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Control Structures
Classes and Objects
References Explained
Predefined Variables
Predefined Exceptions
Predefined Interfaces and Classes
Predefined Attributes
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Supported Protocols and Wrappers
General considerations
Installed as CGI binary
Installed as an Apache module
Session Security
Filesystem Security
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Error Reporting
User Submitted Data
Hiding PHP
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HTTP authentication with PHP
Dealing with XForms
Handling file uploads
Using remote files
Connection handling
Persistent Database Connections
Command line usage
Garbage Collection
DTrace Dynamic Tracing
Function Reference
Affecting PHP's Behaviour
Audio Formats Manipulation
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Compression and Archive Extensions
Cryptography Extensions
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Date and Time Related Extensions
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Human Language and Character Encoding Support
Image Processing and Generation
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Mathematical Extensions
Non-Text MIME Output
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예제 목록
매뉴얼의 모든 예제 목록
Example#0 - 소개용 예제
Example#1 - 첫번째 PHP 스크립트: hello.php
Example#2 - PHP에서 시스템 정보 얻기
Example#3 - 변수 출력하기 (배열 원소)
Example#4 - 제어문과 함수를 사용하는 예제
Example#5 - HTML과 PHP 모드 섞기
Example#6 - 간단한 HTML 폼
Example#7 - 폼에서 온 데이터 출력하기
Example#8 - Installation Instructions (Apache Shared Module Version) for PHP
Example#9 - Installation Instructions (Static Module Installation for Apache) for PHP
Example#10 - Example commands for restarting Apache
Example#11 - 설치 안내 (아파치 2 공유 모듈 버전)
Example#12 - Partial lighttpd.conf
Example#13 - Spawning FastCGI Responders
Example#14 - Connecting to remote php-fastcgi instances
Example#15 - OpenBSD Package Install Example
Example#16 - Debian Install Example with Apache 2
Example#17 - Stopping and starting Apache once PHP is installed
Example#18 - Methods for listing additional PHP 5 packages
Example#19 - Install PHP with MySQL, cURL
Example#20 - Recommended WinCache configuration
Example#21 - Recommended WinCache configuration
Example#22 - Command line to configure IIS and PHP
Example#23 - PHP 5 package structure
Example#24 - CGI and FastCGI settings in php.ini
Example#25 - Configuring FastCGI extension to handle PHP requests
Example#26 - Configuring file access permissions
Example#27 - Configuring FastCGI and PHP recycling
Example#28 - Configuring FastCGI timeout settings
Example#29 - Changing the location of php.ini file
Example#30 - CGI and FastCGI settings in php.ini
Example#31 - Creating IIS FastCGI process pool
Example#32 - Creating handler mapping for PHP requests
Example#33 - Determining the account used as IIS anonymous identity
Example#34 - Configuring file access permissions
Example#35 - Set index.php as a default document in IIS
Example#36 - Configuring FastCGI and PHP recycling
Example#37 - Configuring FastCGI timeout settings
Example#38 - Changing the location of php.ini file
Example#39 - PHP as an Apache 1.3.x module
Example#40 - PHP and Apache 1.3.x as CGI
Example#41 - PHP and Apache 2.x as handler
Example#42 -
Example#43 - PHP and Apache 2.x as CGI
Example#44 - Configure Apache to run PHP as FastCGI
Example#45 - ISAPI configuration of Sambar
Example#46 - Enable Bzip2 extension for PHP-Windows
Example#47 - Registry changes
Example#48 - Passing environment variables and PHP settings to a pool
Example#49 - set PHP settings in nginx.conf
Example#50 - php.ini Environment Variables
Example#51 - php.ini example
Example#52 - Apache configuration example
Example#53 - 복잡한 벗어나기
Example#54 - PHP 시작과 끝 태그
Example#55 - Integer literals
Example#56 - Integer overflow on a 32-bit system
Example#57 - Integer overflow on a 64-bit system
Example#58 - Invalid example
Example#59 - Valid example
Example#60 - Heredoc string quoting example
Example#61 - Heredoc in arguments example
Example#62 - Using Heredoc to initialize static values
Example#63 - Using double quotes in Heredoc
Example#64 - Nowdoc string quoting example
Example#65 - Static data example
Example#66 - Simple syntax example
Example#67 - Negative numeric indices
Example#68 - Some string examples
Example#69 - Differences between PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4
Example#70 - A simple array
Example#71 - Type Casting and Overwriting example
Example#72 - Mixed integer and string keys
Example#73 - Indexed arrays without key
Example#74 - Keys not on all elements
Example#75 - Accessing array elements
Example#76 - Array dereferencing
Example#77 - Using array()
Example#78 - Collection
Example#79 - Changing element in the loop
Example#80 - One-based index
Example#81 - Filling an array
Example#82 - Sorting an array
Example#83 - Recursive and multi-dimensional arrays
Example#84 - Callback function examples
Example#85 - Callback example using a Closure
Example#86 - 초기화되지 않은 변수의 기본값
Example#87 - global 사용하기
Example#88 - global 대신 $GLOBALS 사용하기
Example#89 - 자동 전역과 영역을 보여주는 예제
Example#90 - 정적 변수의 필요성을 보여주는 예제
Example#91 - 정적 변수의 사용 예제
Example#92 - 재귀 함수에서 정적 변수
Example#93 - 정적 변수 선언하기
Example#94 - 단순한 HTML 폼
Example#95 - 단순한 POST HTML 폼으로 부터 데이터에 접근하기
Example#96 - 좀더 복잡해진 폼 변수들
Example#97 - setcookie예제 코드
Example#98 - 상수명으로 적합하거나 부적합한 이름들
Example#99 - 상수 정의하기
Example#100 - const 키워드를 사용해서 상수 정의하기
Example#101 - 결합성
Example#102 - 표준 배열 비교의 모사
Example#103 - 기본값 할당하기
Example#104 - 명확하지 않은 삼항 작동
Example#105 - 문자 변수에 계산 연산
Example#106 - 논리 연산자 설명
Example#107 - 비열 비교하기
Example#108 - 클래스에 instanceof 사용하기
Example#109 - 상속 클래스에 instanceof 사용하기
Example#110 - 객체가 클래스의 인스턴스가 아닌지 확인하기 위해 instanceof 사용하기
Example#111 - 클래스에 instanceof 사용하기
Example#112 - 다른 변수와 instanceof 사용하기
Example#113 - PHP 5.0 intanceof에서 클래스명 찾기와 치명적인 오류 피하기
Example#114 - switch 구조
Example#115 - 문자열을 사용하는 switch 구조
Example#116 - PHP 각 코드 섹션의 분석표만들기(Profile)
Example#117 - 스크립트의 인코딩 선언하기
Example#118 - 기본적인 include 사용예
Example#119 - 함수 내에서 인클루드하기
Example#120 - HTTP로 include하기
Example#121 - include의 반환값 비교하기
Example#122 - include와 return문
Example#123 - PHP 파일을 포함하여 문자열로 변환하기 위해 출력 버퍼링 사용하기
Example#124 - include_once는 윈도우에서 대소문자를 구분하지 못합니다.
Example#125 - goto example
Example#126 - goto loop example
Example#127 - This will not work
Example#128 - 함수 사용을 설명하기 위한 가상 코드
Example#129 - 조건적인 함수
Example#130 - 함수 안의 함수
Example#131 - 재귀 함수
Example#132 - 함수에 배열 넘겨주기
Example#133 - 참조에 의해 함수 인수 전달하기
Example#134 - 함수에 기본 인수 사용하기
Example#135 - 스칼라 형이 아닌 기본값 사용하기
Example#136 - 기본 함수 인수가 잘못 사용된 예
Example#137 - 기본 함수 인수의 정확한 사용예
Example#138 - Basic class type declaration
Example#139 - Basic interface type declaration
Example#140 - Nullable type declaration
Example#141 - Strict typing
Example#142 - Weak typing
Example#143 - Catching TypeError
Example#144 - 가변 인수에 접근하기 위한 ... 사용하기
Example#145 - 인수 제공을 위한 ... 사용하기
Example#146 - Type hinted variable arguments
Example#147 - PHP 5.5 이전의 가변 길이 인수 접근하기
Example#148 - return의 사용예
Example#149 - 여러 값을 취하기 위해 배열을 돌려줌
Example#150 - 함수에서 참조 돌려주기
Example#151 - Basic return type declaration
Example#152 - Strict mode in action
Example#153 - Returning an object
Example#154 - 가변 변수 사용예
Example#155 - 가변 메쏘드 사용예
Example#156 - Variable method example with static properties
Example#157 - Complex callables
Example#158 - Anonymous function example
Example#159 - Anonymous function variable assignment example
Example#160 - Inheriting variables from the parent scope
Example#161 - Closures and scoping
Example#162 - 간단한 클래스 정의
Example#163 - $this 에 대한 몇가지 예제
Example#164 - 인스턴스 생성
Example#165 - 객체 할당
Example#166 - 새로운 객체 생성
Example#167 - 간단한 클래스 상속
Example#168 - 클래스명 확인
Example#169 - 프로퍼티 선언
Example#170 - nowdoc을 이용한 프로퍼티 초기화 예제
Example#171 - 상수의 정의와 사용
Example#172 - 정적 데이터 예제
Example#173 - 자동로딩 예제
Example#174 - 다른 자동로딩 예제
Example#175 - 5.3.0 이후의 자동로딩 예외 핸들링
Example#176 - 5.3.0 이후의 자동로딩 예외 핸들링 - 사용자정의 exception 을 찾을수 없음
Example#177 - 생성자 사용하기
Example#178 - 네임스페이스 클래스의 생성자
Example#179 - 소멸자 예제
Example#180 - 프로퍼티 선언
Example#181 - 메서드 선언
Example#182 - 같은 타입의 객체에서의 private 멤버에 대한 접근
Example#183 - 상속 예제
Example#184 - 클래스 정의 외부에서 ::
Example#185 - 클래스 정의 내부에서 ::
Example#186 - 부모 메서드 호출하기
Example#187 - 정적 프로퍼티 예제
Example#188 - 정적 메서드 예제
Example#189 - 추상 클래스 예제
Example#190 - 추상 클래스 예제
Example#191 - 인터페이스 예제
Example#192 - 확장가능한 인터페이스
Example#193 - 인터페이스 다중 상속
Example#194 - 인터페이스 상수
Example#195 - 트레이트 예제
Example#196 - 우선순위 예제
Example#197 - 다른 우선순위 예제
Example#198 - 다중 트레이트 사용법
Example#199 - 충돌 해결 예제
Example#200 - 메서드 가시성 변경 예제
Example#201 - Traits Composed from Traits
Example#202 - 추상 메서드에 의한 요구사항 표현
Example#203 - 정적 변수
Example#204 - 정적 메서드
Example#205 - 프로퍼티 정의
Example#206 - 충돌 해결
Example#207 - __get(), __set(), __isset() 과 __unset() 메서드로 프로퍼티 오버로딩하기
Example#208 - __call() 과 __callStatic() 로 메서드 오버로딩하기
Example#209 - 간단한 객체 순회
Example#210 - Iterator 를 구현한 객체 순회
Example#211 - IteratorAggregate 를 구현한 객체 순회
Example#212 - Sleep 과 wakeup
Example#213 - 간단한 예제
Example#214 - Using __invoke()
Example#215 - __set_state() 의 사용 (PHP 5.1.0 이후)
Example#216 - Using __debugInfo()
Example#217 - Final 메소드 예제
Example#218 - Final 클래스 예제
Example#219 - Cloning an object
Example#220 - PHP 5의 객체 비교 예제
Example#221 - 타입 힌트 예제
Example#222 - self:: 사용법
Example#223 - static:: 간단한 사용법
Example#224 - static:: 비정적 컨텍스트에서의 사용법
Example#225 - 전달(Forwarding)과 비전달(non-forwarding) 호출
Example#226 - References and Objects
Example#227 - Namespace syntax example
Example#228 - Declaring a single namespace
Example#229 - Declaring a single namespace
Example#230 - Declaring a single namespace with hierarchy
Example#231 - Declaring multiple namespaces, simple combination syntax
Example#232 - Declaring multiple namespaces, bracketed syntax
Example#233 - Declaring multiple namespaces and unnamespaced code
Example#234 - Declaring multiple namespaces and unnamespaced code
Example#235 - Accessing global classes, functions and constants from within a namespace
Example#236 - Dynamically accessing elements
Example#237 - Dynamically accessing namespaced elements
Example#238 - __NAMESPACE__ example, namespaced code
Example#239 - __NAMESPACE__ example, global code
Example#240 - using __NAMESPACE__ for dynamic name construction
Example#241 - the namespace operator, inside a namespace
Example#242 - the namespace operator, in global code
Example#243 - importing/aliasing with the use operator
Example#244 - importing/aliasing with the use operator, multiple use statements combined
Example#245 - Importing and dynamic names
Example#246 - Importing and fully qualified names
Example#247 - Illegal importing rule
Example#248 - Using global space specification
Example#249 - Accessing global classes inside a namespace
Example#250 - global functions/constants fallback inside a namespace
Example#251 - Name resolutions illustrated
Example#252 - Accessing global classes outside a namespace
Example#253 - Accessing global classes outside a namespace
Example#254 - Accessing internal classes in namespaces
Example#255 - Accessing internal classes, functions or constants in namespaces
Example#256 - Fully Qualified names
Example#257 - Qualified names
Example#258 - Unqualified class names
Example#259 - Unqualified function or constant names
Example#260 - Dangers of using namespaced names inside a double-quoted string
Example#261 - Undefined constants
Example#262 - Undefined constants
Example#263 - 내장 Exception 클래스
Example#264 - Exception 클래스 확장하기 (PHP 5.3.0+)
Example#265 - 예외 던지기
Example#266 - finally 블록과 예외 다루기
Example#267 - 중첩 예외
Example#268 - Implementing range as a generator
Example#269 - A simple example of yielding values
Example#270 - Yielding a key/value pair
Example#271 - Yielding NULLs
Example#272 - Yielding values by reference
Example#273 - yield from with iterator_to_array
Example#274 - Basic use of yield from
Example#275 - yield from and return values
Example#276 - 정의되지 않은 변수에 참조 사용하기
Example#277 - 함수 안에서 전역 변수 참조하기
Example#278 - 참조와 foreach 구문
Example#279 - $GLOBALS example
Example#280 - $_SERVER example
Example#281 - $_GET example
Example#282 - $_POST example
Example#283 - $_ENV example
Example#284 - $_COOKIE example
Example#285 - $php_errormsg example
Example#286 - $http_response_header example
Example#287 - $argc example
Example#288 - $argv example
Example#289 - Exception::getMessage example
Example#290 - Exception::getPrevious example
Example#291 - Exception::getCode example
Example#292 - Exception::getFile example
Example#293 - Exception::getLine example
Example#294 - Exception::getTrace example
Example#295 - Exception::getTraceAsString example
Example#296 - Exception::__toString example
Example#297 - set_error_handler 을 사용하면 ErrorException 의 오류 메시지를 변경할 수 있습니다.
Example#298 - ErrorException::getSeverity example
Example#299 - 간단한 사용법
Example#300 - 기초 사용법
Example#301 - 간단한 사용법
Example#302 - ArrayAccess::offsetExists example
Example#303 - 기초 사용법
Example#304 - Closure::bind example
Example#305 - Closure::bindTo example
Example#306 - Closure::call example
Example#307 - Generator::key example
Example#308 - Using Generator::send to inject values
Example#309 - Throwing an exception into a generator
Example#310 - Basic bindto usage example
Example#311 - Fetch a page and send POST data
Example#312 - Ignore redirects but fetch headers and content
Example#313 - Fetch a page and send POST data
Example#314 - Detecting which URL we ended up on after redirects
Example#315 - php://temp/maxmemory
Example#316 - php://filter/resource=<stream to be filtered>
Example#317 - php://filter/read=<filter list to apply to read chain>
Example#318 - php://filter/write=<filter list to apply to write chain>
Example#319 - php://memory and php://temp are not reusable
Example#320 - Print data:// contents
Example#321 - Fetch the media type
Example#322 - Basic usage
Example#323 - Opening a stream from an active connection
Example#324 - This $session variable must be kept available!
Example#325 - Traversing a RAR archive
Example#326 - Opening an encrypted file (header encryption)
Example#327 - 공격을 유발하는 나쁜 변수 체크 방법
Example#328 - 파일시스템 공격
Example#329 - 좀더 안전한 파일명 체크
Example#330 - 좀더 안전한 파일명 체크
Example#331 - null 바이트에 취약한 스크립트
Example#332 - 올바른 입력 확인
Example#333 - 해시 패스워드 필드 사용하기
Example#334 - 결과셋을 페이지로 나눔 ... 그리고 슈퍼유저 만들기 (PostgreSQL)
Example#335 - 글을 출력함 ... 그리고 패스워드도 (모든 데이터베이스 서버)
Example#336 - 패스워드 재설정에서 ... 더 많은 권한 얻기 (모든 데이터베이스 서버)
Example#337 - 데이터베이스 호스트 OS 공격하기 (MSSQL 서버)
Example#338 - 페이지 질의를 작성하는 더 안전한 방법
Example#339 - Attacking Variables with a custom HTML page
Example#340 - Exploiting common debugging variables
Example#341 - Finding dangerous variables with E_ALL
Example#342 - Example misuse with register_globals = on
Example#343 - Example use of sessions with register_globals on or off
Example#344 - Detecting simple variable poisoning
Example#345 - Dangerous Variable Usage
Example#346 - Disabling magic quotes server side
Example#347 - Disabling magic quotes at runtime
Example#348 - 다른 언어처럼 보이도록 PHP 은닉하기
Example#349 - PHP 확장자에 대해 알려지지 않은 파일타입 사용하기
Example#350 - PHP 확장자에 대한 HTML 타입 사용하기
Example#351 - Basic HTTP 인증 예제
Example#352 - Digest HTTP 인증 예제
Example#353 - 새 이름/패스워드를 강제하는 HTTP 인증 예제
Example#354 - 간단한 XForms 검색 폼
Example#355 - XForm을 사용하여 $_POST 생성하기
Example#356 - 파일 업로드 폼
Example#357 - 파일 업로드 확인하기
Example#358 - 파일 배열 업로드하기
Example#359 - 복수 파일 전송하기
Example#360 - HTTP PUT 파일 저장하기
Example#361 - 원격 페이지의 제목을 가져오기
Example#362 - 원격 서버에 데이터 저장하기
Example#363 - Example showing the difference to the CGI SAPI:
Example#364 -
Example#365 - Printing built in (and loaded) PHP and Zend modules
Example#366 - Getting a syntax error when using double quotes
Example#367 - Using single quotes to prevent the shell's variable substitution
Example#368 - Using the -B, -R and -E options to count the number of lines of a project.
Example#369 - Using -v to get the SAPI name and the version of PHP and Zend
Example#370 - --ini example
Example#371 - basic --rf usage
Example#372 - --rc example
Example#373 - --re example
Example#374 - --ri example
Example#375 - Execute PHP script as shell script
Example#376 - Script intended to be run from command line (script.php)
Example#377 - Batch file to run a command line PHP script (script.bat)
Example#378 - Executing code using the interactive shell
Example#379 - Tab completion
Example#380 - Setting php.ini settings in the interactive shell
Example#381 - Starting the web server
Example#382 - Starting with a specific document root directory
Example#383 - Using a Router Script
Example#384 - Checking for CLI Web Server Use
Example#385 - Handling Unsupported File Types
Example#386 - Accessing the CLI Web Server From Remote Machines
Example#387 - Creating a new zval container
Example#388 - Displaying zval information
Example#389 - Increasing refcount of a zval
Example#390 - Decreasing zval refcount
Example#391 - Creating a array zval
Example#392 - Adding already existing element to an array
Example#393 - Removing an element from an array
Example#394 - Adding the array itself as an element of it self
Example#395 - Unsetting $a
Example#396 - Memory usage example
Example#397 - GC performance influences
Example#398 - Running the above script
Example#399 - Recompiling PHP to enable GC benchmarking
Example#400 - GC statistics
Example#401 - all_probes.d for tracing all PHP Static Probes with DTrace
Example#402 - all_probes.stp for tracing all PHP Static Probes with SystemTap
Example#403 - An apc.rfc1867 example
Example#404 - A apc_add example
Example#405 - apc_bin_load example
Example#406 - A apc_cache_info example
Example#407 - apc_cas example
Example#408 - apc_dec example
Example#409 - apc_define_constants example
Example#410 - apc_delete_file example
Example#411 - A apc_delete example
Example#412 - apc_exists example
Example#413 - A apc_fetch example
Example#414 - apc_inc example
Example#415 - apc_load_constants example
Example#416 - A apc_sma_info example
Example#417 - A apc_store example
Example#418 - A APCIterator::__construct example
Example#419 - An apc.rfc1867 example
Example#420 - A apcu_add example
Example#421 - A apcu_cache_info example
Example#422 - apcu_cas example
Example#423 - apcu_dec example
Example#424 - A apcu_delete example
Example#425 - An apcu_entry example
Example#426 - apcu_exists example
Example#427 - A apcu_fetch example
Example#428 - apcu_inc example
Example#429 - A apcu_sma_info example
Example#430 - A apcu_store example
Example#431 - A APCUIterator::__construct example
Example#432 - Typical session using tcplisten
Example#433 - apd_callstack example
Example#434 - apd_clunk example
Example#435 - apd_continue example
Example#436 - apd_croak example
Example#437 - apd_dump_function_table example
Example#438 - apd_dump_persistent_resources example
Example#439 - apd_dump_regular_resources example
Example#440 - apd_echo example
Example#441 - apd_get_active_symbols example
Example#442 - apd_set_pprof_trace example
Example#443 - apd_set_session_trace_socket example
Example#444 - apd_set_session_trace example
Example#445 - apd_set_session example
Example#446 - override_function example
Example#447 - rename_function example
Example#448 - bcompiler_load_exe example
Example#449 - bcompiler_load example
Example#450 - bcompiler_parse_class example
Example#451 - bcompiler_read example
Example#452 - bcompiler_write_class example
Example#453 - bcompiler_write_constant example
Example#454 - bcompiler_write_exe_footer example
Example#455 - bcompiler_write_file example
Example#456 - bcompiler_write_footer example
Example#457 - bcompiler_write_function example
Example#458 - bcompiler_write_functions_from_file example
Example#459 - bcompiler_write_header example
Example#460 - blenc_encrypt example
Example#461 - Using error handling in a script
Example#462 - debug_backtrace example
Example#463 - debug_print_backtrace example
Example#464 - An error_clear_last example
Example#465 - An error_get_last example
Example#466 - error_log examples
Example#467 - error_reporting examples
Example#468 - restore_error_handler example
Example#469 - restore_exception_handler example
Example#470 - Error handling with set_error_handler and trigger_error
Example#471 - set_exception_handler example
Example#472 - trigger_error example
Example#473 - Getting the data within the PHP application itself (function)
Example#474 - Example use of gengraph.php
Example#475 - Listing data via inclued dumps (configuration)
Example#476 - inclued_get_data example
Example#477 - Creating large array in a function
Example#478 - Output Control example
Example#479 - Output rewrite example
Example#480 - ob_end_clean 예제
Example#481 - ob_end_flush 예제
Example#482 - 간단한 ob_get_clean 예제
Example#483 - 간단한 ob_get_contents 예제
Example#484 - ob_get_flush example
Example#485 - 간단한 ob_get_length 예제
Example#486 - ob_gzhandler 예제
Example#487 - ob_list_handlers example
Example#488 - 사용자 정의 콜백 함수 예제
Example#489 - PHP 5.3과 5.4에서 호환되는 지울 수 없는 출력 버퍼 생성하기
Example#490 - output_add_rewrite_var example
Example#491 - output_reset_rewrite_vars example
Example#492 - assert_options example
Example#493 - Handle a failed assertion with a custom handler
Example#494 - Using a custom handler to print a description
Example#495 - Expectations without a custom exception
Example#496 - Expectations with a custom exception
Example#497 - cli_get_process_title example
Example#498 - cli_set_process_title example
Example#499 - dl examples
Example#500 - extension_loaded example
Example#501 - A gc_enabled example
Example#502 - get_current_user 예제
Example#503 - get_defined_constants 예제
Example#504 - XML 함수 출력
Example#505 - get_include_path example
Example#506 - get_included_files 예제
Example#507 - get_loaded_extensions 예제
Example#508 - get_magic_quotes_gpc example
Example#509 - get_magic_quotes_runtime example
Example#510 - Unfiltered get_resources
Example#511 - Filtered get_resources
Example#512 - getenv 예제
Example#513 - getlastmod 예제
Example#514 - getopt example: The basics
Example#515 - getopt example: Introducing long options
Example#516 - getopt example: Passing multiple options as one
Example#517 - getopt example: Using optind
Example#518 - getrusage example
Example#519 - ini_get_all 예제
Example#520 - details 끄기
Example#521 - A few ini_get examples
Example#522 - ini_restore 예제
Example#523 - Setting an ini option
Example#524 - A memory_get_usage example
Example#525 - php_ini_loaded_file example
Example#526 - A simple example to list the returned ini files
Example#527 - php_logo_guid example
Example#528 - php_sapi_name 예제
Example#529 - Some php_uname examples
Example#530 - A few OS related constant examples
Example#531 - Prints the general credits
Example#532 - Prints the core developers and the documentation group
Example#533 - Printing all the credits
Example#534 - phpinfo Example
Example#535 - phpversion example
Example#536 - PHP_VERSION_ID example and usage
Example#537 - Setting an environment variable
Example#538 - restore_include_path example
Example#539 - set_include_path example
Example#540 - Adding to the include path
Example#541 - set_magic_quotes_runtime example
Example#542 - sys_get_temp_dir example
Example#543 - version_compare examples
Example#544 - zend_logo_guid example
Example#545 - zend_thread_id example
Example#546 - zend_version 예제
Example#547 - Custom Superglobals with runkit.superglobal=_FOO,_BAR in php.ini
Example#548 - Instantiating a restricted sandbox
Example#549 - Working with variables in a sandbox
Example#550 - Calling sandbox functions
Example#551 - Passing arguments to sandbox functions
Example#552 - Working with variables in a sandbox
Example#553 - Accessing parental variables
Example#554 - A runkit_class_adopt example
Example#555 - A runkit_class_emancipate example
Example#556 - A runkit_function_add example
Example#557 - A runkit_function_copy example
Example#558 - A runkit_function_redefine example
Example#559 - runkit_import example
Example#560 - runkit_method_add example
Example#561 - runkit_method_copy example
Example#562 - runkit_method_redefine example
Example#563 - runkit_method_remove example
Example#564 - runkit_method_rename example
Example#565 - runkit_return_value_used example
Example#566 - Feeding output to a variable
Example#567 - Enabling and disabling scream at runtime
Example#568 - uopz_backup example
Example#569 - uopz_compose example
Example#570 - uopz_copy example
Example#571 - uopz_delete example
Example#572 - uopz_delete class example
Example#573 - uopz_extend example
Example#574 - uopz_flags example
Example#575 - uopz_function example
Example#576 - uopz_function class example
Example#577 - uopz_implement example
Example#578 - uopz_overload example
Example#579 - uopz_redefine example
Example#580 - uopz_rename example
Example#581 - uopz_rename class example
Example#582 - uopz_restore example
Example#583 - uopz_undefine example
Example#584 - Weakref usage example
Example#585 - WeakRef usage example
Example#586 - Weakref::acquire example
Example#587 - Nested acquire/release example
Example#588 - Weakref::__construct example
Example#589 - Weakref::release example
Example#590 - Weakmap usage example
Example#591 - wincache.ignorelist example
Example#592 - Authentication configuration for wincache.php
Example#593 - Enabling WinCache session handler
Example#594 - Enabling WinCache functions reroutes
Example#595 - Reroute.ini file content
Example#596 - A wincache_fcache_fileinfo example
Example#597 - A wincache_fcache_meminfo example
Example#598 - Using wincache_lock
Example#599 - A wincache_ocache_fileinfo example
Example#600 - A wincache_ocache_meminfo example
Example#601 - A wincache_refresh_if_changed example
Example#602 - A wincache_rplist_fileinfo example
Example#603 - A wincache_rplist_meminfo example
Example#604 - A wincache_scache_info example
Example#605 - A wincache_scache_meminfo example
Example#606 - wincache_ucache_add with key as a string
Example#607 - wincache_ucache_add with key as an array
Example#608 - Using wincache_ucache_cas
Example#609 - using wincache_ucache_clear
Example#610 - Using wincache_ucache_dec
Example#611 - Using wincache_ucache_delete with key as a string
Example#612 - Usingwincache_ucache_delete with key as an array
Example#613 - Using wincache_ucache_delete with key as an array where some elements cannot be deleted
Example#614 - Using wincache_ucache_exists
Example#615 - wincache_ucache_get with key as a string
Example#616 - wincache_ucache_get with key as an array
Example#617 - Using wincache_ucache_inc
Example#618 - Using wincache_ucache_info
Example#619 - A wincache_ucache_meminfo example
Example#620 - wincache_ucache_set with key as a string
Example#621 - wincache_ucache_set with key as an array
Example#622 - Using wincache_unlock
Example#623 - Xhprof example with the optional GUI
Example#624 - xhprof_disable example
Example#625 - xhprof_enable examples
Example#626 - xhprof_sample_disable example
Example#627 - id3_get_frame_long_name example
Example#628 - id3_get_frame_short_name example
Example#629 - id3_get_genre_id example
Example#630 - id3_get_genre_list example
Example#631 - id3_get_genre_name example
Example#632 - id3_get_tag example
Example#633 - id3_get_tag example
Example#634 - id3_get_version example
Example#635 - id3_remove_tag example
Example#636 - id3_set_tag example
Example#637 - Opens a new MP3 file and read the title
Example#638 - Reading an OGG/Vorbis file
Example#639 - Encode an audio file to OGG/Vorbis
Example#640 - KADM5 extension overview example
Example#641 - Example of changing principal's password
Example#642 - Example of principal's creation
Example#643 - kadm5_delete_principal example
Example#644 - kadm5_get_policies example
Example#645 - kadm5_get_principal example
Example#646 - kadm5_get_principals example
Example#647 - KADM5 initialization example
Example#648 - Example of modifying principal
Example#649 - Using CHAP passwords
Example#650 - radius_acct_open example
Example#651 - radius_add_server example
Example#652 - radius_auth_open example
Example#653 - radius_create_request example
Example#654 - radius_cvt_addr example
Example#655 - radius_cvt_int example
Example#656 - radius_cvt_string example
Example#657 - radius_get_attr example
Example#658 - radius_get_tagged_attr_data example
Example#659 - radius_get_tagged_attr_tag example
Example#660 - radius_get_vendor_attr example
Example#661 - radius_put_attr example
Example#662 - radius_put_int example
Example#663 - radius_put_string example
Example#664 - radius_put_vendor_attr example
Example#665 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
Example#666 - ncurses_getmouse example
Example#667 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
Example#668 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
Example#669 - ncurses_mousemask example
Example#670 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
Example#671 - Newt Usage Example
Example#672 - A newt_button example
Example#673 - A newt_draw_root_text example
Example#674 - A newt_form_add_component example
Example#675 - A newt_form_add_components example
Example#676 - A newt_form example
Example#677 - A newt_get_screen_size example
Example#678 - A newt_win_entries example
Example#679 - Readline Callback Interface Example
Example#680 - readline Example
Example#681 - Small bzip2 Example
Example#682 - 데이터 압축하기
Example#683 - 문자열 압축 풀기
Example#684 - bzerror 예제
Example#685 - bzopen 예제
Example#686 - bzread 예제
Example#687 - bzwrite 예제
Example#688 - Using an external file
Example#689 - Using a file within a phar archive
Example#690 - Converting a phar archive from phar to tar file format
Example#691 - phar.extract_list usage example
Example#692 - phar.cache_list usage example
Example#693 - A Phar::addEmptyDir example
Example#694 - A Phar::addFile example
Example#695 - A Phar::addFromString example
Example#696 - A Phar::apiVersion example
Example#697 - A Phar::buildFromDirectory example
Example#698 - A Phar::buildFromIterator with SplFileInfo
Example#699 - A Phar::buildFromIterator with other iterators
Example#700 - A Phar::canCompress example
