
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

number_formatFormatta un numero con i gruppi delle migliaia


    float $number,
    int $decimals = ?,
    string $dec_point = ?,
    string $thousands_sep
): string

La funzione number_format() restituisce una versione formattata di number. Questa funzione accetta uno, due, o quattro parametri (non tre).

Se si specifica soltanto un parametro, il number sarà formattato senza decimali, ma con la virgola (",") per suddividere le migliaia.

Se sono specdificati due parametri, il number sarà formattato con tante cifre decimali quanto indicato in decimals, precedute dal punto ("."), e con la virgola (",") come separatore delle migliaia.

Se sono indicati tutti i quattro parametri, il number sarà formattato con decimals cifre decimali, identificate dal carattere dec_point anziché dal punto (".") e con thousands_sep, invece della virgola (",") come separatore delle migliaia.

Sarà utilizzato solo il primo carattere di thousands_sep. Ad esempio, se si indica foo come thousands_sep per il numero 1000, la funzione number_format() restituirà 1f000.

Example #1 Esempio di uso di number_format()

Ad esempio, la notazione francese solitamente utilizza due decimali, la virgola (',') come separatore decimale, e lo spazio (' ') come separatore delle migliaia. Questo può essere ottenuto con:


= 1234.56;

// Notazione inglese (default)
$english_format_number = number_format($number);
// 1,235

// Notazione francese
$nombre_format_francais = number_format($number, 2, ',', ' ');
// 1 234,56

$number = 1234.5678;

// notazione inglese senza separatore delle migliaia
$english_format_number = number_format($number, 2, '.', '');
// 1234.57


Vedere anche sprintf(), printf() e sscanf().

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User Contributed Notes 10 notes

thomas at weblizards dot de
15 years ago
It's not explicitly documented; number_format also rounds:

= array(0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.007, 0.008, 0.009);
foreach (
$numbers as $number)
$number."->".number_format($number, 2, '.', ',')."<br>";

Jeroen de Bruijn [NL]
18 years ago
If you want to display a number ending with ,- (like 200,-) when there are no decimal characters and display the decimals when there are decimal characters i use:

function DisplayDouble($value)
  list($whole, $decimals) = split ('[.,]', $value, 2);
  if (intval($decimals) > 0)
    return number_format($value,2,".",",");
    return number_format($value,0,".",",") .",-";
info at ensostudio dot ru
2 years ago
Note: use NumberFormatter to convert in human-readable format instead  user function from comments:
echo NumberFormatter::create('en', NumberFormatter::SPELLOUT)->format(12309); // twelve thousand three hundred nine
echo NumberFormatter::create('ru', NumberFormatter::SPELLOUT)->format(12307.5); //  двенадцать тысяч триста семь целых пять десятых
james at bandit dot
15 years ago
Outputs a human readable number.

#    Output easy-to-read numbers
    #    by james at
function bd_nice_number($n) {
// first strip any formatting;
$n = (0+str_replace(",","",$n));
// is this a number?
if(!is_numeric($n)) return false;
// now filter it;
if($n>1000000000000) return round(($n/1000000000000),1).' trillion';
        else if(
$n>1000000000) return round(($n/1000000000),1).' billion';
        else if(
$n>1000000) return round(($n/1000000),1).' million';
        else if(
$n>1000) return round(($n/1000),1).' thousand';


247,704,360 -> 247.7 million
866,965,260,000 -> 867 billion
18 years ago
For Zero fill - just use the sprintf() function

$pr_id = 1;
$pr_id = sprintf("%03d", $pr_id);
echo $pr_id;

//outputs 001

$pr_id = 10;
$pr_id = sprintf("%03d", $pr_id);
echo $pr_id;

//outputs 010

You can change %03d to %04d, etc.
Theo Diem
21 years ago
formatting numbers may be more easy if u use number_format function.

I also wrote this :
function something($number)
    $locale = localeconv();
    return number_format($number,

hope this helps =)
stm555 at hotmail dot com
19 years ago
I ran across an issue where I wanted to keep the entered precision of a real value, without arbitrarily rounding off what the user had submitted.

I figured it out with a quick explode on the number before formatting. I could then format either side of the decimal.

function number_format_unlimited_precision($number,$decimal = '.')
$broken_number = explode($decimal,$number);
Mad Max
10 months ago
India (~18% of the world's population), Pakistan (~3%), Bangladesh (~2%), Nepal, and Myanmar, have a different way to display large numbers:


The first thousand is "normal" but then there is a comma every TWO digits after that.

Now look at the number_format() function.  Do you see a way to control the placement and frequency of the commas?  Or a mode option/switch to deal with displaying numbers for almost 1/4 of the total population on Earth?  Neither do I.

If you are developing an application for an international audience, the ICU-based Intl PHP extension might work fine for you.  However, IBM's ICU library is a resource heavy library (because...IBM), isn't the fastest library on the planet (also normal for IBM), ICU formatters are somewhat unreliable/inconsistent (yup, still IBM), and the Intl extension isn't always available in PHP (this one's PHP).  So there are many significant hurdles to overcome just to prepare a number for display using the Intl extension.

In short, approximately 23% of the planet currently can't use this function for displaying large numbers and there isn't a good built-in *lightweight* alternative other than to roll your own solution that outright replaces this function.  Formatting a number for display is an extremely common task.

Disclaimer:  This comment serves as a warning to others that this function isn't suitable for an international audience in its current state.  This comment is not a question, bug report, or feature request.  I'm simply commenting on the current state of affairs with this function.  If someone opts to make changes/improvements, then great, but that's not the purpose here.
liviu andrei (bls)
12 years ago
To prevent the rounding that occurs when next digit after last significant decimal is 5 (mentioned by several people below):

function fnumber_format($number, $decimals='', $sep1='', $sep2='') {

        if ((
$number * pow(10 , $decimals + 1) % 10 ) == 5//if next not significant digit is 5
$number -= pow(10 , -($decimals+1));

number_format($number, $decimals, $sep1, $sep2);


$t . " | " . number_format($t, 1, '.', ',') .  " | " . fnumber_format($t, 1, '.', ',') . "\n\n";
//result is: 7.15 | 7.2 | 7.1

$t . " | " . number_format($t, 3, '.', ',') .  " | " . fnumber_format($t, 3, '.', ',') . "\n\n";
//result is: 7.3215 | 7.322 | 7.321
} ?>

have fun!
support at piri dot sk
1 year ago
My simpler solution to the problem of the decimal number in this function being longer than the specified number of decimals.

Standard result for number_format() is..
number_format(5.00098, 2) = 5.00

My function will return the result = 5.001


// ** Warning: Does not work with scientific notation. Conversion to a real number is required. **

echo auto_decimal_format(5.0005620); // print 5.0006
echo auto_decimal_format(5.0009820); // print 5.001
echo auto_decimal_format(5.00098, 8); // print 5.00098000
echo auto_decimal_format(1.0295691366783E-5, 2); // print 0.00

function auto_decimal_format($n, $def = 2) {
$a = explode(".", $n);
    if (
count($a)>1) {
$b = str_split($a[1]);
$pos = 1;
        foreach (
$b as $value) {
            if (
$value != 0 && $pos >= $def) {
$c = number_format($n, $pos);
$c_len = strlen(substr(strrchr($c, "."), 1));
                if (
$c_len > $def) { return rtrim($c, 0); }
$c; // or break
number_format($n, $def);

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