
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

imap_deletemailboxBir posta kutusunu siler


imap_deletemailbox(IMAP\Connection $imap, string $pk): bool

pk ile belirtilen posta kutusunu siler.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


IMAP\Connection nesnesi.


Posta kutusu ismi; daha fazla bilgi için imap_open() işlevine bakınız.


imap.enable_insecure_rsh iptal edilmedikçe bu bağımsız değişkene güvenilir olmayan verinin aktarılması güvenli değildir.

Dönen Değerler

Başarı durumunda true, başarısızlık durumunda false döner.

Sürüm Bilgisi

Sürüm: Açıklama
8.1.0 imap bağımsız değişkeni artık IMAP\Connection nesnesi kabul ediyor, evvelce resource türünde geçerli bir imap değeri kabul ederdi.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

sanin at kset dot org
18 years ago
When deleting user account(s) from IMAP server don't forget to put full server name and port. Also need to be logged as IMAP admin and set ACL.
This worked for Cyrus:


//User to delete

//Open the connection to IMAP server (Cyrus)
$mbox=imap_open("{".$serverip.":143}",$cyrusadmin_username, $cyrusadmin_password, OP_HALFOPEN)
            or die(
'IMAP Could not connect because '.imap_last_error());
//Set ACL - Give rights to $cyrusadmin_username to delete mailbox
imap_setacl ($mbox, "user.".$username, $cyrusadmin_username, "lrswipcda")
            or die(
'Could not setacl on mailbox');
//Delete mailbox
            or die(
'Could not delete mailbox');
21 years ago
Recent versions of the Cyrus imapd define mailbox ACLs as follows:

c (create)
The user may create new sub-mailboxes of the mailbox, or delete or rename the current mailbox.

d (delete)
The user may store the "Deleted" flag, and perform expunges.

This means to delete a mailbox, you will need to give the user you are connecting with via imap_open() "c" rights on the mailbox in order for imap_deletemailbox() to work.  Setting "d" rights for yourself is not the same.

Check the documentation for your version of Cyrus imapd.
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