Example#701 - A Phar::canWrite example
Example#702 - A Phar::compress example
Example#703 - A Phar::compressAllFilesBZIP2 example
Example#704 - A Phar::compressAllFilesGZ example
Example#705 - A Phar::compressFiles example
Example#706 - A Phar::__construct example
Example#707 - A Phar::convertToData example
Example#708 - A Phar::convertToExecutable example
Example#709 - A Phar::copy example
Example#710 - A Phar::count example
Example#711 - A Phar::createDefaultStub example
Example#712 - A Phar::decompress example
Example#713 - A Phar::decompressFiles example
Example#714 - A Phar::delMetaData example
Example#715 - A Phar::delete example
Example#716 - A Phar::extractTo example
Example#717 - A Phar::getMetadata example
Example#718 - A Phar::getStub example
Example#719 - A Phar::hasMetadata example
Example#720 - A Phar::interceptFileFuncs example
Example#721 - A Phar::interceptFileFuncs example
Example#722 - A Phar::isBuffering example
Example#723 - A Phar::isCompressed example
Example#724 - A Phar::loadPhar example
Example#725 - A Phar::mapPhar example
Example#726 - A Phar::mount example
Example#727 - A Phar::mungServer example
Example#728 - A Phar::offsetExists example
Example#729 - Phar::offsetGet example
Example#730 - A Phar::offsetSet example
Example#731 - A Phar::offsetUnset example
Example#732 - A Phar::running example
Example#733 - A Phar::setAlias example
Example#734 - A Phar::setDefaultStub example
Example#735 - A Phar::setMetadata example
Example#736 - A Phar::setStub example
Example#737 - A Phar::startBuffering example
Example#738 - A Phar::stopBuffering example
Example#739 - A Phar::uncompressAllFiles example
Example#740 - A Phar::unlinkArchive example
Example#741 - A Phar::webPhar example
Example#742 - A PharData::addEmptyDir example
Example#743 - A PharData::addFile example
Example#744 - A PharData::addFromString example
Example#745 - A PharData::buildFromDirectory example
Example#746 - A PharData::buildFromIterator with SplFileInfo
Example#747 - A PharData::buildFromIterator with other iterators
Example#748 - A PharData::compress example
Example#749 - A PharData::compressFiles example
Example#750 - A PharData::__construct example
Example#751 - A PharData::convertToData example
Example#752 - A PharData::convertToExecutable example
Example#753 - A PharData::copy example
Example#754 - A PharData::decompress example
Example#755 - A PharData::decompressFiles example
Example#756 - A PharData::delMetaData example
Example#757 - A PharData::delete example
Example#758 - A PharData::extractTo example
Example#759 - A PharData::offsetSet example
Example#760 - A PharData::offsetUnset example
Example#761 - A Phar::setMetadata example
Example#762 - A PharFileInfo::chmod example
Example#763 - A PharFileInfo::compress example
Example#764 - A PharFileInfo::__construct example
Example#765 - A PharFileInfo::decompress example
Example#766 - A PharFileInfo::delMetaData example
Example#767 - A PharFileInfo::getCRC32 example
Example#768 - A PharFileInfo::getCompressedSize example
Example#769 - A PharFileInfo::getMetadata example
Example#770 - A PharFileInfo::getPharFlags example
Example#771 - A PharFileInfo::isCRCChecked example
Example#772 - A PharFileInfo::isCompressed example
Example#773 - A PharFileInfo::isCompressedBZIP2 example
Example#774 - A PharFileInfo::isCompressedGZ example
Example#775 - A PharFileInfo::setCompressedBZIP2 example
Example#776 - A PharFileInfo::setCompressedGZ example
Example#777 - A PharFileInfo::setMetadata example
Example#778 - A PharFileInfo::setUncompressed example
Example#779 - Rar installation
Example#780 - On-the-fly decompression
Example#781 - RAR extension filesystem extraction example
Example#782 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#783 - 절차식 형식
Example#784 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#785 - 절차식 형식
Example#786 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#787 - 절차식 형식
Example#788 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#789 - 절차식 형식
Example#790 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#791 - 절차식 형식
Example#792 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#793 - 절차식 형식
Example#794 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#795 - 절차식 형식
Example#796 - Volume Callback
Example#797 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#798 - 절차식 형식
Example#799 - RarArchive::__toString example
Example#800 - RarEntry::extract example
Example#801 - How to extract all files in archive:
Example#802 - RarEntry::getAttr example
Example#803 - RarEntry::getHostOs example (version >= 2.0.0)
Example#804 - RarEntry::getHostOs example (version <= 1.0.0)
Example#805 - RarEntry::getMethod example
Example#806 - RarEntry::getName example
Example#807 - RarEntry::getPackedSize example
Example#808 - RarEntry::getStream example
Example#809 - RarEntry::getUnpackedSize example
Example#810 - RarEntry::getVersion example
Example#811 - RarException::isUsingExceptions example
Example#812 - RarException::setUsingExceptions example
Example#813 - Create a Zip archive
Example#814 - Dump the archive details and listing
Example#815 - Zip stream wrapper, read an OpenOffice meta info
Example#816 - Zip Usage Example
Example#817 - Create a new directory in an archive
Example#818 - Open and add
Example#819 - Add an entry to a new archive
Example#820 - Add file to a directory inside an archive
Example#821 - ZipArchive::addGlob example
Example#822 - ZipArchive::addPattern example
Example#823 - Delete file from archive using its index
Example#824 - Deleting a file and directory from an archive, using names
Example#825 - Extract all entries
Example#826 - Extract two entries
Example#827 - Dump an archive comment
Example#828 - Dump an entry comment
Example#829 - Dump an entry comment
Example#830 - Extract all entries with Unix rights
Example#831 - Get the file contents
Example#832 - Get the file contents
Example#833 - Convert an image from a zip entry
Example#834 - ZipArchive::getNameIndex example
Example#835 - Get the entry contents with fread and store it
Example#836 - Same as the previous example but with fopen and the zip stream wrapper
Example#837 - Stream wrapper and image, can be used with the xml function as well
Example#838 - Create an archive and then use it with ZipArchive::locateName
Example#839 - Open and extract
Example#840 - Create an archive
Example#841 - Rename one entry
Example#842 - Rename one entry
Example#843 - Create an archive and set a comment
Example#844 - Open an archive and set a comment for an entry
Example#845 - Open an archive and set a comment for an entry
Example#846 - Add files with different compression methods to an archive
Example#847 - Add files with different compression methods to an archive
Example#848 - Archive a file, with its Unix rights
Example#849 - Dump the stat info of an entry
Example#850 - Dump the stat info of an entry
Example#851 - Small Zlib Example
Example#852 - Working with the incremental compression and decompression API as of PHP 7.0.0
Example#853 - gzclose example
Example#854 - gzcompress example
Example#855 - gzdeflate example
Example#856 - Creating a gzip file
Example#857 - gzeof example
Example#858 - gzfile example
Example#859 - gzgetc example
Example#860 - gzgets example
Example#861 - gzgetss example
Example#862 - gzinflate example
Example#863 - gzopen Example
Example#864 - gzpassthru example
Example#865 - gzread example
Example#866 - gzseek example
Example#867 - gzuncompress example
Example#868 - gzwrite example
Example#869 - zlib_encode example
Example#870 - CrackLib example
Example#871 - random_bytes example
Example#872 - random_int example
Example#873 - hash_algos example
Example#874 - hash_copy example
Example#875 - example
Example#876 - Using hash_file
Example#877 - hash_final example
Example#878 - hash_hmac_file example
Example#879 - hash_hmac example
Example#880 - Incremental hashing example
Example#881 - hash_pbkdf2 example, basic usage
Example#882 - hash_update_stream example
Example#883 - A hash example
Example#884 - Calculate pre PHP-5.4 tiger hashes with PHP-5.4 and higher
Example#885 - Encrypt an input value with AES with a 256-bit key under 2.4.x and higher in CBC mode
Example#886 - mcrypt_create_iv Example
Example#887 - mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name example
Example#888 - mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name example
Example#889 - mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes example
Example#890 - mcrypt_encrypt Example
Example#891 - mcrypt_get_block_size example
Example#892 - mcrypt_get_cipher_name Example
Example#893 - mcrypt_get_iv_size Example
Example#894 - mcrypt_get_key_size Example
Example#895 - mcrypt_list_algorithms Example
Example#896 - mcrypt_list_modes Example
Example#897 - mcrypt_module_open Examples
Example#898 - Using mcrypt_module_open in encryption
Example#899 - mcrypt_module_self_test example
Example#900 - mdecrypt_generic Example
Example#901 - Computes the MD5 digest and hmac and print it out as hex
Example#902 - Traversing all hashes
Example#903 - mhash_get_block_size Example
Example#904 - mhash_get_hash_name Example
Example#905 - openssl_cipher_iv_length example
Example#906 - Creating a self-signed-certificate
Example#907 - openssl_csr_sign example - signing a CSR (how to implement your own CA)
Example#908 - openssl_error_string example
Example#909 - openssl_get_cert_locations example
Example#910 - openssl_get_cipher_methods example
Example#911 - openssl_get_md_methods example
Example#912 - openssl_open example
Example#913 - openssl_pkcs12_read example
Example#914 - openssl_pkcs7_decrypt example
Example#915 - openssl_pkcs7_encrypt example
Example#916 - openssl_pkcs7_sign example
Example#917 - openssl_random_pseudo_bytes example
Example#918 - openssl_seal example
Example#919 - openssl_sign example
Example#920 - openssl_sign example
Example#921 - openssl_spki_export_challenge example
Example#922 - openssl_spki_export_challenge example from <keygen>
Example#923 - openssl_spki_export example
Example#924 - openssl_spki_export example from <keygen>
Example#925 - openssl_spki_new example
Example#926 - openssl_spki_verify example
Example#927 - openssl_spki_verify example from <keygen>
Example#928 - openssl_verify example
Example#929 - openssl_verify example
Example#930 - password_hash example
Example#931 - password_hash example setting cost manually
Example#932 - password_hash example setting salt manually
Example#933 - password_hash example finding a good cost
Example#934 - Usage of password_needs_rehash
Example#935 - password_verify example
Example#936 - DBA example
Example#937 - Traversing a database
Example#938 - dba_handlers Example
Example#939 - dbx_close example
Example#940 - dbx_compare example
Example#941 - dbx_connect example
Example#942 - dbx_error example
Example#943 - dbx_escape_string example
Example#944 - How to handle the returned value
Example#945 - lists each field's name and type
Example#946 - outputs the content of data property into HTML table
Example#947 - How to handle UNBUFFERED queries
Example#948 - How to handle the returned value
Example#949 - dbx_sort example
Example#950 - DSN-less connections
Example#951 - odbc_execute and odbc_prepare example
Example#952 - odbc_fetch_into examples
Example#953 - odbc_next_result
Example#954 - odbc_execute and odbc_prepare example
Example#955 - odbc_result examples
Example#956 - odbc_setoption examples
Example#957 - using PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME
Example#958 - Connecting to MySQL
Example#959 - Handling connection errors
Example#960 - Closing a connection
Example#961 - Persistent connections
Example#962 - Executing a batch in a transaction
Example#963 - Repeated inserts using prepared statements
Example#964 - Repeated inserts using prepared statements
Example#965 - Fetching data using prepared statements
Example#966 - Calling a stored procedure with an output parameter
Example#967 - Calling a stored procedure with an input/output parameter
Example#968 - Invalid use of placeholder
Example#969 - Create a PDO instance and set the error mode
Example#970 - Create a PDO instance and set the error mode from the constructor
Example#971 - Displaying an image from a database
Example#972 - Inserting an image into a database
Example#973 - Inserting an image into a database: Oracle
Example#974 - Roll back a transaction
Example#975 - Committing a basic transaction
Example#976 - Committing a DDL transaction
Example#977 - Create a PDO instance via driver invocation
Example#978 - Create a PDO instance via URI invocation
Example#979 - Create a PDO instance using an alias
Example#980 - Retrieving an SQLSTATE code
Example#981 - Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
Example#982 - Issuing a DELETE statement
Example#983 - Retrieving database connection attributes
Example#984 - A PDO::getAvailableDrivers example
Example#985 - Prepare an SQL statement with named parameters
Example#986 - Prepare an SQL statement with question mark parameters
Example#987 - Demonstrate PDO::query
Example#988 - Quoting a normal string
Example#989 - Quoting a dangerous string
Example#990 - Quoting a complex string
Example#991 - Roll back a transaction
Example#992 - Binding result set output to PHP variables
Example#993 - Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
Example#994 - Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
Example#995 - Call a stored procedure with an INOUT parameter
Example#996 - Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
Example#997 - Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
Example#998 - A PDOStatement::closeCursor example
Example#999 - Counting columns
Example#1000 - PDOStatement::debugDumpParams example with named parameters
Example#1001 - PDOStatement::debugDumpParams example with unnamed parameters
Example#1002 - Retrieving an SQLSTATE code
Example#1003 - Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
Example#1004 - Execute a prepared statement with a bound variable and value
Example#1005 - Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (named parameters)
Example#1006 - Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (placeholders)
Example#1007 - Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
Example#1008 - Execute a prepared statement using array for IN clause
Example#1009 - Fetching rows using different fetch styles
Example#1010 - Fetching rows with a scrollable cursor
Example#1011 - Construction order
Example#1012 - Fetch all remaining rows in a result set
Example#1013 - Fetching all values of a single column from a result set
Example#1014 - Grouping all values by a single column
Example#1015 - Instantiating a class for each result
Example#1016 - Calling a function for each result
Example#1017 - Return first column of the next row
Example#1018 - Retrieving column metadata
Example#1019 - Fetching multiple rowsets returned from a stored procedure
Example#1020 - Return the number of deleted rows
Example#1021 - Counting rows returned by a SELECT statement
Example#1022 - Setting the fetch mode
Example#1023 - Insert LOBs in CUBRID PDO
Example#1024 - Fetch LOBs in CUBRID PDO
Example#1025 - Insert set in CUBRID PDO with default data type.
Example#1026 - Specify data type when insert set in CUBRID PDO
Example#1027 - PDO_CUBRID DSN examples
Example#1028 - A PDO::cubrid_schema example
Example#1029 - PDO_DBLIB DSN examples
Example#1030 - PDO_FIREBIRD DSN example with path
Example#1031 - PDO_FIREBIRD DSN example with port and path
Example#1032 - PDO_FIREBIRD DSN example with localhost and path to employee.fdb on Debian system
Example#1033 - PDO_IBM DSN example using db2cli.ini
Example#1034 - PDO_IBM DSN example using a connection string
Example#1035 - PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using odbc.ini
Example#1036 - PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using a connection string
Example#1037 - Forcing queries to be buffered in mysql
Example#1038 - Setting the connection character set to UTF-8 prior to PHP 5.3.6
Example#1039 - PDO_MYSQL DSN examples
Example#1040 - PDO_SQLSRV DSN examples
Example#1041 - PDO_OCI DSN examples
Example#1042 - PDO_ODBC DSN example (ODBC driver manager)
Example#1043 - PDO_ODBC DSN example (IBM DB2 uncataloged connection)
Example#1044 - PDO_ODBC DSN example (Microsoft Access uncataloged connection)
Example#1045 - PDO_PGSQL DSN 예제
Example#1046 - PDO::pgsqlLOBCreate 예제
Example#1047 - PDO::pgsqlLOBOpen 예제
Example#1048 - PDO::pgsqlLOBUnlink 예제
Example#1049 - PDO_SQLITE DSN examples
Example#1050 - max_length aggregation function example
Example#1051 - PDO::sqliteCreateCollation example
Example#1052 - PDO::sqliteCreateFunction example
Example#1053 - DSN examples for PDO_4D
Example#1054 - Basic example with PDO_4D
Example#1055 - Accessing 4D language from pdo_4d
Example#1056 - Escaping 4D table names
Example#1057 - Example of Data Retrieval
Example#1058 - Example of Data Insertion
Example#1059 - cubrid_bind example
Example#1060 - cubrid_bind BLOB/CLOB example
Example#1061 - cubrid_bind BLOB/CLOB example
Example#1062 - cubrid_close_prepare example
Example#1063 - cubrid_close_request example
Example#1064 - cubrid_col_get example
Example#1065 - cubrid_col_size example
Example#1066 - cubrid_column_names example
Example#1067 - cubrid_column_types example
Example#1068 - cubrid_commit example
Example#1069 - cubrid_connect_with_url url without properties example
Example#1070 - cubrid_connect_with_url url with properties example
Example#1071 - cubrid_connect example
Example#1072 - cubrid_current_oid example
Example#1073 - cubrid_disconnect example
Example#1074 - cubrid_drop example
Example#1075 - cubrid_error_code_facility example
Example#1076 - cubrid_error_code example
Example#1077 - cubrid_error_msg example
Example#1078 - cubrid_execute example
Example#1079 - cubrid_fetch example
Example#1080 - cubrid_free_result example
Example#1081 - cubrid_get_charset example
Example#1082 - cubrid_get_class_name example
Example#1083 - cubrid_get_client_info example
Example#1084 - cubrid_get_db_parameter example
Example#1085 - cubrid_get_query_timeout example
Example#1086 - cubrid_get_server_info example
Example#1087 - cubrid_get example
Example#1088 - cubrid_insert_id example
Example#1089 - cubrid_is_instance example
Example#1090 - cubrid_lob_close example
Example#1091 - cubrid_lob_export example
Example#1092 - cubrid_lob_get example
Example#1093 - cubrid_lob_send example
Example#1094 - cubrid_lob_size example
Example#1095 - cubrid_lob2_bind example
Example#1096 - cubrid_lob2_export example
Example#1097 - cubrid_lob2_export example
Example#1098 - cubrid_lob2_read example 1
Example#1099 - cubrid_lob2_read example 2
Example#1100 - cubrid_lob2_seek64 example
Example#1101 - cubrid_lob2_seek example
Example#1102 - cubrid_lob2_write example 1
Example#1103 - cubrid_lob2_write example 2
Example#1104 - cubrid_lock_read example
Example#1105 - cubrid_lock_write example
Example#1106 - cubrid_move_cursor example
Example#1107 - cubrid_next_result example
Example#1108 - cubrid_num_cols example
Example#1109 - cubrid_num_rows example
Example#1110 - cubrid_pconnect_with_url url without properties example
Example#1111 - cubrid_pconnect_with_url url with properties example
Example#1112 - cubrid_connect example
Example#1113 - cubrid_prepare example
Example#1114 - cubrid_put example
Example#1115 - cubrid_rollback example
Example#1116 - cubrid_schema example
Example#1117 - cubrid_seq_drop example
Example#1118 - cubrid_seq_insert example
Example#1119 - cubrid_seq_put example
Example#1120 - cubrid_set_add example
Example#1121 - cubrid_get_db_parameter example
Example#1122 - cubrid_set_drop example
Example#1123 - cubrid_version example
Example#1124 - cubrid_affected_rows example
Example#1125 - cubrid_client_encoding example
Example#1126 - cubrid_close example
Example#1127 - cubrid_data_seek example
Example#1128 - cubrid_db_name example
Example#1129 - cubrid_errno example
Example#1130 - cubrid_error example
Example#1131 - cubrid_fetch_array example
Example#1132 - cubrid_fetch_assoc example
Example#1133 - cubrid_fetch_field example
Example#1134 - cubrid_fetch_lengths example
Example#1135 - cubrid_fetch_object example
Example#1136 - cubrid_fetch_row example
Example#1137 - cubrid_field_flags example
Example#1138 - cubrid_field_len example
Example#1139 - cubrid_field_name example
Example#1140 - cubrid_field_seek example
Example#1141 - cubrid_field_table example
Example#1142 - cubrid_field_type example
Example#1143 - cubrid_list_dbs example
Example#1144 - cubrid_num_fields example
Example#1145 - cubrid_ping example
Example#1146 - Invalid Query
Example#1147 - Valid Query
Example#1148 - cubrid_real_escape_string example
Example#1149 - cubrid_result example
Example#1150 - cubrid_unbuffered_query example
Example#1151 - cubrid_load_from_glo example
Example#1152 - cubrid_new_glo example
Example#1153 - cubrid_save_to_glo example
Example#1154 - cubrid_send_glo example
Example#1155 - Inserting a record in a dBase database
Example#1156 - Closing a dBase database file
Example#1157 - Creating a dBase database file
Example#1158 - Showing header information for a dBase database file
Example#1159 - Listing all the registered members in the database
Example#1160 - dbase_numfields Example
Example#1161 - Looping over all the records of the database
Example#1162 - Opening a dBase database file
Example#1163 - Emptying a dBase database
Example#1164 - Updating a record in the database
Example#1165 - ibase_blob_get example
Example#1166 - ibase_blob_import example
Example#1167 - ibase_connect example
Example#1168 - ibase_execute example
Example#1169 - ibase_fetch_object example
Example#1170 - ibase_field_info example
Example#1171 - ibase_name_result example
Example#1172 - ibase_num_fields example
Example#1173 - ibase_query example
Example#1174 - ibase_set_event_handler example
Example#1175 - fbsql_close example
Example#1176 - fbsql_connect example
Example#1177 - fbsql_create_blob example
Example#1178 - fbsql_create_clob example
Example#1179 - fbsql_create_db example
Example#1180 - fbsql_data_seek example
Example#1181 - fbsql_create_clob example
Example#1182 - fbsql_errno Example
Example#1183 - fbsql_error Example
Example#1184 - fbsql_fetch_array example
Example#1185 - fbsql_fetch_assoc example
Example#1186 - fbsql_fetch_field example
Example#1187 - fbsql_fetch_object example
Example#1188 - fbsql_field_name example
Example#1189 - fbsql_field_type example
Example#1190 - fbsql_list_dbs example
Example#1191 - fbsql_list_fields example
Example#1192 - fbsql_next_result example
Example#1193 - fbsql_num_rows example
Example#1194 - fbsql_query example
Example#1195 - fbsql_query example
Example#1196 - fbsql_read_blob example
Example#1197 - fbsql_read_clob example
Example#1198 - fbsql_table_name example
Example#1199 - Retrieving the AUTOCOMMIT value for a connection
Example#1200 - Setting the AUTOCOMMIT value for a connection
Example#1201 - Binding PHP variables to a prepared statement
Example#1202 - Calling stored procedures with IN and OUT parameters
Example#1203 - Inserting a binary large object (BLOB) directly from a file
Example#1204 - A db2_client_info example
Example#1205 - Closing a connection
Example#1206 - Retrieving an SQLSTATE value for a failed connection attempt
Example#1207 - Retrieving the error message returned by a failed connection attempt
Example#1208 - Creating a cataloged connection
Example#1209 - Creating an uncataloged connection
Example#1210 - Creating a connection with autocommit off by default
Example#1211 - i5/OS best performance
Example#1212 - Using trusted context
Example#1213 - A db2_escape_string example
Example#1214 - Creating a table with db2_exec
Example#1215 - Executing a SELECT statement with a scrollable cursor
Example#1216 - Returning XML data as an SQL ResultSet
Example#1217 - Performing a "JOIN" with XML data
Example#1218 - Returning SQL data as part of a larger XML document
Example#1219 - Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers
Example#1220 - Calling a stored procedure with an OUT parameter
Example#1221 - Returning XML data as an SQL ResultSet
Example#1222 - Performing a "JOIN" with XML data
Example#1223 - Returning SQL data as part of a larger XML document
Example#1224 - Iterating through a forward-only cursor
Example#1225 - Retrieving specific rows with db2_fetch_array from a scrollable cursor
Example#1226 - Iterating through a forward-only cursor
Example#1227 - Retrieving specific rows with db2_fetch_assoc from a scrollable cursor
Example#1228 - Iterating through a forward-only cursor
Example#1229 - Retrieving specific rows with db2_fetch_both from a scrollable cursor
Example#1230 - A db2_fetch_object example
Example#1231 - Iterating through a result set
Example#1232 - i5/OS recommended alternatives to db2_fetch_row/db2_result
Example#1233 - Setting and retrieving parameters through a connection resource
Example#1234 - A db2_last_insert_id example
Example#1235 - Iterating through different types of data
Example#1236 - Calling a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets
Example#1237 - Retrieving the number of fields in a result set
Example#1238 - Closing a persistent connection
Example#1239 - A db2_pconnect example
Example#1240 - Using trusted context
Example#1241 - Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers
Example#1242 - A db2_result example
Example#1243 - Rolling back a DELETE statement
Example#1244 - A db2_server_info example
Example#1245 - Setting one parameter with a connection resource
Example#1246 - Setting multiple parameters with a connection resource
Example#1247 - Setting multiple parameters with an invalid key
Example#1248 - Setting multiple parameters with an invalid value
Example#1249 - Setting multiple parameters with a connection resource and the wrong type
Example#1250 - Setting multiple parameters with the wrong resource
Example#1251 - Putting it all together
Example#1252 - i5/OS cursors are read-only
Example#1253 - Informix affected rows
Example#1254 - Closing a Informix connection
Example#1255 - Connect to a Informix database
Example#1256 - ifx_do Example
Example#1257 - ifx_errormsg example
Example#1258 - Informix fetch rows
Example#1259 - Informix SQL fieldproperties
Example#1260 - Fieldnames and SQL fieldtypes
Example#1261 - Retrieve Informix sqlca.sqlerrd[x] values
Example#1262 - Informix results as HTML table
Example#1263 - ifx_num_fields Example
Example#1264 - Show all rows of the "orders" table as a HTML table
Example#1265 - Insert some values into the "catalog" table
Example#1266 - Example usage of PassEnv for Ingres
Example#1267 - Simple Ingres Example
Example#1268 - ingres_charset - Get the installation character set
Example#1269 - Open a connection to an Ingres database
Example#1270 - Get cursor name for a query resource
Example#1271 - Get the last Ingres error number generated
Example#1272 - Get a message for the last error generated
Example#1273 - Get the last SQLSTATE error code generated
Example#1274 - Escape special characters for use in a query
Example#1275 - Fetch a row of result into an array
Example#1276 - Fetch a row into an associative array
Example#1277 - Fetch a row into an object
Example#1278 - Get the return value from a procedure call
Example#1279 - Fetch a row of result into an enumerated array
Example#1280 - Free a result resource
Example#1281 - Send a simple select
Example#1282 - Passing query parameters to ingres_query
Example#1283 - Inserting a BLOB with parameter types
Example#1284 - Position the cursor on the 3rd row
Example#1285 - Set date_format to ISO4
Example#1286 - Set timezone to HONG-KONG
Example#1287 - Issue a simple un-buffered select
Example#1288 - Passing query parameters to ingres_unbuffered_query
Example#1289 - Inserting a BLOB with parameter types
Example#1290 - MaxDB extension overview example
Example#1291 - Example for use of SELECT INTO statements
Example#1292 - Example fore using database procedures
Example#1293 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1294 - 절차식 형식
Example#1295 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1296 - 절차식 형식
Example#1297 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1298 - 절차식 형식
Example#1299 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1300 - 절차식 형식
Example#1301 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1302 - 절차식 형식
Example#1303 - maxdb_connect_errno sample
Example#1304 - maxdb_connect_error sample
Example#1305 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1306 - 절차식 형식
Example#1307 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1308 - 절차식 형식
Example#1309 - 절차식 형식
Example#1310 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1311 - 절차식 형식
Example#1312 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1313 - 절차식 형식
Example#1314 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1315 - 절차식 형식
Example#1316 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1317 - 절차식 형식
Example#1318 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1319 - 절차식 형식
Example#1320 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1321 - 절차식 형식
Example#1322 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1323 - 절차식 형식
Example#1324 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1325 - 절차식 형식
Example#1326 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1327 - 절차식 형식
Example#1328 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1329 - 절차식 형식
Example#1330 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1331 - 절차식 형식
Example#1332 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1333 - 절차식 형식
Example#1334 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1335 - 절차식 형식
Example#1336 - maxdb_get_client_info
Example#1337 - maxdb_get_client_version
Example#1338 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1339 - 절차식 형식
Example#1340 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1341 - 절차식 형식
Example#1342 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1343 - 절차식 형식
Example#1344 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1345 - 절차식 형식
