Here I am again :). My last function stinks :p (well, actually, MSSQL doesn't always does the same thing with different errors :/. That last function can't cope with that. The following function can cope with that. The only weird thing I had with it was that when I entered a table, which don't exists, in my SELECT query, the first mssql_get_last_message() doesn't always gets the correct message. It sometimes gets the message from the last action. I have no explination for it. Anyway: this is the beter version of my last function. The usage is explained in my last post:
function query($sQuery, $hDb_conn, $sError, $bDebug)
if(!$rQuery = @mssql_query($sQuery, $hDb_conn))
$sMssql_get_last_message = mssql_get_last_message();
$sQuery_added = "BEGIN TRY\n";
$sQuery_added .= "\t".$sQuery."\n";
$sQuery_added .= "END TRY\n";
$sQuery_added .= "BEGIN CATCH\n";
$sQuery_added .= "\tSELECT 'Error: ' + ERROR_MESSAGE()\n";
$sQuery_added .= "END CATCH";
$rRun2= @mssql_query($sQuery_added, $hDb_conn);
$aReturn = @mssql_fetch_assoc($rRun2);
echo $sError.'. MSSQL returned: '.$sMssql_get_last_message.'.<br>Executed query: '.nl2br($sQuery);
echo $sError.'. MSSQL returned: '.$aReturn['computed'].'.<br>Executed query: '.nl2br($sQuery);
return FALSE;
return $rQuery;
Disclaimer: This is not the original function that I use in my project. The original function has Dutch text and uses some other functions that I have. I have removed my own functions and translated everything to English. That is everything I did. I only used a second function for the error messages. So I think everything should work, but I don't know for sure.