The metaphone() function can be used for spelling applications.This function returns the metaphone key of the string on success, or FALSE on failure.Its main use is when you are searching a genealogy database. check to see if a metaphone search is offered. It is also useful in making/searching family tree.
Given below is a simple code that calculates and compares two strings to find whether its metaphone codes are equivalent.
html code
<form action="test.php" name="test" method="get">
Name1:<input type="text" name="name1" /><br />
Name2:<input type="text" name="name2" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="compare" />
<!--php code begins here -->
$str1 = $_GET['name1'];
$str2 = $_GET['name2'];
echo "metaphone code for ".$str1." is ". $meta_one;
echo "<br />";
echo "metaphone code for ".$str2." is ". $meta_two."<br>";
echo "metaphone codes are matching";
echo "metaphone codes are not matching";
Metaphone algorithm was developed by Lawrence Philips.
Lawrence Philips' RULES follow:
The 16 consonant sounds:
|--- ZERO represents "th"
B X S K J T F H L M N P R 0 W Y
Beginning of word: "ae-", "gn", "kn-", "pn-", "wr-" ----> drop first letter
"Aebersold", "Gnagy", "Knuth", "Pniewski", "Wright"
Beginning of word: "x" ----> change to "s"
as in "Deng Xiaopeng"
Beginning of word: "wh-" ----> change to "w"
as in "Whalen"
B ----> B unless at the end of word after "m", as in "dumb", "McComb"
C ----> X (sh) if "-cia-" or "-ch-"
S if "-ci-", "-ce-", or "-cy-"
SILENT if "-sci-", "-sce-", or "-scy-"
K otherwise, including in "-sch-"
D ----> J if in "-dge-", "-dgy-", or "-dgi-"
T otherwise
F ----> F
G ----> SILENT if in "-gh-" and not at end or before a vowel
in "-gn" or "-gned"
in "-dge-" etc., as in above rule
J if before "i", or "e", or "y" if not double "gg"
K otherwise
H ----> SILENT if after vowel and no vowel follows
or after "-ch-", "-sh-", "-ph-", "-th-", "-gh-"
H otherwise
J ----> J
K ----> SILENT if after "c"
K otherwise
L ----> L
M ----> M
N ----> N
P ----> F if before "h"
P otherwise
Q ----> K
R ----> R
S ----> X (sh) if before "h" or in "-sio-" or "-sia-"
S otherwise
T ----> X (sh) if "-tia-" or "-tio-"
0 (th) if before "h"
silent if in "-tch-"
T otherwise
V ----> F
W ----> SILENT if not followed by a vowel
W if followed by a vowel
X ----> KS
Y ----> SILENT if not followed by a vowel
Y if followed by a vowel
Z ----> S