Example#1346 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1347 - 절차식 형식
Example#1348 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1349 - 절차식 형식
Example#1350 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1351 - 절차식 형식
Example#1352 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1353 - 절차식 형식
Example#1354 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1355 - 절차식 형식
Example#1356 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1357 - 절차식 형식
Example#1358 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1359 - 절차식 형식
Example#1360 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1361 - 절차식 형식
Example#1362 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1363 - 절차식 형식
Example#1364 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1365 - 절차식 형식
Example#1366 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1367 - 절차식 형식
Example#1368 - 절차식 형식
Example#1369 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1370 - 절차식 형식
Example#1371 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1372 - 절차식 형식
Example#1373 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1374 - 절차식 형식
Example#1375 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1376 - 절차식 형식
Example#1377 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1378 - 절차식 형식
Example#1379 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1380 - 절차식 형식
Example#1381 - 절차식 형식 (SELECT INTO)
Example#1382 - 절차식 형식 (DB procedure)
Example#1383 - 객체 기반 형식 (extended syntax)
Example#1384 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1385 - 절차식 형식
Example#1386 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1387 - 절차식 형식
Example#1388 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1389 - 절차식 형식
Example#1390 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1391 - 절차식 형식
Example#1392 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1393 - 절차식 형식
Example#1394 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1395 - 절차식 형식
Example#1396 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1397 - 절차식 형식
Example#1398 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1399 - 절차식 형식
Example#1400 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1401 - 절차식 형식
Example#1402 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1403 - 절차식 형식
Example#1404 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1405 - 절차식 형식
Example#1406 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1407 - 절차식 형식
Example#1408 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1409 - 절차식 형식
Example#1410 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1411 - 절차식 형식
Example#1412 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1413 - 절차식 형식
Example#1414 -
Example#1415 -
Example#1416 -
Example#1417 -
Example#1418 -
Example#1419 -
Example#1420 -
Example#1421 -
Example#1422 -
Example#1423 -
Example#1424 -
Example#1425 -
Example#1426 -
Example#1427 -
Example#1428 -
Example#1429 - Connection URI read preferences with query string syntax
Example#1430 - Setting read preferences with array syntax for tag sets
Example#1431 - Passing a WriteConcern to a write operation
Example#1432 - Connection string WriteConcerns
Example#1433 - MongoDB::setWriteConcern and MongoCollection::setWriteConcern
Example#1434 - Unacknowledged WriteConcern, followed with Acknowledged Write
Example#1435 - Acknowledged Writes
Example#1436 - Majority Acknowledged Write
Example#1437 - Acknowledged and Journaled Write
Example#1438 - Connect to MongoDB Instance with SSL Encryption
Example#1439 - Connect to MongoDB Instance with SSL Encryption, verifying it is who we think it is
Example#1440 - Connect to MongoDB Instance that Requires Client Certificates
Example#1441 - Authenticating with X.509 certificates
Example#1442 - Authenticating against the "admin" database
Example#1443 - Authenticating against normal databases
Example#1444 - ReplicaSet seed list
Example#1445 - Wrong replica set name duplication
Example#1446 - Correct use of two replica set names
Example#1447 -
Example#1448 -
Example#1449 -
Example#1450 -
Example#1451 -
Example#1452 -
Example#1453 - Inheriting read preferences from the database level down to the cursor
Example#1454 -
Example#1455 -
Example#1456 -
Example#1457 -
Example#1458 -
Example#1459 -
Example#1460 -
Example#1461 - MongoClient basic usage
Example#1462 - MongoClient::close example
Example#1463 - MongoClient::__construct replica set example
Example#1464 - Connecting to a domain socket
Example#1465 - MongoClient::__construct authentication example
Example#1466 - MongoClient::__construct read preference example
Example#1467 - MongoClient::__construct options example
Example#1468 - MongoClient::__construct read preference example
Example#1469 - MongoClient::getConnections example
Example#1470 - MongoClient::getReadPreference return value example
Example#1471 - MongoClient::getWriteConcern return value example
Example#1472 - MongoClient::killCursor example
Example#1473 - MongoClient::listDBs example
Example#1474 - MongoClient::selectCollection example
Example#1475 - MongoClient::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
Example#1476 - MongoClient::setWriteConcern example
Example#1477 - Selecting a database
Example#1478 - MongoDB::command "distinct" example
Example#1479 - MongoDB::command "distinct" example
Example#1480 - MongoDB::command MapReduce example
Example#1481 - MongoDB::command "geoNear" example
Example#1482 - MongoDB::createCollection capped collection example
Example#1483 - MongoDB::createDBRef example
Example#1484 - MongoDB::createDBRef example
Example#1485 - MongoDB::drop example
Example#1486 - Simple MongoDB::execute example
Example#1487 - Parameter MongoDB::execute example
Example#1488 - Scope example
Example#1489 - MongoDB::getCollectionInfo example
Example#1490 - MongoDB::getCollectionNames example
Example#1491 - MongoDB::getDBRef example
Example#1492 - MongoDB::getGridFS example
Example#1493 - MongoDB::getReadPreference return value example
Example#1494 - MongoDB::getWriteConcern return value example
Example#1495 - MongoDB::lastError NULL error example
Example#1496 - MongoDB::lastError duplicate key example
Example#1497 - MongoDB::listCollections example
Example#1498 - MongoDB::repair example
Example#1499 - MongoDB::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
Example#1500 - MongoDB::setWriteConcern example
Example#1501 - MongoCollection::aggregate example
Example#1502 - MongoCollection::aggregate example
Example#1503 - MongoCollection::aggregate example
Example#1504 - MongoCollection::aggregate with command options
Example#1505 - MongoCollection::aggregateCursor example
Example#1506 - MongoCollection::aggregateCursor example with different initial batch size
Example#1507 - MongoCollection::batchInsert example
Example#1508 - MongoCollection::batchInsert example with ignoring errors
Example#1509 - MongoCollection::count example
Example#1510 - MongoCollection::createDBRef example
Example#1511 - MongoCollection::createIndex example
Example#1512 - Geospatial Indexing
Example#1513 - Drop duplicates example
Example#1514 - MongoCollection::deleteIndex example
Example#1515 - MongoCollection::deleteIndexes example
Example#1516 - MongoCollection::distinct example
Example#1517 - MongoCollection::distinct example on a embedded document
Example#1518 - MongoCollection::drop example
Example#1519 - MongoCollection::ensureIndex example
Example#1520 - Geospatial Indexing
Example#1521 - Drop duplicates example
Example#1522 - MongoCollection::find example
Example#1523 - MongoCollection::find example
Example#1524 - MongoCollection::find example using $where
Example#1525 - MongoCollection::find example using $in
Example#1526 - Getting results as an array
Example#1527 - MongoCollection::findAndModify example
Example#1528 - MongoCollection::findAndModify error handling
Example#1529 - MongoCollection::findOne document by its id.
Example#1530 - MongoCollection::findOne document by some condition.
Example#1531 - MongoCollection::getDBRef example
Example#1532 - MongoCollection::getIndexInfo example
Example#1533 - MongoCollection::getName example
Example#1534 - MongoCollection::getReadPreference return value example
Example#1535 - MongoCollection::getWriteConcern return value example
Example#1536 - MongoCollection::group example
Example#1537 - MongoCollection::group example
Example#1538 - Passing a keys function
Example#1539 - MongoCollection::insert _id example
Example#1540 - MongoCollection::insert acknowledged write example
Example#1541 - MongoCollection::parallelCollectionScan example
Example#1542 - MongoCollection::remove with justOne example
Example#1543 - MongoCollection::save example
Example#1544 - MongoCollection::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
Example#1545 - MongoDB::setWriteConcern example
Example#1546 - MongoCollection::toIndexString example
Example#1547 - MongoCollection::__toString example
Example#1548 - MongoCollection::update
Example#1549 - MongoCollection::update upsert examples
Example#1550 - MongoCollection::update multiple example
Example#1551 - MongoCursor basic usage
Example#1552 - Iterating over MongoCursor
Example#1553 - Adding options to MongoCursor
Example#1554 - Adding a comment with MongoCursor::addOption example
Example#1555 - MongoCursor::addOption example
Example#1556 - MongoCursor::awaitData example
Example#1557 - MongoCursor::batchSize and combinations with MongoCursor::limit
Example#1558 - MongoCursor::count example
Example#1559 - MongoCursor::doQuery example
Example#1560 - MongoCursor::explain example
Example#1561 - MongoCursor::getReadPreference return value example
Example#1562 - MongoCursor::info example
Example#1563 - MongoCursor::maxTimeMS example
Example#1564 - MongoCursor::setFlag example
Example#1565 - MongoCursor::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
Example#1566 - MongoCursor::slaveOkay example
Example#1567 - MongoCursor::sort example
Example#1568 - MongoCursor::tailable example
Example#1569 - MongoCursor::timeout example
Example#1570 - Adding options to MongoCommandCursor
Example#1571 - MongoCommandCursor::batchSize
Example#1572 - MongoCommandCursor example
Example#1573 - MongoCommandCursor::createFromDocument
Example#1574 - MongoCommandCursor::getReadPreference return value example
Example#1575 - MongoCommandCursor::info example
Example#1576 - MongoCommandCursor::rewind
Example#1577 - MongoCommandCursor::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
Example#1578 - MongoCommandCursor::timeout example
Example#1579 - MongoId::__construct example
Example#1580 - Parameter example
Example#1581 - MongoId::__toString example
Example#1582 - MongoCode::__construct example
Example#1583 - Using MongoCode with $where
Example#1584 - MongoCode::__toString example
Example#1585 - Storing dates with MongoDate
Example#1586 - MongoDate::__construct example
Example#1587 - MongoDate::toDateTime example
Example#1588 - Regular expression pattern
Example#1589 - MongoRegex::__construct example
Example#1590 - MongoRegex::__toString example
Example#1591 -
Example#1592 - Linking documents
Example#1593 - Creating MongoDBRef links
Example#1594 - MongoDBRef::create example
Example#1595 - MongoCollection::createDBRef example
Example#1596 - MongoGridFS::findOne example
Example#1597 - MongoGridFS::storeBytes with additional metadata
Example#1598 - MongoGridFS::storeFile with additional metadata
Example#1599 - MongoGridFS::storeUpload HTML form example
Example#1600 - MongoGridFSFile::getBytes example
Example#1601 - MongoGridFSFile::getResource example
Example#1602 - MongoGridFSFile::write example
Example#1603 - MongoWriteBatch example
Example#1604 - MongoWriteBatch::add example
Example#1605 - MongoWriteBatch::add example
Example#1606 - MongoWriteBatch::add example
Example#1607 - MongoWriteBatch::add example
Example#1608 - MongoWriteBatch::add example
Example#1609 - MongoWriteBatch::add example
Example#1610 - MongoLog::setCallback example
Example#1611 - Changing pool size
Example#1612 - Mongo::setPoolSize example
Example#1613 - Changing pool size
Example#1614 - Mongo::setPoolSize example
Example#1615 - MongoResultException::getDocument example
Example#1616 - Catching MongoDuplicateKeyException
Example#1617 - Catching MongoProtocolException
Example#1618 - MongoDB\Driver\Manager::__construct basic example
Example#1619 - MongoDB\Driver\Manager::__construct basic examples
Example#1620 - MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeBulkWrite example
Example#1621 - MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeCommand with a command returning a single result document
Example#1622 - MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeCommand with a command returning a cursor
Example#1623 - MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery example
Example#1624 - MongoDB\Driver\Manager::getServers example
Example#1625 - Composing MongoDB\Driver\Command to provide a helper to create collections
Example#1626 - MongoDB\Driver\Command::__construct example
Example#1627 - MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct example
Example#1628 - Mixed write operations are grouped by type
Example#1629 - Ordered write operations causing an error
Example#1630 - MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::__construct example
Example#1631 - MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::count example
Example#1632 - MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::delete example
Example#1633 - MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::insert example
Example#1634 - MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::update example
Example#1635 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::bsonSerialize with majority write concern
Example#1636 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::bsonSerialize with wtimeout and journal
Example#1637 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::__construct example
Example#1638 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::getJournal example
Example#1639 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::getW example
Example#1640 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::getWtimeout example
Example#1641 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize with primary read preference
Example#1642 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize with secondary read preference and tag sets
Example#1643 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::__construct example
Example#1644 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getMode example
Example#1645 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getTagSets example
Example#1646 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::bsonSerialize with empty read concern
Example#1647 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::bsonSerialize with local read concern
Example#1648 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::__construct example
Example#1649 - MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::getLevel example
Example#1650 - MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::getId example
Example#1651 - MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::getServer example
Example#1652 - MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::isDead example
Example#1653 - MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::setTypeMap example
Example#1654 - MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::toArray example
Example#1655 - MongoDB\Driver\CursorId::__toString example
Example#1656 - MongoDB\Driver\Server::getHost example
Example#1657 - MongoDB\Driver\Server::getInfo example
Example#1658 - MongoDB\Driver\Server::getLatency example
Example#1659 - MongoDB\Driver\Server::getPort example
Example#1660 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError::getCode example
Example#1661 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError::getInfo example
Example#1662 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError::getMessage example
Example#1663 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getCode example
Example#1664 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getIndex example
Example#1665 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getMessage example
Example#1666 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getDeletedCount example
Example#1667 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getInsertedCount example
Example#1668 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getMatchedCount example
Example#1669 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount example
Example#1670 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getServer example
Example#1671 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getUpsertedCount example
Example#1672 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getUpsertedIds example
Example#1673 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getWriteConcernError example
Example#1674 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getWriteErrors with a single error
Example#1675 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getWriteErrors with multiple errors
Example#1676 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::isAcknowledged with acknowledged write concern
Example#1677 - MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::isAcknowledged with unacknowledged write concern
Example#1678 - MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON example
Example#1679 - MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP example
Example#1680 - MongoDB\BSON\toJSON example
Example#1681 - MongoDB\BSON\toPHP example
Example#1682 - MongoDB\BSON\Binary::__construct example
Example#1683 - MongoDB\BSON\Binary::getData example
Example#1684 - MongoDB\BSON\Binary::getType example
Example#1685 - MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128::__construct example
Example#1686 - MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128::__toString example
Example#1687 - MongoDB\BSON\Javascript::__construct example
Example#1688 - MongoDB\BSON\MaxKey::__construct example
Example#1689 - MongoDB\BSON\MinKey::__construct example
Example#1690 - MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID::__construct example
Example#1691 - MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID::__toString example
Example#1692 - MongoDB\BSON\Regex::__construct example
Example#1693 - MongoDB\BSON\Regex::getFlags example
Example#1694 - MongoDB\BSON\Regex::getPattern example
Example#1695 - MongoDB\BSON\Regex::__toString example
Example#1696 - MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::__construct example
Example#1697 - MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::__toString example
Example#1698 - MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime::__construct example
Example#1699 - MongoDB\BSON\UTCDatetime::toDateTime example
Example#1700 - MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime::__toString example
Example#1701 - MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning an associative array for root document
Example#1702 - MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning a sequential array for root document
Example#1703 - MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning an associative array for document field
Example#1704 - MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize returning a sequential array for document field
Example#1705 - MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable::bsonUnserialize example
Example#1706 - MongoDB\Driver\Exception\WriteException::getWriteResult example
Example#1707 - mSQL usage example
Example#1708 - msql_fetch_array example
Example#1709 - msql_fetch_object example
Example#1710 - msql_fetch_row example
Example#1711 - msql_query example
Example#1712 - mssql_bind example
Example#1713 - mssql_close example
Example#1714 - mssql_connect example
Example#1715 - mssql_data_seek example
Example#1716 - mssql_execute example
Example#1717 - mssql_fetch_array example
Example#1718 - mssql_fetch_assoc example
Example#1719 - mssql_fetch_batch example
Example#1720 - mssql_fetch_field example
Example#1721 - mssql_fetch_object example
Example#1722 - mssql_fetch_row example
Example#1723 - mssql_field_length example
Example#1724 - mssql_field_name example
Example#1725 - Using mssql_field_seek on the example for mssql_fetch_field
Example#1726 - mssql_field_type example
Example#1727 - mssql_free_result example
Example#1728 - mssql_free_statement example
Example#1729 - mssql_get_last_message example
Example#1730 - mssql_guid_string example
Example#1731 - mssql_init example
Example#1732 - mssql_min_error_severity example
Example#1733 - mssql_min_message_severity example
Example#1734 - mssql_next_result example
Example#1735 - mssql_num_fields example
Example#1736 - mssql_num_rows example
Example#1737 - mssql_pconnect using the new_link parameter
Example#1738 - mssql_query example
Example#1739 - mssql_result example
Example#1740 - Faster alternative to above example
Example#1741 - mssql_rows_affected example
Example#1742 - mssql_select_db example
Example#1743 - Escaping the database name with square brackets
Example#1744 - Comparing the three MySQL APIs
Example#1745 - Configure commands for using mysqlnd or libmysqlclient
Example#1746 - Unbuffered query example: mysqli
Example#1747 - Unbuffered query example: pdo_mysql
Example#1748 - Unbuffered query example: mysql
Example#1749 - Problems with setting the character set with SQL
Example#1750 - Setting the character set example: mysqli
Example#1751 - Setting the character set example: pdo_mysql
Example#1752 - Setting the character set example: mysql
Example#1753 - Easy migration from the old mysql extension
Example#1754 - Object-oriented and procedural interface
Example#1755 - Bad coding style
Example#1756 - Special meaning of localhost
Example#1757 - Setting defaults
Example#1758 - Connecting to MySQL
Example#1759 - Navigation through buffered results
Example#1760 - Navigation through unbuffered results
Example#1761 - Text protocol returns strings by default
Example#1762 - Native data types with mysqlnd and connection option
Example#1763 - First stage: prepare
Example#1764 - Second stage: bind and execute
Example#1765 - INSERT prepared once, executed multiple times
Example#1766 - Less round trips using multi-INSERT SQL
Example#1767 - Native datatypes
Example#1768 - Output variable binding
Example#1769 - Using mysqli_result to fetch results
Example#1770 - Buffered result set for flexible read out
Example#1771 - Calling a stored procedure
Example#1772 - Using session variables
Example#1773 - Fetching results from stored procedures
Example#1774 - Stored Procedures and Prepared Statements
Example#1775 - Stored Procedures and Prepared Statements using bind API
Example#1776 - Multiple Statements
Example#1777 - SQL Injection
Example#1778 - Setting auto commit mode with SQL and through the API
Example#1779 - Commit and rollback
Example#1780 - Accessing result set meta data
Example#1781 - Prepared statements metadata
Example#1782 - MySQLi extension overview example
Example#1783 - $mysqli->affected_rows example
Example#1784 - mysqli::autocommit example
Example#1785 - $mysqli->begin_transaction example
Example#1786 - mysqli::change_user example
Example#1787 - mysqli::character_set_name example
Example#1788 - mysqli_get_client_info
Example#1789 - mysqli_get_client_version
Example#1790 - mysqli::commit example
Example#1791 - $mysqli->connect_errno example
Example#1792 - $mysqli->connect_error example
Example#1793 - mysqli::__construct example
Example#1794 - Generating a Trace File
Example#1795 - $mysqli->errno example
Example#1796 - $mysqli->error_list example
Example#1797 - $mysqli->error example
Example#1798 - $mysqli->field_count example
Example#1799 - mysqli::get_charset example
Example#1800 - mysqli_get_client_info
Example#1801 - A mysqli_get_client_stats example
Example#1802 - mysqli_get_client_version
Example#1803 - A mysqli_get_connection_stats example
Example#1804 - $mysqli->host_info example
Example#1805 - $mysqli->protocol_version example
Example#1806 - $mysqli->server_info example
Example#1807 - $mysqli->server_version example
Example#1808 - $mysqli->info example
Example#1809 - $mysqli->insert_id example
Example#1810 - mysqli::kill example
Example#1811 - mysqli::multi_query example
Example#1812 - mysqli::ping example
Example#1813 - A mysqli_poll example
Example#1814 - mysqli::prepare example
Example#1815 - mysqli::query example
Example#1816 - mysqli::real_connect example
Example#1817 - mysqli::real_escape_string example
Example#1818 - mysqli::rollback example
Example#1819 - mysqli::select_db example
Example#1820 - mysqli::set_charset example
Example#1821 - mysqli::set_local_infile_handler example
Example#1822 - $mysqli->sqlstate example
Example#1823 - mysqli::stat example
Example#1824 - $mysqli->thread_id example
Example#1825 - mysqli::use_result example
Example#1826 - $mysqli->warning_count example
Example#1827 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1828 - 절차식 형식
Example#1829 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1830 - 절차식 형식
Example#1831 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1832 - 절차식 형식
Example#1833 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1834 - 절차식 형식
Example#1835 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1836 - 절차식 형식
Example#1837 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1838 - 절차식 형식
Example#1839 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1840 - 절차식 형식
Example#1841 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1842 - 절차식 형식
Example#1843 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1844 - 절차식 형식
Example#1845 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1846 - 절차식 형식
Example#1847 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1848 - 절차식 형식
Example#1849 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1850 - 절차식 형식
Example#1851 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1852 - 절차식 형식
Example#1853 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1854 - 절차식 형식
Example#1855 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1856 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1857 - 절차식 형식
Example#1858 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1859 - 절차식 형식
Example#1860 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1861 - 절차식 형식
Example#1862 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1863 - 절차식 형식
Example#1864 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1865 - 절차식 형식
Example#1866 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1867 - 절차식 형식
Example#1868 - A mysqli_result example comparing iterator usage
Example#1869 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1870 - 절차식 형식
Example#1871 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1872 - 절차식 형식
Example#1873 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1874 - 절차식 형식
Example#1875 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1876 - 절차식 형식
Example#1877 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1878 - 절차식 형식
Example#1879 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1880 - 절차식 형식
Example#1881 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1882 - 절차식 형식
Example#1883 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1884 - 절차식 형식
Example#1885 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1886 - 절차식 형식
Example#1887 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#1888 - 절차식 형식
Example#1889 - mysqli_connect example
Example#1890 - MySQL extension overview example
Example#1891 - mysql_affected_rows 예제
Example#1892 - 트랜젝션을 이용한 mysql_affected_rows 예제
Example#1893 - mysql_client_encoding 예제
Example#1894 - mysql_close 예제
Example#1895 - mysql_connect 예제
Example#1896 - hostname:port 문법을 사용한 mysql_connect 예제
Example#1897 - ":/path/to/socket" 문법을 사용한 mysql_connect 예제
Example#1898 - mysql_create_db 예제
Example#1899 - mysql_data_seek 예제
Example#1900 - mysql_db_name 예제
Example#1901 - mysql_db_query 예제
Example#1902 - mysql_drop_db 예제
Example#1903 - mysql_errno 예제
Example#1904 - mysql_error 예제
Example#1905 - mysql_escape_string 예제
Example#1906 - 별명(alias)으로 지정한 중복된 필드 이름으로 질의
Example#1907 - MYSQL_NUM을 이용한 mysql_fetch_array 예제
Example#1908 - MYSQL_ASSOC를 이용한 mysql_fetch_array 예제
Example#1909 - MYSQL_BOTH를 이용한 mysql_fetch_array 예제
Example#1910 - mysql_fetch_assoc 예제
Example#1911 - mysql_fetch_field 예제
Example#1912 - mysql_fetch_lengths 예제
Example#1913 - mysql_fetch_object 예제
Example#1914 - mysql_fetch_object 예제
Example#1915 - mysql_fetch_row를 이용한 하나의 행 인출 예제
Example#1916 - mysql_field_flags 예제
Example#1917 - mysql_field_len 예제
Example#1918 - mysql_field_name 예제
Example#1919 - mysql_field_table 예제
Example#1920 - mysql_field_type 예제
Example#1921 - mysql_free_result 예제
Example#1922 - mysql_get_client_info 예제
Example#1923 - mysql_get_host_info 예제
Example#1924 - mysql_get_proto_info 예제
Example#1925 - mysql_get_server_info 예제
Example#1926 - 관련된 MySQL 진술문
Example#1927 - mysql_insert_id 예제
Example#1928 - mysql_list_dbs 예제
Example#1929 - mysql_list_fields의 기능을 대체할 예제
Example#1930 - mysql_list_processes 예제
Example#1931 - mysql_list_tables 예제
Example#1932 - mysql_num_fields 예제
Example#1933 - mysql_num_rows 예제
Example#1934 - mysql_ping 예제
Example#1935 - 잘못된 질의
Example#1936 - 유효한 질의
Example#1937 - mysql_real_escape_string 예제
Example#1938 - SQL 인젝션 공격(Injection Attack)의 예
Example#1939 - "Best Practice" 질의
Example#1940 - mysql_result 예제
Example#1941 - mysql_select_db 예제
Example#1942 - mysql_stat 예제
Example#1943 - mysql_stat 다른 예제
Example#1944 - mysql_tablename 예제
Example#1945 - mysql_thread_id 예제
Example#1946 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
Example#1947 - Minimal plugin-specific configuration file (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)
Example#1948 - Recommended minimal plugin-specific config (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)
Example#1949 - Using one server as a master and as a slave (testing only!)
