
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

hebrevc Converte il testo logico Ebraico in testo visuale con conversione del carattere di 'a capo'


hebrevc(string $hebrew_text, int $max_chars_per_line = ?): string

Questa funzione รจ simile a hebrev() con la differenza che converte il carattere di 'a capo' (\n) in "<br>\n". Il parametro opzionale max_chars_per_line indica il numero massimo di caratteri per linea che saranno restituiti. La funzione tenta di evitare di spezzare le parole.

Vedere anche hebrev()

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

yfurman at yahoo dot com
22 years ago
Beware of English use!
I was working on a little project, and used hebrevc to reverse Hebrew in a loop. The hebrevc function got a variable as an argument. Sometimes the variable was pure English and sometimes it was hebrew.
Suddenly I found out that the English too was cut with BR tags, which made it look funny - the last line was the first.

If you're going to use that function in mixed text, don't forget to check the language before using the function.

15 years ago
If you want to use hebrevc with english,
just use strrev.
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