
echo uchr(array(23383,215,23383,215,23383)); echo '<br/>';
The function chr() also accepts negative numbers as an ascii code, so chr(-number) is equal to chr((number%256)+256).
And for ascii code higher than 255 is chr(number%256)
We can test with a little script
for($i=-300; $i<300; $i++){
echo "Ascii $i\t" . ord(chr($i)) . "\n";
It seems that php uses the table from here:
(and not from here: as suggested in the documentation) for codes from 128 to 255.
for ($i = 32; $i <= 255; $i++) {
echo chr($i);
I was looking for a simple method to construct excel like column identifiers e.g: A B .... AA AB AC etc, using chr() and modulo, but there is magic...
So, this also works
$p = chr(65); // or simply $p = 'A';
for ($i = 1; $i < 53; $i++){
echo $p++ . " - ";
if ($i % 10 == 0) echo '</br>';
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J -
K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T -
U - V - W - X - Y - Z - AA - AB - AC - AD -
AE - AF - AG - AH - AI - AJ - AK - AL - AM - AN -
AO - AP - AQ - AR - AS - AT - AU - AV - AW - AX -
AY - AZ -