Example#1950 - Plugin specific configuration file (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)
Example#1951 - Opening a load balanced connection
Example#1952 - Executing statements
Example#1953 - Plugin config with one slave and one master
Example#1954 - Pitfall: connection state and SQL user variables
Example#1955 - Plugin config with one slave and one master
Example#1956 - SQL hints to prevent connection switches
Example#1957 - Fighting replication lag
Example#1958 - Table creation on a slave
Example#1959 - Plugin config with one slave and one master
Example#1960 - Using SQL hints for transactions
Example#1961 - Transaction aware load balancing: trx_stickiness setting
Example#1962 - Transaction aware
Example#1963 - General pattern for XA transactions
Example#1964 - Local and global transactions are mutually exclusive
Example#1965 - Transaction coordinator state store
Example#1966 - Session consistency: read your writes
Example#1967 - Requesting session consistency
Example#1968 - Maximum age/slave lag
Example#1969 - Limiting slave lag
Example#1970 - Fail over not set
Example#1971 - No slave within time limit
Example#1972 - Create counter table on master
Example#1973 - Plugin config: SQL for client-side GTID injection
Example#1974 - Transparent global transaction ID injection
Example#1975 - Plugin config: SQL for fetching GTID
Example#1976 - Obtaining GTID after injection
Example#1977 - Plugin config: Checking for a certain GTID
Example#1978 - Session consistency service level and GTID combined
Example#1979 - Plugin config: using MySQL 5.6.5-m8 built-in GTID feature
Example#1980 - Recap: quality of service to request read your writes
Example#1981 - Plugin config: no special entries for caching
Example#1982 - Caching a slave request
Example#1983 - Read your writes and caching combined
Example#1984 - Manual failover, automatic optional
Example#1985 - Manual failover
Example#1986 - Cluster node groups
Example#1987 - Manual partitioning using SQL hints
Example#1988 - Plugin config: Fabric hosts instead of MySQL servers
Example#1989 - Manual partitioning using SQL hints
Example#1990 - Provoking a connection error
Example#1991 - Connection error on query execution
Example#1992 - Provoking a connection error
Example#1993 - Most basic failover
Example#1994 - Provoking a transient error
Example#1995 - Transient error retry loop
Example#1996 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
Example#1997 - Basic plugin configuration (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini) for MySQL Replication
Example#1998 - Multiple primaries - multi master (php.ini)
Example#1999 - Primary copy with multiple primaries and paritioning
Example#2000 - Multiple primaries - multi master (php.ini)
Example#2001 - Synchronous update anywhere cluster
Example#2002 - General pattern for XA transactions
Example#2003 - Converting a PHP array (hash) into JSON format
Example#2004 - Using section names example
Example#2005 - List of anonymous slaves
Example#2006 - Master list using symbolic names
Example#2007 - Keywords to configure a server
Example#2008 - New roundrobin filter, old functionality
Example#2009 - The user filter replaces mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server
Example#2010 - Common error message in case of configuration file issues (upto version 1.5.0)
Example#2011 - Improved configuration file validation since 1.5.0
Example#2012 - Possibly more precise error due to mysqlnd_ms.force_config_usage=1
Example#2013 - Minimum pluging configuration for use with MySQL Fabric
Example#2014 - Optional timeout for communication with Fabric
Example#2015 - Warnings about the violation of transaction boundaries
Example#2016 - Invalid filter sequence
Example#2017 - Random load balancing with random filter
Example#2018 - Random once load balancing with random filter
Example#2019 - Referencing error
Example#2020 - Assigning a weight for load balancing
Example#2021 - roundrobin filter
Example#2022 - Setting a callback
Example#2023 - Using a callback
Example#2024 - Returning random masters and slaves
Example#2025 - Manual partitioning
Example#2026 - Global limit on slave lag
Example#2027 - Optional master failover when failing to connect to slave (PECL/mysqlnd_ms < 1.4.0)
Example#2028 - New syntax since 1.4.0
Example#2029 - Disabling lazy connection
Example#2030 - String escaping on a lazy connection handle
Example#2031 - Master on write for consistent reads
Example#2032 - Using master to execute transactions
Example#2033 - No automatic failover, error handling pitfall
Example#2034 - Retry loop for transient errors
Example#2035 - SQL definition for the MySQL state store transaction table
Example#2036 - SQL definition for the MySQL state store transaction table
Example#2037 - SQL definition for the MySQL state store garbage collection table
Example#2038 - Using section names example
Example#2039 - List-like syntax
Example#2040 - Verify plugin activity in a non-threaded deployment model
Example#2041 - Recording statistics during shutdown
Example#2042 - Example demonstrating the usage of mysqlnd_ms constants
Example#2043 - mysqlnd_ms_dump_servers example
Example#2044 - mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid example
Example#2045 - mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection example
Example#2046 - mysqlnd_ms_get_stats example
Example#2047 - mysqlnd_ms_match_wild example
Example#2048 - mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select example
Example#2049 - mysqlnd_ms_set_qos example
Example#2050 - mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server example
Example#2051 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
Example#2052 - Using the MYSQLND_QC_ENABLE_SWITCH SQL hint
Example#2053 - Using the MYSQLND_QC_DISABLE_SWITCH SQL hint
Example#2054 - Example showing which type of statements are not cached
Example#2055 - Enabling caching for all statements using the mysqlnd_qc.cache_no_table ini setting
Example#2056 - Setting the TTL with the mysqlnd_qc.ttl ini setting
Example#2057 - Setting TTL with SQL hints
Example#2058 - Setting a callback with mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select
Example#2059 - Enabling the slam defense mechanism
Example#2060 - Collecting a query trace
Example#2061 - Setting the backtrace depth with the mysqlnd_qc.query_trace_bt_depth ini setting
Example#2062 - Collecting statistics data with the mysqlnd_qc.time_statistics ini setting
Example#2063 - Example mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info usage
Example#2064 - Example mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log usage
Example#2065 - Using a user-defined storage handler
Example#2066 - Using SQL hint constants
Example#2067 - Example mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition usage
Example#2068 - mysqlnd_qc_get_available_handlers example
Example#2069 - mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info example
Example#2070 - mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats example
Example#2071 - mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log example
Example#2072 - mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log example
Example#2073 - mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition example
Example#2074 - mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select example
Example#2075 - mysqlnd_qc_set_storage_handler example
Example#2076 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
Example#2077 - Pseudo-code: what a built-in class does
Example#2078 - Installing a proxy
Example#2079 - Proxy registration, mysqlnd_uh.enable=1
Example#2080 - Proxy installation disabled
Example#2081 - Connection proxy
Example#2082 - Prepared statement proxy
Example#2083 - Basic Monitoring
Example#2084 - MysqlndUhConnection::changeUser example
Example#2085 - MysqlndUhConnection::charsetName example
Example#2086 - MysqlndUhConnection::close example
Example#2087 - MysqlndUhConnection::connect example
Example#2088 - MysqlndUhConnection::endPSession example
Example#2089 - MysqlndUhConnection::escapeString example
Example#2090 - MysqlndUhConnection::getAffectedRows example
Example#2091 - MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorNumber example
Example#2092 - MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorString example
Example#2093 - MysqlndUhConnection::getFieldCount example
Example#2094 - MysqlndUhConnection::getHostInformation example
Example#2095 - MysqlndUhConnection::getLastInsertId example
Example#2096 - MysqlndUhConnection::getLastMessage example
Example#2097 - MysqlndUhConnection::getProtocolInformation example
Example#2098 - MysqlndUhConnection::getServerInformation example
Example#2099 - MysqlndUhConnection::getServerStatistics example
Example#2100 - MysqlndUhConnection::getServerVersion example
Example#2101 - MysqlndUhConnection::getSqlstate example
Example#2102 - MysqlndUhConnection::getStatistics example
Example#2103 - MysqlndUhConnection::getThreadId example
Example#2104 - MysqlndUhConnection::getWarningCount example
Example#2105 - MysqlndUhConnection::init example
Example#2106 - MysqlndUhConnection::kill example
Example#2107 - MysqlndUhConnection::listFields example
Example#2108 - MysqlndUhConnection::listMethod example
Example#2109 - MysqlndUhConnection::moreResults example
Example#2110 - MysqlndUhConnection::nextResult example
Example#2111 - MysqlndUhConnection::ping example
Example#2112 - MysqlndUhConnection::query example
Example#2113 - MysqlndUhConnection::queryReadResultsetHeader example
Example#2114 - MysqlndUhConnection::reapQuery example
Example#2115 - MysqlndUhConnection::refreshServer example
Example#2116 - MysqlndUhConnection::restartPSession example
Example#2117 - MysqlndUhConnection::selectDb example
Example#2118 - MysqlndUhConnection::sendClose example
Example#2119 - MysqlndUhConnection::sendQuery example
Example#2120 - MysqlndUhConnection::serverDumpDebugInformation example
Example#2121 - MysqlndUhConnection::setAutocommit example
Example#2122 - MysqlndUhConnection::setCharset example
Example#2123 - MysqlndUhConnection::setClientOption example
Example#2124 - MysqlndUhConnection::setServerOption example
Example#2125 - MysqlndUhConnection::simpleCommand example
Example#2126 - MysqlndUhConnection::simpleCommandHandleResponse example
Example#2127 - MysqlndUhConnection::sslSet example
Example#2128 - MysqlndUhConnection::stmtInit example
Example#2129 - MysqlndUhConnection::storeResult example
Example#2130 - MysqlndUhConnection::txCommit example
Example#2131 - MysqlndUhConnection::txRollback example
Example#2132 - MysqlndUhConnection::useResult example
Example#2133 - MysqlndUhPreparedStatement::execute example
Example#2134 - MysqlndUhPreparedStatement::prepare example
Example#2135 - mysqlnd_uh_convert_to_mysqlnd example
Example#2136 - mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy example
Example#2137 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
Example#2138 - SQL table used for the Quickstart
Example#2139 - Basic example.
Example#2140 - mysqlnd_memcache_get_config example
Example#2141 - mysqlnd_memcache_set example with var_dump as a simple debugging callback.
Example#2142 - Basic query
Example#2143 - Inserting with bind variables
Example#2144 - Binding in the WHERE clause of a query
Example#2145 - Inserting and fetching a CLOB
Example#2146 - Using a PL/SQL stored function
Example#2147 - Using a PL/SQL stored procedure
Example#2148 - Calling a PL/SQL function that returns a REF CURSOR
Example#2149 - user_oci8_probes.d for tracing all user-level PHP OCI8 Static Probes with DTrace
Example#2150 - oci_bind_array_by_name example
Example#2151 - Inserting data with oci_bind_by_name
Example#2152 - Binding once for multiple executions
Example#2153 - Binding with a foreach loop
Example#2154 - Binding in a WHERE clause
Example#2155 - Binding with a LIKE clause
Example#2156 - Binding with REGEXP_LIKE
Example#2157 - Binding Multiple Values in an IN Clause
Example#2158 - Binding a ROWID returned by a query
Example#2159 - Binding a ROWID on INSERT
Example#2160 - Binding for a PL/SQL stored function
Example#2161 - Binding parameters for a PL/SQL stored procedure
Example#2162 - Binding a CLOB column
Example#2163 - Binding a PL/SQL BOOLEAN
Example#2164 - oci_client_version example
Example#2165 - Closing a connection
Example#2166 - Database connections are not closed until all references are closed
Example#2167 - Closing a connection opened more than once
Example#2168 - Connections are closed when variables go out of scope
Example#2169 - oci_commit example
Example#2170 - Basic oci_connect using Easy Connect syntax
Example#2171 - Basic oci_connect using a Network Connect name
Example#2172 - oci_connect with an explicit character set
Example#2173 - Using multiple calls to oci_connect
Example#2174 - oci_define_by_name example
Example#2175 - oci_define_by_name with case sensitive column names
Example#2176 - oci_define_by_name with LOB columns
Example#2177 - oci_define_by_name with an explicit type
Example#2178 - Displaying the Oracle error message after a connection error
Example#2179 - Displaying the Oracle error message after a parsing error
Example#2180 - Displaying the Oracle error message, the problematic statement, and the position of the problem of an execution error
Example#2181 - oci_execute for queries
Example#2182 - oci_execute without specifying a mode example
Example#2183 - oci_execute with OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT example
Example#2184 - oci_execute with different commit modes example
Example#2185 - oci_execute with OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY example
Example#2186 - oci_fetch_all example
Example#2187 - oci_fetch_all example with OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW
Example#2188 - oci_fetch_all with OCI_NUM
Example#2189 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_BOTH
Example#2190 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_NUM
Example#2191 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_ASSOC
Example#2192 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_RETURN_NULLS
Example#2193 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_RETURN_LOBS
Example#2194 - oci_fetch_array with case sensitive column names
Example#2195 - oci_fetch_array with columns having duplicate names
Example#2196 - oci_fetch_array with DATE columns
Example#2197 - oci_fetch_array with REF CURSOR
Example#2198 - Pagination with oci_fetch_array using a LIMIT-like query
Example#2199 - oci_fetch_array with Oracle Database 12c Implicit Result Sets
Example#2200 - oci_fetch_assoc Example
Example#2201 - oci_fetch_object example
Example#2202 - oci_fetch_object with case sensitive column names
Example#2203 - oci_fetch_object with LOBs
Example#2204 - oci_fetch_row Example
Example#2205 - oci_fetch with defined variables
Example#2206 - oci_fetch with oci_result
Example#2207 - oci_field_name example
Example#2208 - oci_field_name example
Example#2209 - oci_field_precision Example
Example#2210 - oci_field_scale Example
Example#2211 - oci_field_size example
Example#2212 - oci_field_type_raw Example
Example#2213 - oci_field_type example
Example#2214 - Fetching Implicit Result Sets in a loop
Example#2215 - Getting child statement handles individually
Example#2216 - Explicitly setting the Prefetch Count
Example#2217 - Implicit Result Set example without using oci_get_implicit_resultset
Example#2218 - oci_new_connect example
Example#2219 - Binding a REF CURSOR in an Oracle stored procedure call
Example#2220 - oci_new_descriptor example
Example#2221 - oci_new_descriptor example
Example#2222 - oci_num_fields example
Example#2223 - oci_num_rows example
Example#2224 - oci_parse example for SQL statements
Example#2225 - oci_parse example for PL/SQL statements
Example#2226 - oci_password_change example changing the password of an already connected user
Example#2227 - oci_password_change example of connecting and changing the password in one step
Example#2228 - Basic oci_pconnect Example using Easy Connect syntax
Example#2229 - oci_fetch with oci_result
Example#2230 - oci_rollback example
Example#2231 - Rolling back to a SAVEPOINT example
Example#2232 - oci_server_version example
Example#2233 - Setting the action
Example#2234 - Setting the client identifier to the application user
Example#2235 - Setting the client information
Example#2236 - Two scripts can use different versions of myfunc() at the same time
Example#2237 - Setting the module name
Example#2238 - Changing the default prefetch value for a query
Example#2239 - Changing the default prefetch for a REF CURSOR fetch
Example#2240 - Setting the prefetch value when passing a REF CURSOR back to Oracle
Example#2241 - oci_statement_type example
Example#2242 - Creating a Paradox database with two fields
Example#2243 - Turn a paradox date into a human readable form
Example#2244 - Set the date/time fields in a paradox database to the current date/time
Example#2245 - Opening a Paradox database
Example#2246 - Opening a Paradox database
Example#2247 - Turn a paradox timestamp into a human readable form
Example#2248 - PostgreSQL extension overview example
Example#2249 - pg_affected_rows 예제
Example#2250 - pg_cancel_query 예제
Example#2251 - pg_client_encoding 예제
Example#2252 - pg_close example
Example#2253 - Using pg_connect
Example#2254 - pg_connection_busy example
Example#2255 - pg_connection_reset example
Example#2256 - pg_connection_status example
Example#2257 - pg_convert example
Example#2258 - pg_copy_from example
Example#2259 - pg_copy_to example
Example#2260 - pg_dbname example
Example#2261 - pg_delete example
Example#2262 - pg_end_copy example
Example#2263 - pg_escape_bytea example
Example#2264 - pg_escape_identifier example
Example#2265 - pg_escape_literal example
Example#2266 - pg_escape_string example
Example#2267 - Using pg_execute
Example#2268 - pg_fetch_all_columns example
Example#2269 - PostgreSQL fetch all
Example#2270 - pg_fetch_array example
Example#2271 - pg_fetch_assoc example
Example#2272 - pg_fetch_object example
Example#2273 - pg_fetch_result example
Example#2274 - pg_fetch_row example
Example#2275 - pg_field_is_null example
Example#2276 - Getting information about fields
Example#2277 - Getting information about fields
Example#2278 - Getting information about fields
Example#2279 - Getting information about fields
Example#2280 - Getting table information about a field
Example#2281 - Getting information about fields
Example#2282 - Getting information about fields
Example#2283 - pg_free_result example
Example#2284 - PostgreSQL NOTIFY message
Example#2285 - PostgreSQL backend PID
Example#2286 - pg_get_result example
Example#2287 - pg_host example
Example#2288 - pg_insert example
Example#2289 - pg_last_error example
Example#2290 - pg_last_notice example
Example#2291 - pg_last_oid example
Example#2292 - pg_lo_close example
Example#2293 - pg_lo_create example
Example#2294 - pg_lo_export example
Example#2295 - pg_lo_import example
Example#2296 - pg_lo_open example
Example#2297 - pg_lo_read_all example
Example#2298 - pg_lo_read example
Example#2299 - pg_lo_seek example
Example#2300 - pg_lo_tell example
Example#2301 - pg_lo_truncate example
Example#2302 - pg_lo_unlink example
Example#2303 - pg_lo_write example
Example#2304 - Getting table metadata
Example#2305 - pg_num_fields example
Example#2306 - pg_num_rows example
Example#2307 - pg_options example
Example#2308 - pg_parameter_status example
Example#2309 - Using pg_pconnect
Example#2310 - pg_ping example
Example#2311 - pg_port example
Example#2312 - Using pg_prepare
Example#2313 - pg_put_line example
Example#2314 - Using pg_query_params
Example#2315 - pg_query example
Example#2316 - Using pg_query with multiple statements
Example#2317 - pg_result_error_field example
Example#2318 - pg_result_error example
Example#2319 - pg_result_seek example
Example#2320 - pg_result_status example
Example#2321 - pg_select example
Example#2322 - Using pg_send_execute
Example#2323 - Using pg_send_prepare
Example#2324 - Using pg_send_query_params
Example#2325 - pg_send_query example
Example#2326 - pg_set_client_encoding example
Example#2327 - pg_set_error_verbosity example
Example#2328 - pg_trace example
Example#2329 - pg_transaction_status example
Example#2330 - pg_tty example
Example#2331 - pg_unescape_bytea example
Example#2332 - pg_untrace example
Example#2333 - pg_update example
Example#2334 - pg_version example
Example#2335 - 절차식 형식
Example#2336 - Object-oriented style
Example#2337 - 절차식 형식
Example#2338 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#2339 - 절차식 형식
Example#2340 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#2341 - sqlite_close example
Example#2342 - max_length aggregation function example
Example#2343 - sqlite_create_function example
Example#2344 - Example of using the PHP function
Example#2345 - Procedural example
Example#2346 - Object-oriented example
Example#2347 - sqlite_factory example
Example#2348 - Procedural example
Example#2349 - Object-oriented example
Example#2350 - Procedural example
Example#2351 - Object-oriented example
Example#2352 - Procedural example
Example#2353 - Object-oriented example
Example#2354 - A sqlite_fetch_single example
Example#2355 - Procedural example
Example#2356 - Object-oriented example
Example#2357 - sqlite_open example
Example#2358 - binary-safe max_length aggregation function example
Example#2359 - SQLite3::changes example
Example#2360 - SQLite3::close example
Example#2361 - SQLite3::__construct example
Example#2362 - SQLite3::createCollation example
Example#2363 - SQLite3::createFunction example
Example#2364 - SQLite3::enableExceptions example
Example#2365 - SQLite3::exec example
Example#2366 - SQLite3::loadExtension example
Example#2367 - SQLite3::open example
Example#2368 - SQLite3::openBlob example
Example#2369 - SQLite3::prepare example
Example#2370 - SQLite3::query example
Example#2371 - SQLite3::querySingle example
Example#2372 - SQLite3::version example
Example#2373 - SQLite3Stmt::bindValue example
Example#2374 - sqlsrv_begin_transaction example
Example#2375 - sqlsrv_cancel example
Example#2376 - sqlsrv_client_info example
Example#2377 - sqlsrv_close example
Example#2378 - sqlsrv_commit example
Example#2379 - Connect using Windows Authentication.
Example#2380 - Connect by specifying a user name and password.
Example#2381 - Connect on a specifed port.
Example#2382 - functionname example
Example#2383 - sqlsrv_execute example
Example#2384 - Retrieving an associative array.
Example#2385 - Retrieving a numeric array.
Example#2386 - sqlsrv_fetch_object example
Example#2387 - sqlsrv_fetch example
Example#2388 - sqlsrv_field_metadata example
Example#2389 - sqlsrv_free_stmt example
Example#2390 - sqlsrv_get_field example
Example#2391 - sqlsrv_has_rows example
Example#2392 - sqlsrv_next_result example
Example#2393 - sqlsrv_num_fields example
Example#2394 - sqlsrv_num_rows example
Example#2395 - sqlsrv_prepare example
Example#2396 - sqlsrv_query example
Example#2397 - sqlsrv_rollback example
Example#2398 - sqlsrv_rows_affected example
Example#2399 - sqlsrv_send_stream_data example
Example#2400 - sqlsrv_server_info example
Example#2401 - Delete-Query
Example#2402 - sybase_connect example
Example#2403 - Identical fieldnames
Example#2404 - sybase_fetch_object return as Foo
Example#2405 - sybase_set_message_handler callback function
Example#2406 - sybase_set_message_handler callback to a class
Example#2407 - sybase_set_message_handler unhandled messages
Example#2408 - sybase_unbuffered_query example
Example#2409 - Putting and getting a key-value pair
Example#2410 - TokyoTyrant::add example
Example#2411 - TokyoTyrant::connect example
Example#2412 - TokyoTyrant::connectUri example
Example#2413 - TokyoTyrant::copy example
Example#2414 - TokyoTyrant::ext example
Example#2415 - TokyoTyrant::fwmKeys example
Example#2416 - TokyoTyrant::get example
Example#2417 - TokyoTyrant::getIterator example
Example#2418 - TokyoTyrant::num example
Example#2419 - TokyoTyrant::out example
Example#2420 - TokyoTyrant::put example
Example#2421 - TokyoTyrant::putCat example
Example#2422 - tokyotyrant::putKeep example
Example#2423 - TokyoTyrant::putNr example
Example#2424 - TokyoTyrant::putShl example
Example#2425 - TokyoTyrant::setMaster example
Example#2426 - TokyoTyrant::size example
Example#2427 - TokyoTyrant::stat example
Example#2428 - TokyoTyrant::vanish example
Example#2429 - TokyoTyrantTable::genUid example
Example#2430 - TokyoTyrantTable::get example
Example#2431 - TokyoTyrantTable::getIterator example
Example#2432 - TokyoTyrantTable::getQuery example
Example#2433 - TokyoTyrantTable::out example
Example#2434 - TokyoTyrantTable::put example
Example#2435 - TokyoTyrantTable::putCat example
Example#2436 - TokyoTyrantTable::putKeep example
Example#2437 - TokyoTyrantQuery::addCond example
Example#2438 - TokyoTyrantQuery::__construct example
Example#2439 - TokyoTyrantQuery::count example
Example#2440 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
Example#2441 - TokyoTyrantQuery::hint example
Example#2442 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
Example#2443 - TokyoTyrantQuery::metaSearch example
Example#2444 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
Example#2445 - TokyoTyrantQuery::out example
Example#2446 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
Example#2447 - TokyoTyrantQuery::search example
Example#2448 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
Example#2449 - TokyoTyrantIterator::__construct example
Example#2450 - cal_days_in_month example
Example#2451 - cal_from_jd example
Example#2452 - cal_info example
Example#2453 - easter_date example
Example#2454 - easter_days example
Example#2455 - Calendar functions
Example#2456 - jdtojewish Example
Example#2457 - DateTime::add/sub add intervals which cover elapsed time
Example#2458 - DateTime::modify and strtotime increment or decrement individual component values
Example#2459 - Adding or subtracting times can over- or underflow dates
Example#2460 - DateTime::add example
Example#2461 - Further DateTime::add examples
Example#2462 - Beware when adding months
Example#2463 - DateTime::__construct example
Example#2464 - Intricacies of DateTime::__construct
Example#2465 - DateTime::createFromFormat example
Example#2466 - Intricacies of DateTime::createFromFormat
Example#2467 - Format string with literal characters
Example#2468 - DateTime::getLastErrors example
Example#2469 - DateTime::modify example
Example#2470 - Beware when adding or subtracting months
Example#2471 - DateTime::setDate example
Example#2472 - Values exceeding ranges are added to their parent values
Example#2473 - DateTime::setISODate example
Example#2474 - Values exceeding ranges are added to their parent values
Example#2475 - Finding the month a week is in
Example#2476 - DateTime::setTime example
Example#2477 - Values exceeding ranges are added to their parent values
Example#2478 - DateTime::setTimestamp example
Example#2479 - DateTime::setTimestamp alternative in PHP 5.2
Example#2480 - DateTime::setTimeZone example
Example#2481 - DateTime::sub example
Example#2482 - Further DateTime::sub examples
Example#2483 - Beware when subtracting months
Example#2484 - Creating an immutable date time object
Example#2485 - DateTime::diff example
Example#2486 - DateTime object comparison
Example#2487 - DateTime::format example
Example#2488 - DateTime::getOffset example
Example#2489 - DateTime::getTimestamp example
Example#2490 - DateTime::getTimezone example
Example#2491 - Catching errors when instantiating DateTimeZone
Example#2492 - DateTimeZone::getLocation example
Example#2493 - DateTimeZone::getOffset examples
Example#2494 - A timezone_transitions_get example
Example#2495 - A timezone_abbreviations_list example
Example#2496 - A timezone_identifiers_list example
Example#2497 - DateInterval example
Example#2498 - Parsing valid date intervals
Example#2499 - DateInterval example
Example#2500 - DateInterval and carry over points
Example#2501 - DateInterval and DateTime::diff with the %a and %d modifiers
Example#2502 - DatePeriod example
Example#2503 - DatePeriod example with DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE
Example#2504 - DatePeriod::getDateInterval example
Example#2505 - DatePeriod::getEndDate example
Example#2506 - DatePeriod::getEndDate without an end date
Example#2507 - DatePeriod::getStartDate example
Example#2508 - checkdate 예제
Example#2509 - Getting the default timezone
Example#2510 - Getting the abbreviation of a timezone
Example#2511 - Getting the default timezone
Example#2512 - date_parse_from_format example
Example#2513 - A date_parse example
Example#2514 - date_parse with relative formats
Example#2515 - A date_sun_info example
Example#2516 - date_sunrise example
Example#2517 - date_sunset example
Example#2518 - date 예제코드
Example#2519 - date의 회피 문자
Example#2520 - date와 mktime 예제
Example#2521 - date 형식화
Example#2522 - getdate 예제
Example#2523 - gettimeofday example
Example#2524 - gmdate example
Example#2525 - gmmktime basic example
Example#2526 - gmstrftime example
Example#2527 - idate example
Example#2528 - localtime example
Example#2529 - Timing script execution with microtime
Example#2530 - Timing script execution in PHP 5
Example#2531 - microtime and REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT (as of PHP 5.4.0)
Example#2532 - mktime basic example
Example#2533 - mktime example
Example#2534 - Last day of a month
Example#2535 - strftime locale examples
Example#2536 - ISO 8601:1988 week number example
Example#2537 - Cross platform compatible example using the %e modifier
Example#2538 - Display all known and unknown formats.
Example#2539 - strptime example
Example#2540 - A strtotime example
Example#2541 - Checking for failure
Example#2542 - time example
Example#2543 - A timezone_name_from_abbr example
Example#2544 - Getting the timezonedb version
Example#2545 - Measure several code blocks execution and get the total
Example#2546 - Closing an open file descriptor
Example#2547 - Setting and clearing a lock
Example#2548 - Opening a file descriptor
Example#2549 - Positioning in a file
Example#2550 - Setting the baud rate on a serial port
Example#2551 - chdir 예제
Example#2552 - closedir 예제
Example#2553 - dir example
Example#2554 - getcwd 예제
Example#2555 - opendir 예제
Example#2556 - 디렉토리 안의 모든 파일 목록
Example#2557 - .과 ..을 제외한 현재 디렉토리의 모든 파일 목록
Example#2558 - 간단한 scandir 예제
Example#2559 - scandir의 PHP 4 대체
Example#2560 - A finfo_buffer example
Example#2561 - A finfo_file example
Example#2562 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#2563 - 절차식 형식
Example#2564 - mime_content_type Example
Example#2565 - basename example
Example#2566 - Changing a file's group
Example#2567 - Simple chown usage
Example#2568 - clearstatcache example
Example#2569 - copy example
Example#2570 - dirname example
Example#2571 - disk_free_space example
Example#2572 - disk_total_space example
Example#2573 - A simple fclose example
Example#2574 - Handling timeouts with feof
Example#2575 - feof example with an invalid file pointer
Example#2576 - File write example using fflush
Example#2577 - A fgetc example
Example#2578 - Read and print the entire contents of a CSV file
Example#2579 - Reading a file line by line
Example#2580 - Reading a PHP file line-by-line
Example#2581 - Testing whether a file exists
Example#2582 - Get and output the source of the homepage of a website
Example#2583 - Searching within the include_path
Example#2584 - Reading a section of a file
Example#2585 - Using stream contexts
Example#2586 - Simple usage example
Example#2587 - Using flags
Example#2588 - file example
Example#2589 - fileatime example
Example#2590 - A filectime example
Example#2591 - Finding the group of a file
Example#2592 - Comparing the inode of a file with the current file
Example#2593 - filemtime example
Example#2594 - Finding the owner of a file
Example#2595 - Display permissions as an octal value
Example#2596 - Display full permissions
Example#2597 - filesize example
Example#2598 - filetype example
Example#2599 - flock example
Example#2600 - flock using the LOCK_NB option
Example#2601 - Checking a color name against a shell wildcard pattern
Example#2602 - fopen examples
Example#2603 - Using fpassthru with binary files
Example#2604 - fputcsv example
Example#2605 - A simple fread example
Example#2606 - Binary fread example
Example#2607 - Remote fread examples
Example#2608 - fscanf Example
Example#2609 - Contents of users.txt
Example#2610 - fseek example
Example#2611 - fstat example
Example#2612 - ftell example
Example#2613 - File truncation example
Example#2614 - A simple fwrite example
Example#2615 - Convenient way how glob can replace opendir and friends.
