PHP 7.4 now supports MySQL with caching_sha2_password, although it is a bit unclear around older versions, there seems to be conflicting reports. What is the support of caching_sha2_password in PHP < 7.4?
为了使这些函数可用,必须编译支持 mysqli 扩展的 PHP。
当运行 PHP 7.1.16 之前的版本或者 PHP 7.2.4 之前的 PHP 7.2 版本时,需要将 MySQL 8 服务器的默认密码插件设置为 mysql_native_password。否则在未使用 caching_sha2_password 时,也会看到类似这样的错误 The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]。
这是因为 MySQL 8 默认使用 caching_sha2_password,这是旧版 PHP (mysqlnd) 版本无法识别的插件。然而,可以在
my.cnf 中设置 default_authentication_plugin=mysql_native_password
来变更它。从 PHP 7.4.4 开始,完全支持 caching_sha2_password
插件。对于旧版本,mysql_xdevapi 扩展支持。
PHP 7.4 now supports MySQL with caching_sha2_password, although it is a bit unclear around older versions, there seems to be conflicting reports. What is the support of caching_sha2_password in PHP < 7.4?
Supported authentication methods are listed in the "Loaded plugins" row of the "mysqlnd" section in phpinfo(). Look for plugins that start with "auth_plugin_…".