Example#2616 - is_dir example
Example#2617 - is_executable example
Example#2618 - is_file example
Example#2619 - Create and confirm if a file is a symbolic link
Example#2620 - is_readable example
Example#2621 - is_uploaded_file example
Example#2622 - is_writable example
Example#2623 - Changing the group of a symbolic link
Example#2624 - Changing the owner of a symbolic link
Example#2625 - Creating a simple hard link
Example#2626 - linkinfo example
Example#2627 - Comparison of stat and lstat
Example#2628 - mkdir example
Example#2629 - mkdir using the recursive parameter
Example#2630 - Uploading multiple files
Example#2631 - Contents of sample.ini
Example#2632 - parse_ini_file example
Example#2633 - parse_ini_file parsing a php.ini file
Example#2634 - pathinfo Example
Example#2635 - pathinfo example showing difference between null and no extension
Example#2636 - pathinfo example for a dot-file
Example#2637 - pclose example
Example#2638 - popen example
Example#2639 - popen example
Example#2640 - Forcing a download using readfile
Example#2641 - readlink example
Example#2642 - realpath_cache_get example
Example#2643 - realpath_cache_size example
Example#2644 - realpath example
Example#2645 - realpath on Windows
Example#2646 - Example with rename
Example#2647 - rewind overwriting example
Example#2648 - rmdir example
Example#2649 - stat example
Example#2650 - Using stat information together with touch
Example#2651 - Create a symbolic link
Example#2652 - tempnam example
Example#2653 - tmpfile example
Example#2654 - touch example
Example#2655 - touch using the time parameter
Example#2656 - umask example
Example#2657 - Basic unlink usage
Example#2658 - Example usage of inotify
Example#2659 - Setting the path to magic.mime
Example#2660 - setproctitle example
Example#2661 - setthreadtitle example
Example#2662 - Checks if system administrator has signed the file
Example#2663 - Prints names of all extended attributes of file
Example#2664 - Removes all extended attributes of a file
Example#2665 - Sets extended attributes on .wav file
Example#2666 - xattr_supported example
Example#2667 - xdiff_file_bdiff_size example
Example#2668 - xdiff_file_bdiff example
Example#2669 - xdiff_file_bpatch example
Example#2670 - xdiff_file_diff_binary example
Example#2671 - xdiff_file_diff example
Example#2672 - xdiff_file_merge3 example
Example#2673 - xdiff_file_patch_binary example
Example#2674 - xdiff_file_patch example
Example#2675 - Patch reversing example
Example#2676 - xdiff_file_rabdiff example
Example#2677 - xdiff_string_bdiff_size example
Example#2678 - xdiff_string_diff example
Example#2679 - xdiff_string_patch example
Example#2680 - Enchant Usage Example
Example#2681 - List the backends provided by the given broker
Example#2682 - A enchant_broker_dict_exists example
Example#2683 - List all available dictionaries for one broker
Example#2684 - A enchant_broker_request_dict example
Example#2685 - Adding a word to a PWL
Example#2686 - A enchant_dict_describe example
Example#2687 - A enchant_dict_quick_check example
Example#2688 - A enchant_dict_suggest example
Example#2689 - Usage example.
Example#2690 - Using Gender\Gender::country
Example#2691 - bindtextdomain example
Example#2692 - gettext-check
Example#2693 - ngettext example
Example#2694 - iconv_get_encoding example
Example#2695 - iconv_mime_decode_headers example
Example#2696 - iconv_mime_decode example
Example#2697 - iconv_mime_encode example
Example#2698 - iconv_set_encoding example
Example#2699 - iconv example
Example#2700 - ob_iconv_handler example:
Example#2701 - Example of using the procedural API
Example#2702 - Example of using the object-oriented API
Example#2703 - FRENCH_COLLATION rules
Example#2704 - ALTERNATE_HANDLING rules
Example#2705 - CASE_FIRST rules
Example#2706 - CASE_LEVEL rules
Example#2707 - collator_asortexample
Example#2708 - collator_compareexample
Example#2709 - Collator::__construct example
Example#2710 - collator_create example
Example#2711 - collator_get_attribute example
Example#2712 - collator_get_error_code example
Example#2713 - collator_get_error_message example
Example#2714 - collator_get_locale example
Example#2715 - collator_get_sort_keyexample
Example#2716 - collator_get_strength example
Example#2717 - collator_set_attribute example
Example#2718 - collator_set_strength example
Example#2719 - collator_sort_with_sort_keys example
Example#2720 - collator_sort example
Example#2721 - numfmt_create example
Example#2722 - NumberFormatter::create example
Example#2723 - numfmt_format_currency example
Example#2724 - OO example
Example#2725 - numfmt_format example
Example#2726 - OO example
Example#2727 - numfmt_get_attribute example
Example#2728 - OO example
Example#2729 - numfmt_get_error_code example
Example#2730 - OO example
Example#2731 - numfmt_get_error_message example
Example#2732 - OO example
Example#2733 - numfmt_get_locale example
Example#2734 - numfmt_get_pattern example
Example#2735 - OO example
Example#2736 - numfmt_get_symbol example
Example#2737 - OO example
Example#2738 - numfmt_get_text_attribute example
Example#2739 - OO example
Example#2740 - numfmt_parse_currency example
Example#2741 - OO example
Example#2742 - numfmt_parse example
Example#2743 - OO example
Example#2744 - numfmt_set_attribute example
Example#2745 - OO example
Example#2746 - numfmt_set_pattern example
Example#2747 - OO example
Example#2748 - numfmt_set_symbol example
Example#2749 - OO example
Example#2750 - numfmt_set_text_attribute example
Example#2751 - OO example
Example#2752 - locale_accept_from_http example
Example#2753 - OO example
Example#2754 - locale_compose example
Example#2755 - OO example
Example#2756 - locale_filter_matches example
Example#2757 - OO example
Example#2758 - locale_get_all_variants example
Example#2759 - OO example
Example#2760 - locale_get_default example
Example#2761 - OO example
Example#2762 - locale_get_display_language example
Example#2763 - OO example
Example#2764 - locale_get_display_name example
Example#2765 - OO example
Example#2766 - locale_get_display_region example
Example#2767 - OO example
Example#2768 - locale_get_display_script example
Example#2769 - OO example
Example#2770 - locale_get_display_variant example
Example#2771 - OO example
Example#2772 - locale_get_keywords example
Example#2773 - OO example
Example#2774 - locale_get_primary_language example
Example#2775 - OO example
Example#2776 - locale_get_region example
Example#2777 - OO example
Example#2778 - locale_get_script example
Example#2779 - OO example
Example#2780 - locale_lookup example
Example#2781 - OO example
Example#2782 - locale_parse example
Example#2783 - OO example
Example#2784 - locale_set_default example
Example#2785 - OO example
Example#2786 - normalizer_is_normalized example
Example#2787 - OO example
Example#2788 - normalizer_normalize example
Example#2789 - OO example
Example#2790 - msgfmt_create example
Example#2791 - OO example
Example#2792 - msgfmt_format_message example
Example#2793 - OO example
Example#2794 - msgfmt_format example
Example#2795 - OO example
Example#2796 - msgfmt_get_error_code example
Example#2797 - OO example
Example#2798 - msgfmt_get_error_message example
Example#2799 - OO example
Example#2800 - msgfmt_get_locale example
Example#2801 - OO example
Example#2802 - msgfmt_get_pattern example
Example#2803 - OO example
Example#2804 - msgfmt_parse_message example
Example#2805 - OO example
Example#2806 - msgfmt_parse example
Example#2807 - OO example
Example#2808 - msgfmt_set_pattern example
Example#2809 - OO example
Example#2810 - IntlCalendar::add
Example#2811 - IntlCalendar::after
Example#2812 - IntlCalendar::clear examples
Example#2813 - IntlCalendar::createInstance
Example#2814 - IntlCalendar::equals
Example#2815 - IntlCalendar::fieldDifference
Example#2816 - IntlCalendar::fromDateTime
Example#2817 - IntlCalendar::get
Example#2818 - IntlCalendar::getActualMaximum
Example#2819 - IntlCalendar::getAvailableLocales()
Example#2820 - IntlCalendar::getDayOfWeekType
Example#2821 - IntlCalendar::getErrorCode and IntlCalendar::getErrorMessage
Example#2822 - IntlCalendar::getErrorMessage
Example#2823 - IntlCalendar::getFirstDayOfWeek
Example#2824 - IntlCalendar::getKeyworkValuesForLocale
Example#2825 - Maxima examples
Example#2826 - IntlCalendar::getLocale
Example#2827 - IntlCalendar::getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek
Example#2828 - IntlCalendar::getNow
Example#2829 - IntlCalendar::getRepeatedWallTimeOption
Example#2830 - IntlCalendar::getSkippedWallTimeOption
Example#2831 - IntlCalendar::getTime
Example#2832 - IntlCalendar::getTimeZone
Example#2833 - IntlCalendar::getType
Example#2834 - IntlCalendar::inDaylightTime
Example#2835 - IntlCalendar::isEquivalentTo
Example#2836 - IntlCalendar::isLenient
Example#2837 - IntlCalendar::isWeekend
Example#2838 - IntlCalendar::roll
Example#2839 - IntlCalendar::set
Example#2840 - IntlCalendar::setFirstDayOfWeek
Example#2841 - IntlCalendar::setTime
Example#2842 - IntlCalendar::setTimeZone
Example#2843 - IntlCalendar::toDateTime
Example#2844 - datefmt_create example
Example#2845 - OO example
Example#2846 - datefmt_format example
Example#2847 - OO example
Example#2848 - With IntlCalendar object
Example#2849 - IntlDateFormatter::formatObject examples
Example#2850 - datefmt_get_calendar example
Example#2851 - OO example
Example#2852 - datefmt_get_datetype example
Example#2853 - OO example
Example#2854 - datefmt_get_error_code example
Example#2855 - OO example
Example#2856 - datefmt_get_error_message example
Example#2857 - OO example
Example#2858 - datefmt_get_locale example
Example#2859 - OO example
Example#2860 - datefmt_get_pattern example
Example#2861 - OO example
Example#2862 - datefmt_get_timetype example
Example#2863 - OO example
Example#2864 - datefmt_get_timezone_id example
Example#2865 - OO example
Example#2866 - IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject example
Example#2867 - IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone examples
Example#2868 - datefmt_is_lenient example
Example#2869 - OO example
Example#2870 - datefmt_localtime example
Example#2871 - OO example
Example#2872 - OO example
Example#2873 - datefmt_parse example
Example#2874 - datefmt_set_calendar example
Example#2875 - OO example
Example#2876 - Example with IntlCalendar argument
Example#2877 - datefmt_set_lenient example
Example#2878 - OO example
Example#2879 - datefmt_set_pattern example
Example#2880 - OO example
Example#2881 - datefmt_set_timezone_id example
Example#2882 - OO example
Example#2883 - IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone examples
Example#2884 - resourcebundle_count example
Example#2885 - OO example
Example#2886 - resourcebundle_create example
Example#2887 - ResourceBundle::create example
Example#2888 - resourcebundle_get_error_code example
Example#2889 - OO example
Example#2890 - resourcebundle_get_error_message example
Example#2891 - OO example
Example#2892 - resourcebundle_get example
Example#2893 - OO example
Example#2894 - resourcebundle_locales example
Example#2895 - OO example
Example#2896 - Converting escaped UTF-16 code units
Example#2897 - grapheme_extract example
Example#2898 - grapheme_stripos example
Example#2899 - grapheme_stristr example
Example#2900 - grapheme_strlen example
Example#2901 - grapheme_strpos example
Example#2902 - grapheme_strripos example
Example#2903 - grapheme_strrpos example
Example#2904 - grapheme_strstr example
Example#2905 - grapheme_substr example
Example#2906 - idn_to_ascii example
Example#2907 - idn_to_utf8 example
Example#2908 - Testing different code points
Example#2909 - Testing different code points
Example#2910 - Testing different code points
Example#2911 - Testing different code points
Example#2912 - Testing different code points
Example#2913 - Testing different code points
Example#2914 - Testing different code points
Example#2915 - Testing different code points
Example#2916 - Testing different code points
Example#2917 - Enumerating over a sample range of code points
Example#2918 - Enumerating over a sample range of code points
Example#2919 - Testing different code points
Example#2920 - Testing different code points
Example#2921 - Testing different code points
Example#2922 - Testing different code points
Example#2923 - Testing different code points
Example#2924 - Testing different properties
Example#2925 - Testing different properties
Example#2926 - Testing different properties
Example#2927 - Testing different code points
Example#2928 - Testing different properties
Example#2929 - Testing different properties
Example#2930 - Testing different properties
Example#2931 - Testing different properties
Example#2932 - Testing different properties
Example#2933 - Testing different properties
Example#2934 - Testing different code points
Example#2935 - Testing different code points
Example#2936 - Testing different code points
Example#2937 - Testing different code points
Example#2938 - Testing different code points
Example#2939 - Testing different code points
Example#2940 - Testing different code points
Example#2941 - Testing different code points
Example#2942 - Testing different code points
Example#2943 - Testing different code points
Example#2944 - Testing different code points
Example#2945 - Testing different code points
Example#2946 - Testing different code points
Example#2947 - Testing different code points
Example#2948 - Testing different code points
Example#2949 - Testing different code points
Example#2950 - Testing different code points
Example#2951 - Testing different code points
Example#2952 - Testing different code points
Example#2953 - Testing different code points
Example#2954 - Testing different code points
Example#2955 - Testing different code points
Example#2956 - Testing different code points
Example#2957 - Testing different code points
Example#2958 - Testing different code points
Example#2959 - Testing different code points
Example#2960 - Testing different code points
Example#2961 - Testing different code points
Example#2962 - Testing different code points
Example#2963 - Testing different code points
Example#2964 - Testing different code points
Example#2965 - Testing different code points
Example#2966 - intl_error_name example
Example#2967 - intl_get_error_code example
Example#2968 - intl_get_error_message example
Example#2969 - intl_is_failure example
Example#2970 - php.ini setting examples
Example#2971 - php.ini setting for EUC-JP users
Example#2972 - php.ini setting for SJIS users
Example#2973 - Disable HTTP input conversion in php.ini
Example#2974 - php.ini setting example
Example#2975 - Script example
Example#2976 - mb_convert_case example
Example#2977 - mb_convert_case example with non-Latin UTF-8 text
Example#2978 - mb_convert_encoding example
Example#2979 - mb_convert_kana example
Example#2980 - mb_convert_variables example
Example#2981 - convmap example
Example#2982 - convmap example escapes JavaScript string
Example#2983 - mb_detect_encoding example
Example#2984 - mb_detect_order examples
Example#2985 - Example showing useless detect orders
Example#2986 - mb_encode_mimeheader example
Example#2987 - convmap example
Example#2988 - mb_encode_numericentity example
Example#2989 - mb_encoding_aliases example
Example#2990 - mb_ereg_replace_callback example
Example#2991 - mb_ereg_replace_callback using anonymous function supported in PHP 5.3.0 or later
Example#2992 - mb_internal_encoding example
Example#2993 - mb_list_encodings example
Example#2994 - mb_output_handler example
Example#2995 - mb_preferred_mime_name example
Example#2996 - mb_strimwidth example
Example#2997 - mb_strtolower example
Example#2998 - mb_strtolower example with non-Latin UTF-8 text
Example#2999 - mb_strtoupper example
Example#3000 - mb_strtoupper example with non-Latin UTF-8 text
Example#3001 - mb_substitute_character example
Example#3002 - mb_substr_count example
Example#3003 - pspell_add_to_personal
Example#3004 - pspell_check Example
Example#3005 - pspell_add_to_personal Example
Example#3006 - pspell_config_create
Example#3007 - pspell_config_ignore
Example#3008 - pspell_config_mode Example
Example#3009 - pspell_config_personal
Example#3010 - pspell_config_repl
Example#3011 - pspell_config_runtogether
Example#3012 - pspell_new_config
Example#3013 - pspell_new_personal
Example#3014 - pspell_new
Example#3015 - pspell_add_to_personal
Example#3016 - pspell_store_replacement
Example#3017 - pspell_suggest example
Example#3018 - Basic recode_file example
Example#3019 - Basic recode_string example
Example#3020 - Cairo Example
Example#3021 - cairo_create example
Example#3022 - cairo_font_face_get_type example
Example#3023 - cairo_font_face_status example
Example#3024 - cairo_font_options_create example
Example#3025 - cairo_font_options_equal example
Example#3026 - cairo_font_options_get_antialias example
Example#3027 - cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics example
Example#3028 - cairo_font_options_get_hint_style example
Example#3029 - cairo_font_options_get_subpixel_order example
Example#3030 - cairo_font_options_hash example
Example#3031 - cairo_font_options_merge example
Example#3032 - cairo_font_options_set_antialias example
Example#3033 - cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics example
Example#3034 - cairo_font_options_set_hint_style example
Example#3035 - cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order example
Example#3036 - cairo_font_options_status example
Example#3037 - cairo_format_stride_for_width example
Example#3038 - cairo_image_surface_create_for_data example
Example#3039 - cairo_image_surface_create_from_png example
Example#3040 - cairo_image_surface_create example
Example#3041 - cairo_image_surface_get_data example
Example#3042 - cairo_image_surface_get_format example
Example#3043 - cairo_image_surface_get_height example
Example#3044 - cairo_image_surface_get_stride example
Example#3045 - cairo_image_surface_get_width example
Example#3046 - cairo_matrix_invert example
Example#3047 - cairo_matrix_multiply example
Example#3048 - cairo_matrix_rotate example
Example#3049 - cairo_matrix_transform_distance example
Example#3050 - cairo_matrix_transform_point example
Example#3051 - cairo_matrix_translate example
Example#3052 - cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb example
Example#3053 - cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba example
Example#3054 - cairo_pattern_create_for_surface example
Example#3055 - cairo_pattern_create_linear example
Example#3056 - cairo_pattern_create_radial example
Example#3057 - cairo_pattern_create_rgb example
Example#3058 - cairo_pattern_create_rgba example
Example#3059 - cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_count example
Example#3060 - cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba example
Example#3061 - cairo_pattern_get_extend example
Example#3062 - cairo_pattern_get_filter example
Example#3063 - cairo_pattern_get_linear_points example
Example#3064 - cairo_pattern_get_matrix example
Example#3065 - cairo_pattern_get_radial_circles example
Example#3066 - cairo_pattern_get_rgba example
Example#3067 - cairo_pattern_get_surface example
Example#3068 - cairo_pattern_get_type example
Example#3069 - cairo_pattern_set_extend example
Example#3070 - cairo_pattern_set_filter example
Example#3071 - cairo_pattern_set_matrix example
Example#3072 - cairo_pattern_status example
Example#3073 - cairo_pdf_surface_create example
Example#3074 - cairo_pdf_surface_set_size example
Example#3075 - cairo_ps_get_levels example
Example#3076 - cairo_ps_level_to_string example
Example#3077 - cairo_ps_surface_create example
Example#3078 - cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup example
Example#3079 - cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup example
Example#3080 - cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment example
Example#3081 - cairo_ps_surface_get_eps example
Example#3082 - cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level example
Example#3083 - cairo_ps_surface_set_eps example
Example#3084 - cairo_ps_surface_set_size example
Example#3085 - cairo_scaled_font_create example
Example#3086 - cairo_scaled_font_extents example
Example#3087 - cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm example
Example#3088 - cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face example
Example#3089 - cairo_scaled_font_get_font_matrix example
Example#3090 - cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options example
Example#3091 - cairo_scaled_font_get_scale_matrix example
Example#3092 - cairo_scaled_font_get_type example
Example#3093 - cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents example
Example#3094 - cairo_scaled_font_status example
Example#3095 - cairo_scaled_font_text_extents example
Example#3096 - cairo_surface_copy_page example
Example#3097 - cairo_surface_create_similar example
Example#3098 - cairo_surface_finish example
Example#3099 - cairo_surface_flush example
Example#3100 - cairo_surface_get_content example
Example#3101 - cairo_surface_get_device_offset example
Example#3102 - cairo_surface_get_font_options example
Example#3103 - cairo_surface_get_type example
Example#3104 - cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle example
Example#3105 - cairo_surface_mark_dirty example
Example#3106 - cairo_surface_set_device_offset example
Example#3107 - cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution example
Example#3108 - cairo_surface_show_page example
Example#3109 - cairo_surface_status example
Example#3110 - cairo_surface_write_to_png example
Example#3111 - cairo_svg_surface_create example
Example#3112 - cairo_svg_surface_restrict_to_version example
Example#3113 - cairo_svg_version_to_string example
Example#3114 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3115 - 절차식 형식
Example#3116 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3117 - 절차식 형식
Example#3118 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3119 - 절차식 형식
Example#3120 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3121 - 절차식 형식
Example#3122 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3123 - 절차식 형식
Example#3124 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3125 - 절차식 형식
Example#3126 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3127 - 절차식 형식
Example#3128 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3129 - 절차식 형식
Example#3130 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3131 - 절차식 형식
Example#3132 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3133 - 절차식 형식
Example#3134 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3135 - 절차식 형식
Example#3136 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3137 - 절차식 형식
Example#3138 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3139 - 절차식 형식
Example#3140 - CairoContext::__construct example
Example#3141 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3142 - 절차식 형식
Example#3143 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3144 - 절차식 형식
Example#3145 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3146 - 절차식 형식
Example#3147 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3148 - 절차식 형식
Example#3149 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3150 - 절차식 형식
Example#3151 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3152 - 절차식 형식
Example#3153 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3154 - 절차식 형식
Example#3155 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3156 - 절차식 형식
Example#3157 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3158 - 절차식 형식
Example#3159 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3160 - 절차식 형식
Example#3161 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3162 - 절차식 형식
Example#3163 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3164 - 절차식 형식
Example#3165 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3166 - 절차식 형식
Example#3167 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3168 - 절차식 형식
Example#3169 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3170 - 절차식 형식
Example#3171 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3172 - 절차식 형식
Example#3173 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3174 - 절차식 형식
Example#3175 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3176 - 절차식 형식
Example#3177 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3178 - 절차식 형식
Example#3179 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3180 - 절차식 형식
Example#3181 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3182 - 절차식 형식
Example#3183 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3184 - 절차식 형식
Example#3185 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3186 - 절차식 형식
Example#3187 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3188 - 절차식 형식
Example#3189 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3190 - 절차식 형식
Example#3191 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3192 - 절차식 형식
Example#3193 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3194 - 절차식 형식
Example#3195 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3196 - 절차식 형식
Example#3197 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3198 - 절차식 형식
Example#3199 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3200 - 절차식 형식
Example#3201 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3202 - 절차식 형식
Example#3203 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3204 - 절차식 형식
Example#3205 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3206 - 절차식 형식
Example#3207 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3208 - 절차식 형식
Example#3209 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3210 - 절차식 형식
Example#3211 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3212 - 절차식 형식
Example#3213 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3214 - 절차식 형식
Example#3215 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3216 - 절차식 형식
Example#3217 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3218 - 절차식 형식
Example#3219 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3220 - 절차식 형식
Example#3221 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3222 - 절차식 형식
Example#3223 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3224 - 절차식 형식
Example#3225 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3226 - 절차식 형식
Example#3227 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3228 - 절차식 형식
Example#3229 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3230 - 절차식 형식
Example#3231 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3232 - 절차식 형식
Example#3233 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3234 - 절차식 형식
Example#3235 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3236 - 절차식 형식
Example#3237 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3238 - 절차식 형식
Example#3239 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3240 - 절차식 형식
Example#3241 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3242 - 절차식 형식
Example#3243 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3244 - 절차식 형식
Example#3245 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3246 - 절차식 형식
Example#3247 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3248 - 절차식 형식
Example#3249 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3250 - 절차식 형식
Example#3251 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3252 - 절차식 형식
Example#3253 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3254 - 절차식 형식
Example#3255 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3256 - 절차식 형식
Example#3257 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3258 - 절차식 형식
Example#3259 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3260 - 절차식 형식
Example#3261 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3262 - 절차식 형식
Example#3263 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3264 - 절차식 형식
Example#3265 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3266 - 절차식 형식
Example#3267 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3268 - 절차식 형식
Example#3269 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3270 - 절차식 형식
Example#3271 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3272 - 절차식 형식
Example#3273 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3274 - 절차식 형식
Example#3275 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3276 - 절차식 형식
Example#3277 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3278 - 절차식 형식
Example#3279 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3280 - 절차식 형식
Example#3281 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3282 - 절차식 형식
Example#3283 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3284 - 절차식 형식
Example#3285 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3286 - 절차식 형식
Example#3287 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3288 - 절차식 형식
Example#3289 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3290 - 절차식 형식
Example#3291 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3292 - 절차식 형식
Example#3293 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3294 - 절차식 형식
Example#3295 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3296 - 절차식 형식
Example#3297 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3298 - 절차식 형식
Example#3299 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3300 - 절차식 형식
Example#3301 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3302 - 절차식 형식
Example#3303 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3304 - 절차식 형식
Example#3305 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3306 - 절차식 형식
Example#3307 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3308 - 절차식 형식
Example#3309 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3310 - 절차식 형식
Example#3311 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3312 - 절차식 형식
Example#3313 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3314 - 절차식 형식
Example#3315 - CairoSurface::createSimilar example
Example#3316 - CairoSurface::finish example
Example#3317 - CairoSurface::flush example
Example#3318 - CairoSurface::getContent example
Example#3319 - CairoSurface::getDeviceOffset example
Example#3320 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3321 - 절차식 형식
Example#3322 - CairoSurface::getType example
Example#3323 - CairoSurface::markDirty example
Example#3324 - CairoSurface::markDirtyRectangle example
Example#3325 - CairoSurface::setDeviceOffset example
Example#3326 - CairoSurface::setFallbackResolution example
Example#3327 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3328 - 절차식 형식
Example#3329 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3330 - 절차식 형식
Example#3331 - CairoSurface::writeToPng example
Example#3332 - CairoSvgSurface::__construct example
Example#3333 - CairoSvgSurface::getVersions example
Example#3334 - 절차식 형식
Example#3335 - CairoSvgSurface::restrictToVersion example
Example#3336 - CairoSvgSurface::versionToString example
Example#3337 - CairoImageSurface::__construct example
Example#3338 - CairoImageSurface::createForData example
Example#3339 - CairoImageSurface::createFromPng example
Example#3340 - CairoImageSurface::getData example
Example#3341 - CairoImageSurface::getFormat example
Example#3342 - CairoImageSurface::getHeight example
Example#3343 - CairoImageSurface::getStride example
Example#3344 - CairoImageSurface::getWidth example
Example#3345 - CairoPdfSurface::__construct example
Example#3346 - CairoPdfSurface::setSize example
Example#3347 - CairoPsSurface::__construct example
Example#3348 - CairoPsSurface::dscBeginPageSetup example
Example#3349 - CairoPsSurface::dscBeginSetup example
Example#3350 - CairoPsSurface::dscComment example
Example#3351 - CairoPsSurface::getEps example
Example#3352 - CairoPsSurface::getLevels example
Example#3353 - CairoPsSurface::levelToString example
Example#3354 - CairoPsSurface::restrictToLevel example
Example#3355 - CairoPsSurface::setEps example
Example#3356 - CairoPsSurface::setSize example
Example#3357 - CairoFontFace::__construct example
Example#3358 - CairoFontFace::getType example
Example#3359 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3360 - 절차식 형식
Example#3361 - CairoFontOptions::__construct example
Example#3362 - CairoFontOptions::equal example
Example#3363 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3364 - 절차식 형식
Example#3365 - CairoFontOptions::getHintMetrics example
Example#3366 - CairoFontOptions::getHintStyle example
Example#3367 - CairoFontOptions::getSubpixelOrder example
Example#3368 - CairoFontOptions::hash example
Example#3369 - CairoFontOptions::merge example
Example#3370 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3371 - 절차식 형식
Example#3372 - CairoFontOptions::setHintMetrics example
Example#3373 - CairoFontOptions::setHintStyle example
Example#3374 - CairoFontOptions::setSubpixelOrder example
Example#3375 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3376 - 절차식 형식
Example#3377 - CairoScaledFont::__construct example
Example#3378 - CairoScaledFont::extents example
Example#3379 - CairoScaledFont::getCtm example
Example#3380 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3381 - 절차식 형식
Example#3382 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3383 - 절차식 형식
Example#3384 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3385 - 절차식 형식
Example#3386 - CairoScaledFont::getScaleMatrix example
Example#3387 - CairoScaledFont::getType example
Example#3388 - CairoScaledFont::glyphExtents example
Example#3389 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3390 - 절차식 형식
Example#3391 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3392 - 절차식 형식
Example#3393 - CairoPattern::__construct example
Example#3394 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3395 - 절차식 형식
Example#3396 - CairoPattern::getType example
Example#3397 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3398 - 절차식 형식
Example#3399 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3400 - 절차식 형식
Example#3401 - CairoGradientPattern::addColorStopRgb example
Example#3402 - CairoGradientPattern::addColorStopRgba example
Example#3403 - CairoGradientPattern::getColorStopCount example
Example#3404 - CairoGradientPattern::getColorStopRgba example
Example#3405 - CairoGradientPattern::getExtend example
Example#3406 - CairoGradientPattern::setExtend example
Example#3407 - CairoSolidPattern::__construct example
Example#3408 - CairoSolidPattern::getRgba example
Example#3409 - CairoSurfacePattern::__construct example
Example#3410 - CairoSurfacePattern::getExtend example
Example#3411 - CairoSurfacePattern::getFilter example
Example#3412 - CairoSurfacePattern::getSurface example
Example#3413 - CairoSurfacePattern::setExtend example
Example#3414 - CairoSurfacePattern::setFilter example
Example#3415 - CairoLinearGradient::__construct example
Example#3416 - CairoLinearGradient::getPoints example
Example#3417 - CairoRadialGradient::__construct example
Example#3418 - CairoRadialGradient::getCircles example
Example#3419 - CairoFormat::strideForWidth example
Example#3420 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3421 - 절차식 형식
Example#3422 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3423 - 절차식 형식
Example#3424 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3425 - 절차식 형식
Example#3426 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3427 - 절차식 형식
Example#3428 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3429 - 절차식 형식
Example#3430 - CairoMatrix::invert example
Example#3431 - CairoMatrix::multiply example
Example#3432 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3433 - 절차식 형식
Example#3434 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3435 - 절차식 형식
Example#3436 - CairoMatrix::transformDistance example
Example#3437 - CairoMatrix::transformPoint example
Example#3438 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#3439 - 절차식 형식
Example#3440 - exif_imagetype example
Example#3441 - exif_read_data example
Example#3442 - exif_tagname example
Example#3443 - exif_thumbnail example
Example#3444 - PNG creation with PHP
Example#3445 - Adding watermarks to images using alpha channels
Example#3446 - Using imagecopymerge to create a translucent watermark
Example#3447 - Using gd_info
Example#3448 - getimagesize and MIME types
Example#3449 - getimagesize example
Example#3450 - getimagesize (URL)
Example#3451 - getimagesize() returning IPTC
Example#3452 - getimagesizefromstring example
Example#3453 - image_type_to_extension example
Example#3454 - image_type_to_mime_type example
Example#3455 - image2wbmp example
Example#3456 - imageaffinematrixconcat example
Example#3457 - imageaffinematrixget example
Example#3458 - imagealphablending usage example
Example#3459 - A comparison of two lines, one with anti-aliasing switched on
Example#3460 - Drawing a circle with imagearc
Example#3461 - imagechar example
Example#3462 - imagecharup example
Example#3463 - imagecolorallocate example
Example#3464 - Example of using imagecolorallocatealpha
Example#3465 - Access distinct RGB values
Example#3466 - Human-readable RGB values using imagecolorsforindex
Example#3467 - Search for a set of colors in an image
Example#3468 - Search for a set of colors in an image
Example#3469 - Example of using imagecolorclosesthwb
Example#3470 - Using imagecolordeallocate
Example#3471 - Get colors from the GD logo
Example#3472 - Get colors from the GD logo
Example#3473 - imagecolormatch example
Example#3474 - Using imagecoloresolve to get colors from an image
Example#3475 - Using imagecoloresolvealpha to get colors from an image
Example#3476 - imagecolorset example
Example#3477 - imagecolorsforindex example
Example#3478 - Getting total number of colors in an image using imagecolorstotal
Example#3479 - imagecolortransparent example
Example#3480 - Embossing the logo
Example#3481 - Gaussian blur
Example#3482 - Cropping the logo
Example#3483 - Merging two copies of the logo with 75% transparency
Example#3484 - imagecopymergegray usage
Example#3485 - Simple example
Example#3486 - Resampling an image proportionally
Example#3487 - Resizing an image
Example#3488 - Creating a new GD image stream and outputting an image.
Example#3489 - imagecreatefromgd2 example
Example#3490 - imagecreatefromgd2part example
Example#3491 - imagecreatefromgd example
Example#3492 - Example to handle an error during loading of a GIF
Example#3493 - Example to handle an error during loading of a JPEG
Example#3494 - Example to handle an error during loading of a PNG
Example#3495 - imagecreatefromstring example
Example#3496 - Example to handle an error during loading of a WBMP
Example#3497 - Convert an WebP image to a jpeg image using imagecreatefromwebp
Example#3498 - Convert an XBM image to a png image using imagecreatefromxbm
Example#3499 - Creating an image instance using imagecreatefromxpm
Example#3500 - Creating a new GD image stream and outputting an image.
Example#3501 - imagecrop example
Example#3502 - Proper handling of auto-cropping
Example#3503 - imagedashedline example
Example#3504 - Alternative to imagedashedline
Example#3505 - Using imagedestroy example
Example#3506 - imageellipse example
Example#3507 - imagefill example
Example#3508 - Creating a 3D looking pie
Example#3509 - imagefilledellipse example
Example#3510 - imagefilledpolygon example
Example#3511 - imagefilledrectangle usage
Example#3512 - Filling an ellipse with a color
Example#3513 - imagefilter grayscale example
Example#3514 - imagefilter brightness example
Example#3515 - imagefilter colorize example
Example#3516 - imagefilter negate example
Example#3517 - imagefilter pixelate example
Example#3518 - Flips an image vertically
Example#3519 - Flips the image horizontally
Example#3520 - Using imagefontheight on built-in fonts
Example#3521 - Using imagefontheight together with imageloadfont
Example#3522 - Using imagefontwidth on built-in fonts
Example#3523 - Using imagefontwidth together with imageloadfont
Example#3524 - imageftbbox example
Example#3525 - imagefttext example
Example#3526 - imagegammacorrect usage
Example#3527 - Outputting a GD2 image
Example#3528 - Saving a GD2 image
Example#3529 - Outputting a GD image
Example#3530 - Saving a GD image
Example#3531 - imagegetclip example
Example#3532 - Outputting an image using imagegif
Example#3533 - Converting a PNG image to GIF using imagegif
Example#3534 - imagegrabscreen example
Example#3535 - imagegrabwindow example
Example#3536 - Turn on interlacing using imageinterlace
Example#3537 - Simple detection of true color image instances using imageistruecolor
Example#3538 - Outputting a JPEG image to the browser
Example#3539 - Saving a JPEG image to a file
Example#3540 - Outputting the image at 75% quality to the browser
Example#3541 - imagelayereffect example
Example#3542 - Drawing a thick line
Example#3543 - imageloadfont usage example
Example#3544 - imageopenpolygon example
Example#3545 - imagepalettecopy example
Example#3546 - Converts any image resource to true color
Example#3547 - imagepolygon example
Example#3548 - imagepsbbox usage
Example#3549 - imagepsencodefont example
Example#3550 - imagepsextendfont example
Example#3551 - imagepsfreefont example
Example#3552 - imagepsloadfont example
Example#3553 - imagepsslantfont example
Example#3554 - imagepstext usage
Example#3555 - Simple imagerectangle example
Example#3556 - Setting and getting the resolution of an image
Example#3557 - Rotate an image 180 degrees
Example#3558 - imagesavealpha example
Example#3559 - imagesetbrush example
Example#3560 - imagesetinterpolation example
Example#3561 - imagesetpixel example
Example#3562 - imagesetstyle example
Example#3563 - imagesetthickness example
Example#3564 - imagesettile example
Example#3565 - imagestring example
Example#3566 - imagestringup example
Example#3567 - Using imagesx
Example#3568 - Using imagesy
Example#3569 - Converting a true color image to a palette-based image
Example#3570 - imagettfbbox example
Example#3571 - imagettftext example
Example#3572 - Checking for PNG support
Example#3573 - Outputting a WBMP image
Example#3574 - Saving the WBMP image
Example#3575 - Outputting the image with a different foreground
Example#3576 - Saving an WebP file
Example#3577 - Saving an XBM file
Example#3578 - Saving an XBM file with a different foreground color
Example#3579 - Embedding IPTC data into a JPEG
Example#3580 - iptcparse() used together with getimagesize
Example#3581 - jpeg2wbmp example
Example#3582 - png2wbmp example
Example#3583 - Gmagick Example
Example#3584 - Gmagick::despeckleimage example
Example#3585 - Gmagick::setCompressionQuality
Example#3586 - Creating a thumbnail in Imagick
Example#3587 - Make a thumbnail of all JPG files in a directory
Example#3588 - Creating a reflection of an image
Example#3589 - Filling text with gradient
Example#3590 - Read in GIF image and resize all frames
Example#3591 - Create a PHP logo
Example#3592 - Using Imagick::adaptiveBlurImage:
Example#3593 - Using Imagick::adaptiveResizeImage
Example#3594 - A Imagick::adaptiveSharpenImage example
Example#3595 - Imagick::adaptiveThresholdImage
Example#3596 - Imagick::addNoiseImage
Example#3597 - Imagick::affineTransformImage
Example#3598 - Using Imagick::annotateImage:
Example#3599 - Imagick::appendImages example
Example#3600 - Imagick::autoLevelImage
Example#3601 - Imagick::blackThresholdImage
Example#3602 - Imagick::blueShiftImage
Example#3603 - Using Imagick::blurImage:
Example#3604 - Imagick::borderImage
Example#3605 - Imagick::brightnessContrastImage
Example#3606 - Imagick::charcoalImage
Example#3607 - Using Imagick::chopImage:
Example#3608 - Imagick object cloning in different versions of imagick
Example#3609 - Using Imagick::clutImage:
Example#3610 - Imagick::colorizeImage
Example#3611 - Imagick::colorMatrixImage
Example#3612 - Using Imagick::commentImage:
Example#3613 - Using Imagick::compareImageLayers
Example#3614 - Using Imagick::compareImages:
Example#3615 - Using Imagick::compositeImage:
Example#3616 - Imagick::contrastImage
Example#3617 - Imagick::convolveImage
Example#3618 - Imagick::cropImage
Example#3619 - Imagick::deskewImage
Example#3620 - Imagick::despeckleImage
Example#3621 - Using Imagick::distortImage:
Example#3622 - Imagick::edgeImage
Example#3623 - Imagick::embossImage
Example#3624 - Imagick::enhanceImage
Example#3625 - Imagick::equalizeImage
Example#3626 - Using Imagick::evaluateImage
Example#3627 - Using Imagick::exportImagePixels
Example#3628 - Imagick::filter
Example#3629 - Imagick::flipImage
Example#3630 - Imagick::floodfillPaintImage example
Example#3631 - Imagick::flopImage
Example#3632 - Imagick::forwardFourierTransformImage
Example#3633 - Imagick::frameImage
Example#3634 - Create a sinusoidal gradient
Example#3635 - Create a gradient from the polynomial (4x^2 - 4x + 1)
Example#3636 - Create a complex gradient from the polynomial (4x^2 - 4x^2 + 1) modulated by a sinusoidal gradient
Example#3637 - Imagick::fxImage
Example#3638 - Imagick::gammaImage
Example#3639 - Imagick::gaussianBlurImage
Example#3640 - Imagick::getImageGeometry
Example#3641 - Generates Imagick::getImageHistogram
Example#3642 - Using Imagick::getImageLength:
Example#3643 - Using Imagick::getImageProperties:
Example#3644 - Using Imagick::getImageProperty:
Example#3645 - Using Imagick::getIteratorIndex:
Example#3646 - Imagick::getPixelIterator
Example#3647 - Imagick::getPixelRegionIterator example
Example#3648 - Imagick::haldClutImage
Example#3649 - Imagick::identifyFormat
Example#3650 - Example Result Format
Example#3651 - Imagick::implodeImage
Example#3652 - Imagick::importImagePixels example
Example#3653 - Imagick::levelImage
Example#3654 - Imagick::linearStretchImage
Example#3655 - Imagick::magnifyImage
Example#3656 - Imagick::medianFilterImage
Example#3657 - Imagick::mergeImageLayers
Example#3658 - Imagick::modulateImage
Example#3659 - Convolve Imagick::morphology
Example#3660 - Correlate Imagick::morphology
Example#3661 - Erode Imagick::morphology
Example#3662 - Erode Intensity Imagick::morphology
Example#3663 - Dilate Imagick::morphology
Example#3664 - Dilate intensity Imagick::morphology
Example#3665 - Distance with Chebyshev kernel Imagick::morphology
Example#3666 - Distance with Manhattan kernel Imagick::morphology
Example#3667 - Distance with ocatagonal kernel Imagick::morphology
Example#3668 - Distance with Euclidean kernel Imagick::morphology
Example#3669 - Edge Imagick::morphology
Example#3670 - Open Imagick::morphology
Example#3671 - Open intensity Imagick::morphology
Example#3672 - Close Imagick::morphology
Example#3673 - Close Intensity Imagick::morphology
Example#3674 - Smooth Imagick::morphology
Example#3675 - Edge in Imagick::morphology
Example#3676 - Edge out Imagick::morphology
Example#3677 - The 'TopHat' method, or more specifically 'White Top Hat', returns the pixels that were removed by a Opening of the shape, that is the pixels that were removed to round off the points, and the connecting bridged between shapes. Imagick::morphology
Example#3678 - The 'BottomHat' method, also known as 'Black TopHat' is the pixels that a Closing of the shape adds to the image. That is the the pixels that were used to fill in the 'holes', 'gaps', and 'bridges'. Imagick::morphology
Example#3679 - Hit and Miss Imagick::morphology
Example#3680 - Thinning Imagick::morphology
Example#3681 - Thicken Imagick::morphology
Example#3682 - Thick to generate a convex hull Imagick::morphology
Example#3683 - Iterative morphology Imagick::morphology
Example#3684 - Helper functon to get an image silhouette Imagick::morphology
Example#3685 - Imagick::motionBlurImage
Example#3686 - Imagick::negateImage
Example#3687 - Using Imagick::newImage:
Example#3688 - Imagick::newPseudoImage
Example#3689 - Imagick::normalizeImage
Example#3690 - Imagick::oilPaintImage
Example#3691 - Using Imagick::optimizeImageLayers
Example#3692 - Imagick::orderedPosterizeImage
Example#3693 - Using Imagick::pingImageBlob
Example#3694 - Using Imagick::pingImageFile
Example#3695 - A Imagick::polaroidImage example
Example#3696 - Imagick::posterizeImage
Example#3697 - Imagick::quantizeImage
Example#3698 - Using Imagick::queryFontMetrics:
Example#3699 - Imagick::queryFonts
Example#3700 - Imagick::queryFormats
Example#3701 - Imagick::radialBlurImage
Example#3702 - Imagick::raiseImage
Example#3703 - Imagick::randomThresholdImage
Example#3704 - Imagick::readImageBlob
Example#3705 - Imagick::recolorImage
Example#3706 - Imagick::reduceNoiseImage
Example#3707 - Imagick::resampleImage
Example#3708 - Imagick::resizeImage
Example#3709 - Imagick::rollImage
Example#3710 - Imagick::rotateImage
Example#3711 - Imagick::rotationalBlurImage
Example#3712 - Using Imagick::roundCorners:
Example#3713 - Imagick::scaleImage
Example#3714 - Imagick::segmentImage
Example#3715 - Imagick::selectiveBlurImage
Example#3716 - Imagick::separateImageChannel
Example#3717 - Imagick::sepiaToneImage
Example#3718 - Imagick::setCompressionQuality
Example#3719 - A Imagick::setFont example
Example#3720 - A Imagick::setImage example
Example#3721 - Imagick::setImageArtifact
Example#3722 - Imagick::setImageBias
Example#3723 - Imagick::setImageClipMask
Example#3724 - Imagick::setImageCompressionQuality
Example#3725 - Modify animated Gif with Imagick::setImageDelay
Example#3726 - Basic Imagick::setImageIterations usage
Example#3727 - A Imagick::setImageOpacity example
Example#3728 - Imagick::setImageOrientation
Example#3729 - Using Imagick::setImageProperty:
Example#3730 - Imagick::setImageResolution
Example#3731 - Modify animated Gif with Imagick::setImageTicksPerSecond
Example#3732 - Using Imagick::setIteratorIndex:
Example#3733 - Attempt to reach '$extent' sizeImagick::setOption
Example#3734 - Imagick::setOption
Example#3735 - Imagick::setOption
Example#3736 - A Imagick::setPointSize example
Example#3737 - Imagick::setProgressMonitor
Example#3738 - Imagick::setSamplingFactors
Example#3739 - Imagick::shadeImage
Example#3740 - Imagick::shadowImage
Example#3741 - Imagick::sharpenImage
Example#3742 - Imagick::shaveImage
Example#3743 - Imagick::shearImage
Example#3744 - Create a gradient image using Imagick::sigmoidalContrastImage suitable for blending two images together smoothly, with the blending defined by $contrast and $the midpoint
Example#3745 - Imagick::sketchImage
Example#3746 - Imagick::smushImages
Example#3747 - Imagick::solarizeImage
Example#3748 - SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BARYCENTRIC Imagick::sparseColorImage
Example#3749 - SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BILINEAR Imagick::sparseColorImage
Example#3750 - SPARSECOLORMETHOD_SPEPARDS Imagick::sparseColorImage
Example#3751 - SPARSECOLORMETHOD_VORONOI Imagick::sparseColorImage
Example#3752 - SPARSECOLORMETHOD_BARYCENTRIC Imagick::sparseColorImage
Example#3753 - createGradientImage is used by other examples. Imagick::sparseColorImage
Example#3754 - Imagick::spliceImage
Example#3755 - Imagick::spreadImage
Example#3756 - Imagick::statisticImage
Example#3757 - Imagick::subImageMatch
Example#3758 - Imagick::swirlImage
Example#3759 - Imagick::textureImage
Example#3760 - Imagick::thresholdImage
Example#3761 - Imagick::thumbnailImage
Example#3762 - Imagick::tintImage
Example#3763 - Using Imagick::transformImage:
Example#3764 - Imagick::transformImageColorspace example
Example#3765 - Imagick::transformImageColorspace
Example#3766 - Imagick::transparentPaintImage
Example#3767 - Imagick::transposeImage
Example#3768 - Imagick::transverseImage
Example#3769 - Using Imagick::trimImage:
Example#3770 - Imagick::uniqueImageColors
Example#3771 - Imagick::unsharpMaskImage
Example#3772 - Imagick::vignetteImage
Example#3773 - WaveImage can be quite slow Imagick::waveImage
Example#3774 - Imagick::whiteThresholdImage
Example#3775 - ImagickDraw::affine
Example#3776 - ImagickDraw::arc
Example#3777 - ImagickDraw::bezier
Example#3778 - ImagickDraw::circle
Example#3779 - ImagickDraw::composite
Example#3780 - ImagickDraw::ellipse
Example#3781 - ImagickDraw::line
Example#3782 - ImagickDraw::matte
Example#3783 - ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute
Example#3784 - ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute
Example#3785 - ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative
Example#3786 - ImagickDraw::pathStart
Example#3787 - ImagickDraw::point
Example#3788 - ImagickDraw::polygon
Example#3789 - ImagickDraw::polyline
Example#3790 - ImagickDraw::popDefs
Example#3791 - ImagickDraw::push
Example#3792 - ImagickDraw::pushPattern
Example#3793 - ImagickDraw::rectangle
Example#3794 - ImagickDraw::rotate
Example#3795 - ImagickDraw::roundRectangle
Example#3796 - ImagickDraw::scale
Example#3797 - ImagickDraw::setClipPath
Example#3798 - ImagickDraw::setClipRule
Example#3799 - ImagickDraw::setClipUnits
Example#3800 - ImagickDraw::setFillAlpha
Example#3801 - ImagickDraw::setFillColor
Example#3802 - ImagickDraw::setFillOpacity
Example#3803 - ImagickDraw::setFillRule
Example#3804 - ImagickDraw::setFont
Example#3805 - ImagickDraw::setFontFamily
Example#3806 - ImagickDraw::setFontSize
Example#3807 - ImagickDraw::setFontStretch
Example#3808 - ImagickDraw::setFontStyle
Example#3809 - ImagickDraw::setFontWeight
Example#3810 - ImagickDraw::setGravity
Example#3811 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeAlpha
Example#3812 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeAntialias
Example#3813 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeColor
Example#3814 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashArray
Example#3815 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashOffset
Example#3816 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineCap
Example#3817 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineJoin
Example#3818 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeMiterLimit
Example#3819 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeOpacity
Example#3820 - ImagickDraw::setStrokeWidth
Example#3821 - ImagickDraw::setTextAlignment
Example#3822 - ImagickDraw::setTextAntialias
Example#3823 - ImagickDraw::setTextDecoration
Example#3824 - ImagickDraw::setTextUnderColor
Example#3825 - ImagickDraw::setVectorGraphics
Example#3826 - ImagickDraw::setViewBox
Example#3827 - ImagickDraw::skewX
Example#3828 - ImagickDraw::skewY
Example#3829 - ImagickDraw::translate
Example#3830 - ImagickPixel::construct
Example#3831 - Basic Imagick::getColor usage
Example#3832 - Basic Imagick::getColorAsString usage
Example#3833 - ImagickPixel getColorCount
Example#3834 - Basic Imagick::getColorValue usage
Example#3835 - ImagickPixel::getColorValueQuantum
Example#3836 - Basic Imagick::getHSL example
Example#3837 - ImagickPixel::isSimilar
Example#3838 - ImagickPixel::setColor
Example#3839 - Basic Imagick::setColorValue usage
Example#3840 - ImagickPixel::setColorValueQuantum
Example#3841 - Use ImagickPixel::setHSL to modify a color
Example#3842 - ImagickPixelIterator::clear
Example#3843 - ImagickPixelIterator::construct
Example#3844 - ImagickPixelIterator::getNextIteratorRow
Example#3845 - ImagickPixelIterator::resetIterator
Example#3846 - ImagickPixelIterator::setIteratorRow
Example#3847 - ImagickKernel::addKernel
Example#3848 - ImagickKernel::addUnityKernel
Example#3849 - ImagickKernel::addUnityKernel
Example#3850 - ImagickKernel::fromBuiltin
Example#3851 - ImagickKernel::fromMatrix
Example#3852 - ImagickKernel::getMatrix
Example#3853 - ImagickKernel::scale
Example#3854 - ImagickKernel::separate
Example#3855 - imap_append example
Example#3856 - imap_check example
Example#3857 - imap_createmailbox example
Example#3858 - imap_delete example
Example#3859 - imap_fetch_overview example
Example#3860 - imap_gc example
Example#3861 - imap_get_quota example
Example#3862 - imap_get_quota 4.3 or greater example
Example#3863 - imap_get_quotaroot example
Example#3864 - imap_getacl example
Example#3865 - imap_getmailboxes example
Example#3866 - imap_list example
Example#3867 - imap_mail_compose example
Example#3868 - imap_mailboxmsginfo example
Example#3869 - imap_mime_header_decode example
Example#3870 - Different use of imap_open
Example#3871 - imap_open example
Example#3872 - imap_ping Example
Example#3873 - imap_reopen example
Example#3874 - imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist example
Example#3875 - imap_rfc822_write_address example
Example#3876 - imap_search example
Example#3877 - imap_set_quota example
Example#3878 - imap_setflag_full example
Example#3879 - imap_status example
Example#3880 - imap_thread Example
Example#3881 - imap_timeout example
Example#3882 - 해시를 계산하고 사용자를 추가합니다.
Example#3883 - 메일 보내기.
Example#3884 - 추가 헤더와 함께 메일 보내기
Example#3885 - 추가적인 명령줄 인수와 함께 메일 전송하기.
Example#3886 - HTML 이메일 보내기
Example#3887 - mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding example
Example#3888 - mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses example
Example#3889 - mailparse_stream_encode example
Example#3890 - mailparse_uudecode_all example
Example#3891 - bcadd 예제
Example#3892 - bccomp 예제
Example#3893 - bcdiv 예제
Example#3894 - bcmod 예제
Example#3895 - bcmul 예제
Example#3896 - bcpow 예제
Example#3897 - bcscale 예제
Example#3898 - bcsqrt 예제
Example#3899 - bcsub 예제
Example#3900 - Factorial function using GMP
Example#3901 - gmp_abs example
Example#3902 - gmp_add example
Example#3903 - gmp_and example
Example#3904 - gmp_clrbit example
Example#3905 - gmp_cmp example
Example#3906 - gmp_com example
Example#3907 - gmp_div_q example
Example#3908 - Division of GMP numbers
Example#3909 - gmp_div_r example
Example#3910 - gmp_divexact example
Example#3911 - gmp_export example
Example#3912 - gmp_fact example
Example#3913 - gmp_gcd example
Example#3914 - Solving a linear Diophantine equation
Example#3915 - gmp_hamdist example
Example#3916 - gmp_import example
Example#3917 - Creating GMP number
Example#3918 - gmp_intval example
Example#3919 - gmp_invert example
Example#3920 - gmp_jacobi example
Example#3921 - gmp_legendre example
Example#3922 - gmp_mod example
Example#3923 - gmp_mul example
Example#3924 - gmp_neg example
Example#3925 - gmp_nextprime example
Example#3926 - gmp_or example
Example#3927 - gmp_perfect_square example
Example#3928 - gmp_popcount example
Example#3929 - gmp_pow example
Example#3930 - gmp_powm example
Example#3931 - gmp_prob_prime example
Example#3932 - gmp_random_bits example
Example#3933 - gmp_random_range example
Example#3934 - gmp_random_seed example
Example#3935 - gmp_random example
Example#3936 - gmp_scan0 example
Example#3937 - gmp_scan1 example
Example#3938 - gmp_setbit example - 0 index
Example#3939 - gmp_setbit example - 1 index
Example#3940 - gmp_setbit example - clearing a bit
Example#3941 - gmp_sign example
Example#3942 - gmp_sqrt example
Example#3943 - gmp_sqrtrem example
Example#3944 - Converting a GMP number to a string
Example#3945 - gmp_sub example
Example#3946 - gmp_testbit example
Example#3947 - gmp_xor example
Example#3948 - Using Lapack::eigenValues:
Example#3949 - Using Lapack::leastSquaresByFactorisation:
Example#3950 - Using Lapack::leastSquaresBySVD:
Example#3951 - Using Lapack::pseudoInverse:
Example#3952 - Using Lapack::singularValues:
Example#3953 - Using Lapack::singularValues:
Example#3954 - abs 예제
Example#3955 - base_convert 예제
Example#3956 - bindec 예제
Example#3957 - ceil 예제
Example#3958 - cos 예제
Example#3959 - decbin 예제
Example#3960 - dechex 예제
Example#3961 - decoct 예제
Example#3962 - deg2rad 예제
Example#3963 - exp 예제
Example#3964 - floor 예제
Example#3965 - fmod 사용하기
Example#3966 - hexdec 예제
Example#3967 - intdiv example
Example#3968 - is_nan 예제
Example#3969 - max의 사용 예제
Example#3970 - min의 사용 예제
Example#3971 - mt_rand 예제
Example#3972 - mt_srand 예제
Example#3973 - octdec 예제
Example#3974 - pi 예제
Example#3975 - pow의 몇몇 예제
Example#3976 - rad2deg 예제
Example#3977 - rand 예제
Example#3978 - round 예제
Example#3979 - sin 예제
Example#3980 - sqrt 예제
Example#3981 - srand 예제
Example#3982 - tan 예제
Example#3983 - Evaluating a FDF document
Example#3984 - Adding JavaScript code to a FDF
Example#3985 - Populating a PDF document
Example#3986 - Storing an uploaded file
Example#3987 - Detecting all fieldnames in a FDF
Example#3988 - Accessing the form data
Example#3989 - Accessing the form data
Example#3990 - Retrieving FDF as a string
Example#3991 - Passing FDF data to a second form
Example#3992 - gnupg clearsign example (procedural)
Example#3993 - gnupg clearsign example (OO)
Example#3994 - keylistiterator
Example#3995 - Procedural gnupg_adddecryptkey example
Example#3996 - OO gnupg_adddecryptkey example
Example#3997 - Procedural gnupg_addencryptkey example
Example#3998 - OO gnupg_addencryptkey example
Example#3999 - Procedural gnupg_addsignkey example
Example#4000 - OO gnupg_addsignkey example
Example#4001 - Procedural gnupg_cleardecryptkeys example
Example#4002 - OO gnupg_cleardecryptkeys example
Example#4003 - Procedural gnupg_clearencryptkeys example
Example#4004 - OO gnupg_clearencryptkeys example
Example#4005 - Procedural gnupg_clearsignkeys example
Example#4006 - OO gnupg_clearsignkeys example
Example#4007 - Procedural gnupg_decrypt example
Example#4008 - OO gnupg_encrypt example
Example#4009 - Procedural gnupg_decryptverify example
Example#4010 - OO gnupg_decryptverify example
Example#4011 - Procedural gnupg_encrypt example
Example#4012 - OO gnupg_encrypt example
Example#4013 - Procedural gnupg_encryptsign example
Example#4014 - OO gnupg_encryptsign example
Example#4015 - Procedural gnupg_export example
Example#4016 - OO gnupg_export example
Example#4017 - Procedural gnupg_geterror example
Example#4018 - OO gnupg_geterror example
Example#4019 - Procedural gnupg_getprotocol example
Example#4020 - OO gnupg_getprotocol example
Example#4021 - Procedural gnupg_import example
Example#4022 - OO gnupg_import example
Example#4023 - Procedural gnupg_init example
Example#4024 - OO gnupg initializer example
Example#4025 - Procedural gnupg_keyinfo example
Example#4026 - OO gnupg_keyinfo example
Example#4027 - Procedural gnupg_setarmor example
Example#4028 - OO gnupg_setarmor example
Example#4029 - Procedural gnupg_seterrormode example
Example#4030 - OO gnupg_seterrormode example
Example#4031 - Procedural gnupg_setsignmode example
Example#4032 - OO gnupg_setsignmode example
Example#4033 - Procedural gnupg_sign example
Example#4034 - OO gnupg_sign example
Example#4035 - Procedural gnupg_verify example
Example#4036 - OO gnupg_verify example
Example#4037 - Fancy "Hello world"
Example#4038 - swfaction example
Example#4039 - swfaction example
Example#4040 - swfaction example
Example#4041 - swfsprite example
Example#4042 - ming_useswfversion example
Example#4043 - Importing a DBL file
Example#4044 - Using an alpha mask
Example#4045 - Usual interactions with buttons
Example#4046 - Drag example
Example#4047 - swfdisplayitem::multcolor example
Example#4048 - swfdisplayitem::rotateto example
Example#4049 - swfdisplayitem::setname example
Example#4050 - swfgradient example
Example#4051 - swfmorph example
Example#4052 - Displaying your $movie in a browser
Example#4053 - Streaming example
Example#4054 - SWFShape::addFill example
Example#4055 - swfshape example
Example#4056 - swfshape::setline example
Example#4057 - swftext example
Example#4058 - Hello World example from PDFlib distribution for PHP 4
Example#4059 - Hello World example from PDFlib distribution for PHP 5
Example#4060 - Creating and using a pattern
Example#4061 - Creating and using a template
Example#4062 - Hyphennate a text
Example#4063 - Drawing a rectangle
Example#4064 - Creating and using a spot color
Example#4065 - Rotation of the coordinate system
Example#4066 - Placing text at a given position
Example#4067 - Drawing a dashed line
Example#4068 - Translation of the coordinate system
Example#4069 - Basic RPMReader Example
Example#4070 - rpm_close example
Example#4071 - rpm_get_tag example
Example#4072 - rpm_is_valid example
Example#4073 - rpm_open example
Example#4074 - rpm_version example
Example#4075 - Incorrect requests
Example#4076 - Calling request from a request callback
Example#4077 - Calling request from a request callback
Example#4078 - Using eio with libevent
Example#4079 - Cancelling a request
Example#4080 - Calling eio_chmod
Example#4081 - Making a custom request
Example#4082 - Grouping requests
Example#4083 - Using eio with libevent extension
Example#4084 - Using eio with event extension
Example#4085 - eio_cancel example
Example#4086 - eio_custom example
Example#4087 - eio_event_loop example
Example#4088 - eio_lstat example
Example#4089 - Using eio with libevent
Example#4090 - Grouping requests
Example#4091 - eio_grp example
Example#4092 - eio_link example
Example#4093 - eio_lstat example
Example#4094 - eio_mkdir example
Example#4095 - eio_mknod example
Example#4096 - eio_nreqs example
Example#4097 - eio_open example
Example#4098 - eio_poll example
Example#4099 - eio_read example
Example#4100 - eio_readdir example
Example#4101 - eio_readlink example
Example#4102 - eio_realpath example
Example#4103 - eio_rename example
Example#4104 - eio_rmdir example
Example#4105 - eio_stat example
Example#4106 - eio_statvfs example
Example#4107 - eio_symlink example
Example#4108 - Simple timers
Example#4109 - Periodic timer. Tick each 10.5 seconds
Example#4110 - Periodic timer. Use reschedule callback
Example#4111 - Periodic timer. Tick every 10.5 seconds starting at now
Example#4112 - Wait until STDIN is readable
Example#4113 - Use some async I/O to access a socket
Example#4114 - Embedding one loop into another
Example#4115 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
Example#4116 - Handle SIGTERM signal
Example#4117 - Monitor changes of /var/log/messages
Example#4118 - Monotor changes of /var/log/messages. Avoid missing updates by means of one second delay
Example#4119 - Process status changes
Example#4120 - Using reschedule callback
Example#4121 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
Example#4122 - Embedding one loop into another
Example#4123 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
Example#4124 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
Example#4125 - Periodic timer. Use reschedule callback
Example#4126 - Periodic timer. Tick every 10.5 seconds starting at now
Example#4127 - Hourly watcher
Example#4128 - Handle SIGTERM signal
Example#4129 - Monitor changes of /var/log/messages
Example#4130 - Monitor changes of /var/log/messages
Example#4131 - Simple timers
Example#4132 - Monotor changes of /var/log/messages. Avoid missing updates by means of one second delay
Example#4133 - Register an I/O watcher for some UDP socket but do not keep the event loop from running just because of that watcher.
Example#4134 - Expect Usage Example
Example#4135 - Another Expect Usage Example
Example#4136 - expect_expectl example
Example#4137 - expect_popen example
Example#4138 - polling STDIN using basic API
Example#4139 - polling STDIN using buffered event API
Example#4140 - Process Control Example
Example#4141 - pcntl_fork example
Example#4142 - pcntl_signal_dispatch example
Example#4143 - pcntl_signal example
Example#4144 - pcntl_sigprocmask example
Example#4145 - pcntl_sigwaitinfo example
Example#4146 - posix_access example
Example#4147 - posix_ctermid example
Example#4148 - posix_get_last_error example
Example#4149 - posix_getcwd example
Example#4150 - posix_getegid example
Example#4151 - posix_geteuid example
Example#4152 - posix_getgid example
Example#4153 - Example use of posix_getgrgid
Example#4154 - Example use of posix_getgrnam
Example#4155 - Example use of posix_getgroups
Example#4156 - Example use of posix_getlogin
Example#4157 - Example use of posix_getpgid
Example#4158 - Example use of posix_getpid
Example#4159 - Example use of posix_getppid
Example#4160 - Example use of posix_getpwnam
Example#4161 - Example use of posix_getpwuid
Example#4162 - Example use of posix_getrlimit
Example#4163 - Example use of posix_getsid
Example#4164 - Example use of posix_getuid
Example#4165 - A posix_mknod example
Example#4166 - posix_setegid example
Example#4167 - posix_setgid example
Example#4168 - posix_setuid example
Example#4169 - posix_strerror example
Example#4170 - Example use of posix_times
Example#4171 - Example use of posix_uname
Example#4172 - escapeshellarg example
Example#4173 - escapeshellcmd example
Example#4174 - An exec example
Example#4175 - Using proc_open to set the process priority to high
Example#4176 - A proc_open example
Example#4177 - A shell_exec example
Example#4178 - system example
Example#4179 - Fetch a chunk of the property table
Example#4180 - Counting the properties of an object
Example#4181 - Runtime inheritance
Example#4182 - Thread safe objects from closures
Example#4183 - Detecting fatal errors in Threads
Example#4184 - Detect the state of the referenced object
Example#4185 - Detect the state of the referenced object
Example#4186 - Detect the state of the referenced object
Example#4187 - Locking Object Properties
Example#4188 - Merging into the property table of a threaded object
Example#4189 - Notifications and Waiting
Example#4190 - Popping the last item from the property table of a threaded object
Example#4191 - Shifting the first item from the property table of a threaded object
Example#4192 - Synchronizing
Example#4193 - Locking the property table of a threaded object
Example#4194 - Notifications and Waiting
Example#4195 - Return the identity of the Thread or Process that created the referenced Thread
Example#4196 - Return the currently executing Thread
Example#4197 - Return the identity of the currently executing Thread
Example#4198 - Return the identity of the referenced Thread
Example#4199 - Execute in the global scope
Example#4200 - Detect the state of the referenced Thread
Example#4201 - Tell if the referenced Thread was started
Example#4202 - Join with the referenced Thread
Example#4203 - Kill the referenced Thread
Example#4204 - Starting Threads
Example#4205 - Returns the number of objects currently waiting to be executed by the referenced Worker
Example#4206 - Detect the state of a Worker
Example#4207 - Detect the state of a Worker
Example#4208 - Shutdown the referenced Worker
Example#4209 - Stacking objects for execution in Workers
Example#4210 - Removing objects from the stack of Workers
Example#4211 - protected method example: protected methods can only be executed by one Thread at a time.
Example#4212 - private method example: private methods may only be executed by the Threaded object during execution
Example#4213 - Creating Pools
Example#4214 - Creating Pools
Example#4215 - Submitting Tasks
Example#4216 - Submitting Tasks
Example#4217 - Mutex Creation and Destruction
Example#4218 - Mutex Creation and Destruction
Example#4219 - Mutex Locking and Unlocking
Example#4220 - Mutex Locking and Unlocking
Example#4221 - Mutex Locking and Unlocking
Example#4222 - Condition Broadcasting
Example#4223 - Condition Creation and Destruction
Example#4224 - Condition Creation and Destruction
Example#4225 - Condition Signalling
Example#4226 - Waiting for Conditions
Example#4227 -
Example#4228 - Shared Memory Operations Overview
Example#4229 - Closing shared memory block
Example#4230 - Deleting shared memory block
Example#4231 - Create a new shared memory block
Example#4232 - Reading shared memory block
Example#4233 - Getting the size of the shared memory block
Example#4234 - Writing to shared memory block
Example#4235 - SyncMutex::__construct named mutex with lock timeout example
Example#4236 - SyncMutex::__construct unnamed mutex example
Example#4237 - SyncMutex::lock example
Example#4238 - SyncMutex::unlock example
Example#4239 - SyncSemaphore::__construct example
Example#4240 - SyncSemaphore::lock example
Example#4241 - SyncSemaphore::unlock example
Example#4242 - SyncEvent::__construct example
Example#4243 - SyncEvent::fire example
Example#4244 - SyncEvent::reset example
Example#4245 - SyncEvent::wait example
Example#4246 - SyncReaderWriter::__construct example
Example#4247 - SyncReaderWriter::readlock example
Example#4248 - SyncReaderWriter::readunlock example
Example#4249 - SyncReaderWriter::writelock example
Example#4250 - SyncReaderWriter::writeunlock example
Example#4251 - A geoip_asnum_by_name example
Example#4252 - A geoip_continent_code_by_name example
Example#4253 - A geoip_country_code_by_name example
Example#4254 - A geoip_country_code3_by_name example
Example#4255 - A geoip_country_name_by_name example
Example#4256 - A geoip_database_info example
Example#4257 - A geoip_db_avail example
Example#4258 - A geoip_db_filename example
Example#4259 - A geoip_db_get_all_info example
Example#4260 - A geoip_db_get_all_info example
Example#4261 - A geoip_domain_by_name example
Example#4262 - A geoip_id_by_name example
Example#4263 - A geoip_isp_by_name example
Example#4264 - A geoip_netspeedcell_by_name example
Example#4265 - A geoip_org_by_name example
Example#4266 - A geoip_record_by_name example
Example#4267 - A geoip_region_by_name example
Example#4268 - A geoip_region_name_by_code example using region code for US/Canada
Example#4269 - A geoip_region_name_by_code example using FIPS codes
Example#4270 - A geoip_setup_custom_directory example
Example#4271 - A geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region example using region code for US/Canada
Example#4272 - A geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region example using FIPS codes
Example#4273 - file
Example#4274 - Simple train
Example#4275 - Simple test
Example#4276 - fann_create_train_from_callback example
Example#4277 - fann_read_train_from_file example
Example#4278 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize example returning an array
Example#4279 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize example returning an associative array
Example#4280 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize example returning an integer
Example#4281 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize example returning a string
Example#4282 - json_decode 예제
Example#4283 - 또다른 예제
Example#4284 - json_decode를 사용하는 일반적인 실수
Example#4285 - json_encode 예제
Example#4286 - json_last_error 예제
Example#4287 - Judy array example
Example#4288 - Lua::assignexample
Example#4289 - Lua::callexample
Example#4290 - Lua::evalexample
Example#4291 - Lua::registerCallbackexample
Example#4292 - LuaClosure::__invokeexample
Example#4293 - constant 예제
Example#4294 - Defining Constants
Example#4295 - Checking Constants
Example#4296 - eval example - simple text merge
Example#4297 - exit example
Example#4298 - exit status example
Example#4299 - Shutdown functions and destructors run regardless
Example#4300 - Listing all information about the users browser
Example#4301 - A __halt_compiler example
Example#4302 - highlight_string example
Example#4303 - A ignore_user_abort example
Example#4304 - pack example
Example#4305 - php_strip_whitespace example
Example#4306 - sleep example
Example#4307 - A sys_getloadavg example
Example#4308 - time_nanosleep example
Example#4309 - A time_sleep_until example
Example#4310 - uniqid Example
Example#4311 - unpack example
Example#4312 - unpack example with a repeater
Example#4313 - unpack example with unnamed keys
Example#4314 - usleep example
Example#4315 - parsekit_compile_file example
Example#4316 - parsekit_compile_string example
Example#4317 - parsekit_func_arginfo example
Example#4318 - SplDoublyLinkedList::__construct example
Example#4319 - SplStack::__construct example
Example#4320 - SplQueue::__construct example
Example#4321 - Efficiently handling tasks with SplQueue
Example#4322 - SplFixedArray usage example
Example#4323 - SplFixedArray::__construct example
Example#4324 - SplFixedArray::count example
Example#4325 - SplFixedArray::fromArray example
Example#4326 - SplFixedArray::getSize example
Example#4327 - SplFixedArray::setSize example
Example#4328 - SplFixedArray::toArray example
Example#4329 - SplObjectStorage as a set
Example#4330 - SplObjectStorage as a map
Example#4331 - SplObjectStorage::addAll example
Example#4332 - SplObjectStorage::attach example
Example#4333 - SplObjectStorage::contains example
Example#4334 - SplObjectStorage::count example
Example#4335 - SplObjectStorage::current example
Example#4336 - SplObjectStorage::detach example
Example#4337 - SplObjectStorage::getHash example
Example#4338 - SplObjectStorage::getInfo example
Example#4339 - SplObjectStorage::key example
Example#4340 - SplObjectStorage::next example
Example#4341 - SplObjectStorage::offsetExists example
Example#4342 - SplObjectStorage::offsetGet example
Example#4343 - SplObjectStorage::offsetSet example
Example#4344 - SplObjectStorage::offsetUnset example
Example#4345 - SplObjectStorage::removeAll example
Example#4346 - SplObjectStorage::removeAllExcept example
Example#4347 - SplObjectStorage::rewind example
Example#4348 - SplObjectStorage::serialize example
Example#4349 - SplObjectStorage::setInfo example
Example#4350 - SplObjectStorage::unserialize example
Example#4351 - SplObjectStorage::valid example
Example#4352 - AppendIterator::append example
Example#4353 - Iterating AppendIterator with foreach
Example#4354 - Iterating AppendIterator with the AppendIterator API
Example#4355 - AppendIterator::getInnerIterator example
Example#4356 - AppendIterator.getIteratorIndex basic example
Example#4357 - AppendIterator::key basic example
Example#4358 - ArrayIterator::current example
Example#4359 - ArrayIterator::key example
Example#4360 - ArrayIterator::next example
Example#4361 - ArrayIterator::rewind example
Example#4362 - ArrayIterator::valid example
Example#4363 - CachingIterator::getCache example
Example#4364 - Available callback arguments
Example#4365 - Callback basic examples
Example#4366 - A DirectoryIterator::__construct example
Example#4367 - A DirectoryIterator::current example
Example#4368 - A DirectoryIterator::getATime example
Example#4369 - A DirectoryIterator::getBasename example
Example#4370 - DirectoryIterator::getCTime example
Example#4371 - DirectoryIterator::getExtension example
Example#4372 -
Example#4373 - A DirectoryIterator::getFilename example
Example#4374 - DirectoryIterator::getGroup example
Example#4375 - DirectoryIterator::getInode example
Example#4376 - A DirectoryIterator::getMTime example
Example#4377 - DirectoryIterator::getOwner example
Example#4378 - DirectoryIterator::getPath example
Example#4379 - DirectoryIterator::getPathname example
Example#4380 - DirectoryIterator::getPerms example
Example#4381 - DirectoryIterator::getSize example
Example#4382 - DirectoryIterator::getType example
Example#4383 - DirectoryIterator::isDir example
Example#4384 - A DirectoryIterator::isDot example
Example#4385 - DirectoryIterator::isExecutable example
Example#4386 - DirectoryIterator::isFile example
Example#4387 - A DirectoryIterator::isLink example
Example#4388 - DirectoryIterator::isReadable example
Example#4389 - DirectoryIterator::isWritable example
Example#4390 - A DirectoryIterator::key example
Example#4391 - DirectoryIterator::next example
Example#4392 - DirectoryIterator::rewind example
Example#4393 - DirectoryIterator::seek example
Example#4394 - A DirectoryIterator::__toString example
Example#4395 - A DirectoryIterator::valid example
Example#4396 - FilesystemIterator::__construct example
Example#4397 - FilesystemIterator::current example
Example#4398 - FilesystemIterator::key example
Example#4399 - FilesystemIterator::next example
Example#4400 - FilesystemIterator::rewind example
Example#4401 - FilesystemIterator::key example
Example#4402 - FilterIterator::accept example
Example#4403 - GlobIterator example
Example#4404 - GlobIterator::count example
Example#4405 - InfiniteIterator::__construct example
Example#4406 - LimitIterator usage example
Example#4407 - LimitIterator::__construct example
Example#4408 - LimitIterator::getPosition example
Example#4409 - Iterating a MultipleIterator
Example#4410 - NoRewindIterator::__construct example
Example#4411 - NoRewindIterator::rewind example
Example#4412 - RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren example
Example#4413 - RecursiveArrayIterator::hasChildren example
Example#4414 - Available callback arguments
Example#4415 - Recursive callback basic example
Example#4416 - RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator::hasChildren basic usage
Example#4417 - RecursiveDirectoryIterator example
Example#4418 - Basic RecursiveFilterIterator example
Example#4419 - RecursiveFilterIterator example
Example#4420 - Iterating a RecursiveIteratorIterator
Example#4421 - RecursiveRegexIterator::__construct example
Example#4422 - RecursiveRegexIterator::getChildren example
Example#4423 - RecursiveRegexIterator::hasChildren example
Example#4424 - RegexIterator::accept example
Example#4425 - RegexIterator::__construct example
Example#4426 - RegexIterator::getFlags example
Example#4427 - RegexIterator::getMode example
Example#4428 - RegexIterator::getPregFlags example
Example#4429 - RegexIterator::setFlags example
Example#4430 - RegexIterator::setMode example
Example#4431 - RegexIterator::setPregFlags example
Example#4432 - Countable::count example
Example#4433 - Basic usage
Example#4434 - SeekableIterator::seek example
Example#4435 - class_implements example
Example#4436 - class_parents example
Example#4437 - class_uses example
Example#4438 - iterator_apply example
Example#4439 - iterator_count example
Example#4440 - iterator_count modifies position
Example#4441 - iterator_count in foreach loops
Example#4442 - iterator_to_array example
Example#4443 - spl_autoload_register as a replacement for an __autoload function
Example#4444 - spl_autoload_register example where the class is not loaded
Example#4445 - spl_classes example
Example#4446 - A spl_object_hash example
Example#4447 - SplFileInfo::__construct example
Example#4448 - SplFileInfo::getBasename example
Example#4449 - SplFileInfo::getCTime example
Example#4450 - SplFileInfo::getExtension example
Example#4451 -
Example#4452 - SplFileInfo::getFilename example
Example#4453 - SplFileInfo::getGroup example
Example#4454 - SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget example
Example#4455 - SplFileInfo::getOwner example
Example#4456 - SplFileInfo::getPath example
Example#4457 - SplFileInfo::getPathInfo example
Example#4458 - SplFileInfo::getPathname example
Example#4459 - SplFileInfo::getPerms example
Example#4460 - SplFileInfo::getRealPath example
Example#4461 - SplFileInfo::getType example
Example#4462 - SplFileInfo::isDir example
Example#4463 - SplFileInfo::isExecutable example
Example#4464 - SplFileInfo::isFile example
Example#4465 - SplFileInfo::isLink example
Example#4466 - SplFileInfo::isReadable example
Example#4467 - SplFileInfo::openFile example
Example#4468 - SplFileInfo::setFileClass example
Example#4469 - SplFileInfo::setFileClass example
Example#4470 - SplFileInfo::__toString example
Example#4471 - SplFileObject::__construct example
Example#4472 - SplFileObject::current example
Example#4473 - SplFileObject::eof example
Example#4474 - SplFileObject::fflush example
Example#4475 - SplFileObject::fgetc example
Example#4476 - SplFileObject::fgetcsv example
Example#4477 - SplFileObject::READ_CSV example
Example#4478 - SplFileObject::fgets example
Example#4479 - SplFileObject::fgetss example
Example#4480 - SplFileObject::flock example
Example#4481 - SplFileObject::fpassthru example
Example#4482 - SplFileObject::fputcsv example
Example#4483 - SplFileObject::fread example
Example#4484 - SplFileObject::fscanf example
Example#4485 - SplFileObject::fseek example
Example#4486 - SplFileObject::fstat example
Example#4487 - SplFileObject::ftell example
Example#4488 - SplFileObject::ftruncate example
Example#4489 - SplFileObject::fwrite example
Example#4490 - SplFileObject::getCsvControl example
Example#4491 - SplFileObject::getFlags example
Example#4492 - SplFileObject::getMaxLineLen example
Example#4493 - SplFileObject::key example
Example#4494 - SplFileObject::key example with SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen
Example#4495 - SplFileObject::next example
Example#4496 - SplFileObject::rewind example
Example#4497 - SplFileObject::seek example
Example#4498 - SplFileObject::setCsvControl example
Example#4499 - SplFileObject::setFlags example
Example#4500 - SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen example
Example#4501 - SplFileObject::valid example
Example#4502 - SplTempFileObject example
Example#4503 - ArrayObject::append example
Example#4504 - ArrayObject::asort example
Example#4505 - ArrayObject::__construct example
Example#4506 - ArrayObject::count example
Example#4507 - ArrayObject::exchangeArray example
Example#4508 - ArrayObject::getArrayCopy example
Example#4509 - ArrayObject::getFlags example
Example#4510 - ArrayObject::getIterator example
Example#4511 - ArrayObject::getIteratorClass example
Example#4512 - ArrayObject::ksort example
Example#4513 - ArrayObject::natcasesort example
Example#4514 - ArrayObject::natsort example
Example#4515 - ArrayObject::offsetExists example
Example#4516 - ArrayObject::offsetGet example
Example#4517 - ArrayObject::offsetSet example
Example#4518 - ArrayObject::offsetUnset example
Example#4519 - ArrayObject::serialize example
Example#4520 - ArrayObject::setFlags example
Example#4521 - ArrayObject::setIteratorClass example
Example#4522 - ArrayObject::uasort example
Example#4523 - ArrayObject::uksort example
Example#4524 - SplInt usage example
Example#4525 - SplFloat usage example
Example#4526 - SplEnum usage example
Example#4527 - SplEnum::getConstList example
Example#4528 - SplBool usage example
Example#4529 - SplString usage example
Example#4530 - Using file_get_contents to retrieve data from multiple sources
Example#4531 - Making a POST request to an https server
Example#4532 - Writing data to a compressed file
Example#4533 - A Stream for reading/writing global variables
Example#4534 - Listing files from tar archives
Example#4535 - stream_bucket_prepend examples
Example#4536 - Using stream_context_create
Example#4537 - Using stream_context_get_default
Example#4538 - stream_context_get_options example
Example#4539 - stream_context_get_params example
Example#4540 - stream_context_set_default example
Example#4541 - A stream_copy_to_stream example
Example#4542 - Controlling where filters are applied
Example#4543 - Filter for capitalizing characters on foo-bar.txt stream
Example#4544 - Registering a generic filter class to match multiple filter names.
Example#4545 - Dynamicly refiltering a stream
Example#4546 - stream_get_contents example
Example#4547 - Using stream_get_filters
Example#4548 - stream_get_meta_data example
Example#4549 - Using stream_get_transports
Example#4550 - stream_get_wrappers example
Example#4551 - Checking for the existence of a stream wrapper
Example#4552 - stream_is_local example
Example#4553 - stream_notification_callback example
Example#4554 - Simple progressbar for commandline download client
Example#4555 - stream_resolve_include_path example
Example#4556 - stream_select Example
Example#4557 - stream_set_timeout example
Example#4558 - stream_set_write_buffer example
Example#4559 - stream_socket_client example
Example#4560 - Using UDP connection
Example#4561 - stream_socket_enable_crypto example
Example#4562 - A stream_socket_pair example
Example#4563 - stream_socket_recvfrom example
Example#4564 - stream_socket_sendto Example
Example#4565 - Using TCP server sockets
Example#4566 - Using UDP server sockets
Example#4567 - A stream_socket_shutdown example
Example#4568 - How to register a stream wrapper
Example#4569 - Basic Tidy usage
Example#4570 - tidy::getBody example
Example#4571 - tidy::cleanrepair example
Example#4572 - tidy::__construct example
Example#4573 - tidy::diagnose example
Example#4574 - tidy_get_error_buffer example
Example#4575 - tidy::getConfig example
Example#4576 - tidy_getopt example
Example#4577 - Print all options along with their documentation and default value
Example#4578 - tidy::getStatus example
Example#4579 - tidy::head example
Example#4580 - tidy::html example
Example#4581 - tidy::parseFile example
Example#4582 - tidy::parseString example
Example#4583 - tidy::repairFile example
Example#4584 - tidy::repairString example
Example#4585 - tidy::root example
Example#4586 - tidyNode::hasChildren example
Example#4587 - tidyNode::hasChildren example
Example#4588 - tidyNode::hasSiblings example
Example#4589 - Extract ASP code from a mixed HTML document
Example#4590 - Extract comments from a mixed HTML document
Example#4591 - Extract HTML code from a mixed HTML document
Example#4592 - Extract JSTE code from a mixed HTML document
Example#4593 - Extract PHP code from a mixed HTML document
Example#4594 - Extract text from a mixed HTML document
Example#4595 - ob_tidyhandler example
Example#4596 - tidy_access_count example
Example#4597 - tidy_config_count example
Example#4598 - tidy_error_count example
Example#4599 - tidy_get_output example
Example#4600 - tidy_setopt example
Example#4601 - tidy_warning_count example
Example#4602 - Strip comments with the tokenizer
Example#4603 - token_get_all example
Example#4604 - token_get_all incorrect usage example
Example#4605 - token_get_all on a class using a reserved word example
Example#4606 - token_name example
Example#4607 - base64_decode 예제
Example#4608 - base64_encode 예제
Example#4609 - get_headers example
Example#4610 - get_headers using HEAD example
Example#4611 - get_meta_tags가 해석하는 것
Example#4612 - get_meta_tags가 반환하는 것
Example#4613 - http_build_query의 간단한 사용법
Example#4614 - http_build_query와 숫자 인덱스 요소.
Example#4615 - http_build_query와 복잡한 배열
Example#4616 - http_build_query에 객체 사용하기
Example#4617 - parse_url 예제
Example#4618 - rawurldecode 예제
Example#4619 - FTP URL에 패스워드 포함하기
Example#4620 - rawurlencode 예제 2
Example#4621 - urldecode 예제
Example#4622 - urlencode 예제
Example#4623 - urlencode와 htmlentities 예제
Example#4624 - Basic Javascript execution
Example#4625 - Yaml Example
Example#4626 - Parse callback example
Example#4627 - Emit callback example
Example#4628 - yaml_emit example
Example#4629 - yaml_parse example
Example#4630 - A classic Application directory layout
Example#4631 - Entry
Example#4632 - Rewrite rule
Example#4633 - Application config
Example#4634 - Default controller
Example#4635 - Default view template
Example#4636 - Run the Applicatioin
Example#4637 - An PHP array example
Example#4638 - An ini file example
Example#4639 - A Bootstrapexample
Example#4640 - Yaf_Application::bootstrapexample
Example#4641 - Yaf_Application::clearLastErrorexample
Example#4642 - A ini config file example
Example#4643 - Yaf_Application::__constructexample
Example#4644 - Yaf_Application::__constructexample
Example#4645 - Yaf_Application::environexample
Example#4646 - Yaf_Application::executeexample
Example#4647 - Yaf_Application::getConfigexample
Example#4648 - Yaf_Application::getDispatcherexample
Example#4649 - Yaf_Application::getLastErrorMsgexample
Example#4650 - Yaf_Application::getLastErrorNoexample
Example#4651 - Yaf_Application::getModulesexample
Example#4652 - Bootstrap example
Example#4653 - Yaf_Dispatcher::autoRenderexample
Example#4654 - Yaf_Dispatcher::catchExceptionexample
Example#4655 - Yaf_Dispatcher::registerPluginexample
Example#4656 - A custom View engineexample
Example#4657 - Yaf_Dispatcher::setViewexample
Example#4658 - Yaf_Dispatcher::throwexceptionexample
Example#4659 - Yaf_Dispatcher::throwexceptionexample
Example#4660 - Yaf_Config_Iniexample
Example#4661 - define action in a separate file
Example#4662 - Dummy_action.php
Example#4663 - Yaf_Controller_Abstract::forwardexample
Example#4664 - Yaf_Action_Abstract::executeexample
Example#4665 - Yaf_Action_Abstract::executeexample
Example#4666 - Yaf_View_Simple::assignexample
Example#4667 - templateexample
Example#4668 - Yaf_View_Simple::assignRefexample
Example#4669 - templateexample
Example#4670 - Yaf_View_Simple::clearexample
Example#4671 - Yaf_View_Simple::__constructorexample
Example#4672 - Yaf_View_Simple::__setexample
Example#4673 - Config example
Example#4674 - Register localnamespace
Example#4675 - Load class example
Example#4676 - Load namespace class example
Example#4677 - MVC class loading example
Example#4678 - MVC class distinctions
Example#4679 - MVC loading example
Example#4680 - Yaf_Loader::registerLocalNamespaceexample
Example#4681 - Plugin example
Example#4682 - Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::routerShutdownexample
Example#4683 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::appendBodyexample
Example#4684 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::getBodyexample
Example#4685 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::prependBodyexample
Example#4686 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::responseexample
Example#4687 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::setBodyexample
Example#4688 - Yaf_Route_Map::assembleexample
Example#4689 - Yaf_Route_Mapexample
Example#4690 - Yaf_Route_Mapexample
Example#4691 - Yaf_Route_Mapexample
Example#4692 - Yaf_Route_Regex::assembleexample
Example#4693 - Yaf_Route_Regexexample
Example#4694 - Yaf_Route_Regex(as of 2.3.0)example
Example#4695 - Yaf_Route_Regex and named capture ground(as of 2.3.0)example
Example#4696 - Yaf_Route_Regexexample
Example#4697 - Yaf_Route_Rewrite::assembleexample
Example#4698 - Yaf_Route_Rewriteexample
Example#4699 - Yaf_Route_Rewriteexample
Example#4700 - Yaf_Route_Rewrite(as of 2.3.0)example
Example#4701 - Rewrite rule for Apache
Example#4702 - Rewrite rule for Apache
Example#4703 - Rewrite rule for Lighttpd
Example#4704 - Rewrite rule for Nginx
Example#4705 - Yaf_Route_Static(default route)example
Example#4706 - application.iniexample
Example#4707 - Yaf_Dispatcher::autoConfigexample
Example#4708 - Yaf_Dispatcher::autoRenderexample
Example#4709 - Register some routes in Bootstrap
Example#4710 - plugin Dummy.php (under
Example#4711 - Yaf_Route_Simple::assembleexample
Example#4712 - Yaf_Route_Simple::routeexample
Example#4713 - Yaf_Route_Simple::routeexample
Example#4714 - Yaf_Route_Static::assembleexample
Example#4715 - Yaf_Route_Static::routeexample
Example#4716 - Yaf_Route_Supervar::assembleexample
Example#4717 - Yaf_Route_Supervarexample
Example#4718 - Taintexample
Example#4719 - Creating a chdb file
Example#4720 - Loading and looking up a chdb file
Example#4721 - chdb::get example
Example#4722 - chdb_create example
Example#4723 - PHP cURL 모듈로 페이지를 받아와서 저장하기
Example#4724 - 새로운 cURL 세션을 초기화하여 웹 페이지를 가져오는 방법
Example#4725 - Copying a cURL handle
Example#4726 - curl_errno example
Example#4727 - curl_error example
Example#4728 - curl_escape example
Example#4729 - Fetching a web page
Example#4730 - curl_getinfo example
Example#4731 - curl_getinfo example with opt parameter
Example#4732 - Initializing a new cURL session and fetching a web page
Example#4733 - curl_multi_add_handle example
Example#4734 - curl_multi_close example
Example#4735 - curl_multi_exec example
Example#4736 - A curl_multi_info_read example
Example#4737 - curl_multi_init example
Example#4738 - curl_multi_strerror example
Example#4739 - curl_reset example
Example#4740 - Initializing a new cURL session and fetching a web page
Example#4741 - Our own implementation of curl_setopt_array
Example#4742 - Initializing a new cURL session and fetching a web page
Example#4743 - Uploading file (deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0)
Example#4744 - curl_share_setopt example
Example#4745 - curl_share_init example
Example#4746 - curl_share_setopt example
Example#4747 - curl_errno example
Example#4748 - curl_escape example
Example#4749 - curl_version example
Example#4750 - Simple HTTP client
Example#4751 - HTTP client using asynchronous DNS resolver
Example#4752 - Echo server
Example#4753 - SSL echo server
Example#4754 - Signal handler
Example#4755 - Use libevent's loop to process requests of `eio' extension
Example#4756 - Miscellaneous
Example#4757 - Simple HTTP server
Example#4758 - Simple HTTPS server
Example#4759 - OpenSSL connection
Example#4760 - EventHttpConnection::makeRequest example
Example#4761 - Connection listener based on a UNIX domain socket
Example#4762 - Simple SMTP server
Example#4763 - Handling SIGTERM signal
Example#4764 - Event::addSignal example
Example#4765 - Event::addTimer example
Example#4766 - EventBase::getFeatures example
Example#4767 - EventBase::getMethod example
Example#4768 - EventBuffer::search example
Example#4769 - EventBufferEvent::connect example
Example#4770 - Connect to UNIX domain socket which presumably is served by a server, read response from the server and output it to the console
Example#4771 - EventBufferEvent::connectHost example
Example#4772 - Buffer event's read callback
Example#4773 - EventBufferEvent::getOutput example
Example#4774 - EventBufferEvent::sslError example
Example#4775 - Simple SMTP server
Example#4776 - EventConfig::avoidMethod example
Example#4777 - EventConfig::__construct example
Example#4778 - EventConfig::requireFeatures example
Example#4779 - EventHttp::accept example
Example#4780 - EventHttp::addServerAlias example
Example#4781 - EventHttp::bind example
Example#4782 - Simple HTTP server
Example#4783 - EventHttp::setCallback example
Example#4784 - EventHttp::setDefaultCallback example
Example#4785 - EventHttpConnection::makeRequest example
Example#4786 - EventHttpConnection::setCloseCallback example
Example#4787 - EventHttpRequest::__construct example
Example#4788 - EventHttpRequest::sendError example
Example#4789 - EventListener::__construct example
Example#4790 - EventSslContext::__construct example
Example#4791 - FTP example
Example#4792 - ftp_alloc example
Example#4793 - ftp_cdup example
Example#4794 - ftp_chdir example
Example#4795 - ftp_chmod example
Example#4796 - ftp_close example
Example#4797 - ftp_connect example
Example#4798 - ftp_delete example
Example#4799 - ftp_exec example
Example#4800 - ftp_fget example
Example#4801 - ftp_fput example
Example#4802 - ftp_get_option example
Example#4803 - ftp_get example
Example#4804 - ftp_login example
Example#4805 - ftp_mdtm example
Example#4806 - ftp_mkdir example
Example#4807 - ftp_nb_continue example
Example#4808 - ftp_nb_fget example
Example#4809 - ftp_nb_fput example
Example#4810 - ftp_nb_get example
Example#4811 - Resuming a download with ftp_nb_get
Example#4812 - Resuming a download at position 100 to a new file with ftp_nb_get
Example#4813 - ftp_nb_put example
Example#4814 - Resuming an upload with ftp_nb_put
Example#4815 - ftp_nlist example
Example#4816 - ftp_pasv example
Example#4817 - ftp_put example
Example#4818 - ftp_pwd example
Example#4819 - Using ftp_raw to login to an FTP server manually.
Example#4820 - ftp_rawlist example
Example#4821 - ftp_rename example
Example#4822 - ftp_rmdir example
Example#4823 - ftp_set_option example
Example#4824 - Sending a SITE command to an ftp server
Example#4825 - ftp_size example
Example#4826 - ftp_ssl_connect example
Example#4827 - ftp_systype example
Example#4828 - Basic Gearman client and worker
Example#4829 - Basic Gearman client and worker, background
Example#4830 - Basic Gearman client and worker, submitting tasks
Example#4831 - Adding two job servers
Example#4832 - Add two job servers
Example#4833 - Basic submission of two tasks
Example#4834 - Basic submission of two tasks with passing application context
Example#4835 - Two tasks, one background and one not
Example#4836 - A high priority task along with two normal tasks
Example#4837 - A low priority task along with two normal tasks
Example#4838 - Monitor completion of multiple background tasks
Example#4839 - Simple job submission with immediate return
Example#4840 - Submitting a job and retrieving incremental status
Example#4841 - Submit and monitor a background job
Example#4842 - Simple job submission with immediate return
Example#4843 - Submitting a job and retrieving incremental status
Example#4844 - Get the status of a long running job
Example#4845 - Monitor the status of a long running background job
Example#4846 - Simple worker making use of extra application context data
Example#4847 - Add alternate Gearman servers
Example#4848 - Add two job servers
Example#4849 - GearmanWorker::setId example
Example#4850 - A simple worker with a 5 second timeout
Example#4851 - Running worker in non-blocking mode
Example#4852 - GearmanWorker::work example
Example#4853 - Hypothetical output from gopher://
Example#4854 - Using gopher_parsedir
Example#4855 - Search for all UPnP devices and services.
Example#4856 - Implementing light server
Example#4857 - Implementing light client
Example#4858 - Create new UPnP context and get IP address of the host
Example#4859 - Create new UPnP context and get port number
Example#4860 - Create new UPnP context and set host path
Example#4861 - Create new UPnP context
Example#4862 - Create new UPnP context and set callback
Example#4863 - Create new UPnP context and start browsing
Example#4864 - Create new UPnP context and start browsing
Example#4865 - Create new UPnP context and get device info service
Example#4866 - Create new UPnP context and get device info service
Example#4867 - Retrieve an object
Example#4868 - LDAP search example
Example#4869 - Complete example with authenticated bind
Example#4870 - Using LDAP Bind
Example#4871 - Using LDAP Bind Anonymously
Example#4872 - Complete example of password check
Example#4873 - Example of connecting to LDAP server.
Example#4874 - Example of connecting securely to LDAP server.
Example#4875 - LDAP pagination
Example#4876 - LDAP pagination
Example#4877 - ldap-count-entries example
Example#4878 - Enumerating all LDAP error messages
Example#4879 - Generating and catching an error
Example#4880 - Show the list of attributes held for a particular directory entry
Example#4881 - Check protocol version
Example#4882 - List all values of the "mail" attribute for a directory entry
Example#4883 - Produce a list of all organizational units of an organization
Example#4884 - Add a telephone number to a contact
Example#4885 - Rename a user
Example#4886 - Add two e-mail addresses to a user
Example#4887 - Change a user's password
Example#4888 - Change a user's password (Active Directory)
Example#4889 - ldap_parse_result example
Example#4890 - LDAP search
Example#4891 - Set protocol version
Example#4892 - Set server controls
Example#4893 - LDAP sort
Example#4894 - memcache extension overview example
Example#4895 - Using memcache session handler
Example#4896 - Memcache::add example
Example#4897 - Memcache::addServer example
Example#4898 - Memcache::close example
Example#4899 - Memcache::connect example
Example#4900 - Memcache::decrement example
Example#4901 - Memcache::delete example
Example#4902 - Memcache::flush example
Example#4903 - Memcache::get example
Example#4904 - Memcache::getExtendedStats example
Example#4905 - Memcache::getServerStatus example
Example#4906 - Memcache::getVersion example
Example#4907 - Memcache::increment example
Example#4908 - Memcache::pconnect example
Example#4909 - Memcache::replace example
Example#4910 - Memcache::set example
Example#4911 - Memcache::set example
Example#4912 - Memcache::setCompressThreshold example
Example#4913 - Memcache::setServerParams example
Example#4914 - Result callback example
Example#4915 - Read-through callback example
Example#4916 - Memcached::addServer example
Example#4917 - Memcached::addServers example
Example#4918 - Memcached::append example
Example#4919 - Memcached::cas example
Example#4920 - Creating a Memcached object
Example#4921 - Memcached::decrement example
Example#4922 - Memcached::delete example
Example#4923 - Memcached::fetch example
Example#4924 - Memcached::getDelayed example
Example#4925 - Memcached::flush example
Example#4926 - Memcached::get example #1
Example#4927 - Memcached::get example #2
Example#4928 - Memcached::getDelayed example
Example#4929 - Memcached::getMulti example
Example#4930 - Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER example
Example#4931 - Retrieving Memcached options
Example#4932 - Memcached::getResultCode example
Example#4933 - Memcached::getResultMessage example
Example#4934 - Memcached::getServerByKey example
Example#4935 - Memcached::getServerList example
Example#4936 - Memcached::getStats example
Example#4937 - Memcached::getVersion example
Example#4938 - Memcached::increment example
Example#4939 - Memcached::prepend example
Example#4940 - Memcached::set example
Example#4941 - Memcached::setByKey example
Example#4942 - Memcached::setMulti example
Example#4943 - Setting a Memcached option
Example#4944 - Setting Memcached options
Example#4945 - mqseries_back example
Example#4946 - mqseries_begin example
Example#4947 - mqseries_close example
Example#4948 - mqseries_cmit example
Example#4949 - mqseries_conn example
Example#4950 - mqseries_connx example
Example#4951 - mqseries_connx example using SSL connection & OCSP Responder URL
Example#4952 - mqseries_disc example
Example#4953 - mqseries_get example
Example#4954 - mqseries_inq example
Example#4955 - mqseries_open example
Example#4956 - mqseries_put example
Example#4957 - mqseries_strerror example
Example#4958 - define_syslog_variables example
Example#4959 - Using dns_get_record
Example#4960 - Using dns_get_record and DNS_ANY
Example#4961 - fsockopen Example
Example#4962 - Using UDP connection
Example#4963 - A simple gethostbyaddr example
Example#4964 - A simple gethostbyname example
Example#4965 - gethostbynamel example
Example#4966 - A simple gethostname example
Example#4967 - getprotobyname example
Example#4968 - getservbyname example
Example#4969 - header_register_callback example
Example#4970 - Unsetting specific header.
Example#4971 - Unsetting all previously set headers.
Example#4972 - Download dialog
Example#4973 - Caching directives
Example#4974 - Examples using headers_list
Example#4975 - Examples using headers_sent
Example#4976 - Using http_response_code in a web server environment
Example#4977 - Using http_response_code in a CLI environment
Example#4978 - inet_ntop Example
Example#4979 - inet_pton Example
Example#4980 - ip2long Example
Example#4981 - Displaying an IP address
Example#4982 - setcookie send example
Example#4983 - setcookie delete example
Example#4984 - setcookie and arrays
Example#4985 - Using syslog
Example#4986 - Procedural usage of rrd
Example#4987 - OO usage of rrd
Example#4988 - RRDGraph::setOptions example
Example#4989 - Set multiple color options
Example#4990 - RRDUpdater::update examples
Example#4991 - Creating a connection and connecting to a remote WebSphere MQSeries Messaging Server
Example#4992 - Creating a connection and connecting to a remote WebSphere Application Server
Example#4993 - Creating a connection and connecting to an MQTT server
Example#4994 - Creating a message with a simple text body
Example#4995 - Setting a text format property using the default syntax
Example#4996 - Setting a property using a type hint
Example#4997 - Retrieving a property from a message header
Example#4998 - Adding a message to a queue and receiving a response
Example#4999 - Creating a durable subscription to a topic
Example#5000 - Subscribing to a topic using a WebSphere Platform Messaging (WPM) server
Example#5001 - Receiving published data using a durable subscription
Example#5002 - Deleting a durable subscription to a topic
Example#5003 - Handling an error from a method that returns no result
Example#5004 - Handling an error from a method that returns a result
Example#5005 - Committing the current unit of work
Example#5006 - Creating a connection to a Messaging Server using the IBM MQSeries protocol (WMQ)
Example#5007 - Creating a connection with application transaction control and default host and port values
Example#5008 - Creating a connection to a Messaging Server using the IBM WebSphere Platform Messaging protocol (WPM)
Example#5009 - Creating a connection object and connecting to a Messaging Server
Example#5010 - Disconnecting from a Messaging Server
Example#5011 - Using the error number and description properties
Example#5012 - Using the error number and description properties
Example#5013 - Checking whether there us a connection to a Messaging Server
Example#5014 - Retrieve the next message from a queue without removing it
Example#5015 - Retrieve a specific message from a queue without removing it from the queue
Example#5016 - Retrieve all messages in a queue without removing them
Example#5017 - Retrieve all messages from a queue with a matching correlation id
Example#5018 - Receiving a message from a queue
Example#5019 - Receiving a message from a queue with options
Example#5020 - Receiving a message from a subscription
Example#5021 - Removing a message from a queue by message id
Example#5022 - Cancelling an in-flight unit of work
Example#5023 - Send a message to a queue
Example#5024 - Publish a message to a topic
Example#5025 - Send a request and receive a response
Example#5026 - Turn on debugging output
Example#5027 - Turn off debugging output
Example#5028 - Subscribe to a topic
Example#5029 - Delete a subscription
Example#5030 - Setting a text string into the body of a message
Example#5031 - Creating a message
Example#5032 - Creating a message with a simple text payload
Example#5033 - Setting a text format property using the default syntax
Example#5034 - Setting a text format property using a type hint
Example#5035 - Setting properties as the sender of a message
Example#5036 - Retreiving property values from a message
Example#5037 - snmp_get_quick_print example
Example#5038 - Using snmp_get_valueretrieval
Example#5039 - Using snmp_read_mib
Example#5040 - Using snmp_set_enum_print
Example#5041 - Using snmprealwalk
Example#5042 - Using snmp_set_quick_print
Example#5043 - Using snmp_set_valueretrieval
Example#5044 - Using snmp2_get
Example#5045 - Using snmp2_get_next
Example#5046 - Using snmp2_real_walk
Example#5047 - Using snmp2_set
Example#5048 - Using snmp2_set for setting BITS SNMP object id
Example#5049 - snm2_pwalk Example
Example#5050 - Using snmp3_get
Example#5051 - Using snmp3_getnext
Example#5052 - Using snmp3_real_walk
Example#5053 - Using snmp3_set
Example#5054 - Using snmp3_set for setting BITS SNMP object id
Example#5055 - snmp3_walk Example
Example#5056 - Using snmpget
Example#5057 - Using snmpgetnext
Example#5058 - Using snmprealwalk
Example#5059 - Using snmpset
Example#5060 - Using snmpset for setting BITS SNMP object id
Example#5061 - snmpwalk Example
Example#5062 - snmpwalkoid Example
Example#5063 - SNMP::close example
Example#5064 - Fetching sysLocation
Example#5065 - Single SNMP object
Example#5066 - Multiple SNMP objects
Example#5067 - SNMP::getErrno example
Example#5068 - SNMP::getError example
Example#5069 - Single SNMP object
Example#5070 - Miltiple SNMP objects
Example#5071 - Set single SNMP object id
Example#5072 - Set multiple values using single SNMP::set call
Example#5073 - Using SNMP::set for setting BITS SNMP object id
Example#5074 - SNMP::setSecurity example
Example#5075 - SNMP::walk example
Example#5076 - suffix_as_key example
Example#5077 - Socket example: Simple TCP/IP server
Example#5078 - Socket example: Simple TCP/IP client
Example#5079 - Using socket_bind to set the source address
Example#5080 - socket_create_pair example
Example#5081 - socket_create_pair IPC example
Example#5082 - socket_get_option example
Example#5083 - socket_import_stream example
Example#5084 - socket_last_error example
Example#5085 - socket_recv example
Example#5086 - socket_recvfrom example
Example#5087 - Using NULL with socket_select
Example#5088 - Understanding socket_select's result
Example#5089 - socket_select example
Example#5090 - socket_sendto Example
Example#5091 - socket_set_block example
Example#5092 - socket_set_nonblock example
Example#5093 - socket_set_option example
Example#5094 - socket_strerror example
Example#5095 - Authenticating with a ssh agent
Example#5096 - Authentication using a public hostkey
Example#5097 - Retrieving a list of authentication methods
Example#5098 - Authenticating with a password
Example#5099 - Authentication using a public key
Example#5100 - ssh2_connect example
Example#5101 - Executing a command
Example#5102 - Opening a shell and retrieving the stderr stream associated with it
Example#5103 - Checking the fingerprint against a known value
Example#5104 - Determining what methods were negotiated
Example#5105 - Adding a publickey with ssh2_publickey_add
Example#5106 - Listing authorized keys with ssh2_publickey_list
Example#5107 - Downloading a file via SCP
Example#5108 - Uploading a file via SCP
Example#5109 - Changing the mode of a file on a remote server
Example#5110 - Stating a symbolic link via SFTP
Example#5111 - Creating a directory on a remote server
Example#5112 - Reading a symbolic link
Example#5113 - Resolving a pathname
Example#5114 - Renaming a file via sftp
Example#5115 - Removing a directory on a remote server
Example#5116 - Stating a file via SFTP
Example#5117 - Creating a symbolic link
Example#5118 - Deleting a file
Example#5119 - Opening a file via SFTP
Example#5120 - Requesting an interactive shell
Example#5121 - Opening a tunnel to an arbitrary host
Example#5122 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5123 - 절차식 형식
Example#5124 - stomp_connect_error example
Example#5125 - stomp_version example
Example#5126 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5127 - 절차식 형식
Example#5128 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5129 - 절차식 형식
Example#5130 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5131 - 절차식 형식
Example#5132 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5133 - 절차식 형식
Example#5134 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5135 - 절차식 형식
Example#5136 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5137 - 절차식 형식
Example#5138 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5139 - 절차식 형식
Example#5140 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5141 - 절차식 형식
Example#5142 - 객체 기반 형식
Example#5143 - 절차식 형식
Example#5144 - Train from array
Example#5145 - Train from a file
Example#5146 - svn_add example
Example#5147 - Default authentication example
Example#5148 - svn_blame example
Example#5149 - Basic example
Example#5150 - Basic example
Example#5151 - Basic example
Example#5152 - Basic example
Example#5153 - Basic example
Example#5154 - Basic example
Example#5155 - Diffing two revisions of a repository path
Example#5156 - Portably diffing two local files
Example#5157 - svn_export example
Example#5158 - Basic example
Example#5159 - svn_log example
Example#5160 - svn_ls example
Example#5161 - Basic example
Example#5162 - Basic example
Example#5163 - Deny all connections from localhost
Example#5164 - Ban an URL
Example#5165 - Get statistic snapshot
Example#5166 - Read varnish shared memory log
Example#5167 - VarnishAdmin::__construct example
Example#5168 - Parallel searching using Yaz
Example#5169 - CCL configuration
Example#5170 - CCL Parsing
Example#5171 - Record Update
Example#5172 - Array for GRS-1 record
Example#5173 - Working with MARCXML
Example#5174 - PHP function that scans titles
Example#5175 - Query Examples
Example#5176 - Sort Criterias
Example#5177 - Example for NIS errors
Example#5178 - Example for the NIS first
Example#5179 - Example for the default domain
Example#5180 - Example for the NIS master
Example#5181 - Example for NIS match
Example#5182 - Example for NIS next
Example#5183 - Example for the NIS order
Example#5184 - A ZMQContext example
Example#5185 - A ZMQContext example
Example#5186 - A ZMQContext example
Example#5187 - A ZMQSocket example
Example#5188 - A send/recv example
Example#5189 - A ZMQPoll example
Example#5190 -
Example#5191 - udm_api_version example
Example#5192 - udm_cat_listexample
Example#5193 - Specifying path to the current category in the following format: '> Root > Sport > Auto > Ferrari'
Example#5194 - udm_load_ispell_data example
Example#5195 - udm_load_ispell_data example
Example#5196 - solr_get_version example
Example#5197 - Contents of the BootStrap file
Example#5198 - Adding a document to the index
Example#5199 - Merging one document into another document
Example#5200 - Searching for documents - SolrObject responses
Example#5201 - Searching for documents - SolrDocument responses
Example#5202 - Simple TermsComponent example - basic
Example#5203 - Simple TermsComponent example - using a prefix
Example#5204 - Simple TermsComponent example - specifying a minimum frequency
Example#5205 - Simple Facet Example
Example#5206 - Simple Facet Example - with optional field override for mincount
Example#5207 - Facet Date Example
Example#5208 - Connecting to SSL-Enabled Server
Example#5209 - Collapsing a SolrQuery
Example#5210 - SolrDocument::toArray example
Example#5211 - SolrObject::__construct example
Example#5212 - SolrObject::offsetUnset example
Example#5213 - SolrClient::addDocument example
Example#5214 - SolrClient::addDocument example 2
Example#5215 - SolrClient::addDocuments example
Example#5216 - SolrClient::__construct example
Example#5217 - SolrQuery::deleteByQuery example
Example#5218 - SolrClient::getById example
Example#5219 - SolrClient::getByIds example
Example#5220 - SolrClient::ping example
Example#5221 - SolrClient::query example
Example#5222 - SolrClient::request example
Example#5223 - SolrClient::setResponseWriter example
Example#5224 - SolrParams::setParam example
Example#5225 - SolrQuery::addFacetField example
Example#5226 - SolrQuery::addFacetField example
Example#5227 - SolrQuery::addFilterQuery example
Example#5228 - SolrQuery::addGroupSortField example
Example#5229 - SolrQuery::collapse example
Example#5230 - SolrQuery::setExpand example
Example#5231 - SolrDisMaxQuery::addBigramPhraseField example
Example#5232 - SolrDisMaxQuery::addBoostQuery example
Example#5233 - SolrDisMaxQuery::addPhraseField example
Example#5234 - SolrDisMaxQuery::addQueryField example
Example#5235 - SolrDisMaxQuery::addTrigramPhraseField example
Example#5236 - SolrDisMaxQuery::addUserField example
Example#5237 - SolrDisMaxQuery::__construct example
Example#5238 - SolrDisMaxQuery::removeBigramPhraseField example
Example#5239 - SolrDisMaxQuery::removeBoostQuery example
Example#5240 - SolrDisMaxQuery::removePhraseField example
Example#5241 - SolrDisMaxQuery::removeQueryField example
Example#5242 - SolrDisMaxQuery::removeTrigramPhraseField example
Example#5243 - SolrDisMaxQuery::removeUserField example
Example#5244 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setBigramPhraseFields example
Example#5245 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setBigramPhraseSlop example
Example#5246 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostFunction example
Example#5247 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostQuery example
Example#5248 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setMinimumMatch example
Example#5249 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setPhraseFields example
Example#5250 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setPhraseSlop example
Example#5251 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setQueryAlt example
Example#5252 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setQueryPhraseSlop example
Example#5253 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setTieBreaker example
Example#5254 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setTrigramPhraseFields example
Example#5255 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setTrigramPhraseSlop example
Example#5256 - SolrDisMaxQuery::setUserFields example
Example#5257 - SolrDisMaxQuery::useDisMaxQueryParser example
Example#5258 - SolrDisMaxQuery::useEDisMaxQueryParser example
Example#5259 - SolrCollapseFunction::__construct example
Example#5260 - SolrCollapseFunction::setHint example
Example#5261 - SolrCollapseFunction::setMax example
Example#5262 - Basic usage example
Example#5263 - Basic search query
Example#5264 - A Swish::__construct example
Example#5265 - Basic Swish::getMetaList example
Example#5266 - Basic Swish::getPropertyList example
Example#5267 - Basic Swish::prepare example
Example#5268 - Basic Swish::query example
Example#5269 - Basic SwishResult::stem example
Example#5270 - Basic SwishResults::getParsedWords example
Example#5271 - Basic SwishResults::nextResult example
Example#5272 - Basic SwishResults::seekResult example
Example#5273 - Basic SwishSearch::execute example
Example#5274 - Basic SwishSearch::resetLimit example
Example#5275 - Basic SwishSearch::setLimit example
Example#5276 - Basic SwishSearch::setPhraseDelimiter example
Example#5277 - Basic SwishSearch::setSort example
Example#5278 - Basic SwishSearch::setStructure example
Example#5279 - .htaccess를 이용해서 PHP 파싱을 끄기
Example#5280 - apache_get_modules 예제
Example#5281 - apache_get_version 예제
Example#5282 - apache_getenv 예제
Example#5283 - apache_lookup_uri 예제
Example#5284 - PHP와 펄 사이에 정보 넘기기
Example#5285 - access.log에 값 기록하기
Example#5286 - apache_request_headers 예제
Example#5287 - apache_response_headers 예제
Example#5288 - apache_setenv를 사용하여 아파치 환경 변수 설정하기
Example#5289 - getallheaders 예제
Example#5290 - nsapi_request_headers example
Example#5291 - $_SESSION으로 변수 등록하기.
Example#5292 - $_SESSION으로 변수 제거하기와 register_globals 비활성화.
Example#5293 - 한 사용자의 히트 수 세기
Example#5294 - Example information
Example#5295 - session_cache_expire 예제
Example#5296 - session_cache_limiter 예제
Example#5297 - session_create_id example with session_regenerate_id
Example#5298 - $_SESSION으로 세션 파괴하기
Example#5299 - session_gc example for task managers like cron
Example#5300 - session_gc example for user accessible script
Example#5301 - session_name 예제
Example#5302 - session_regenerate_id 예제
Example#5303 - session_set_save_handler 예제
Example#5304 - 세션 예제: page1.php
Example#5305 - 세션 예제: page2.php
Example#5306 - Using SessionHandler to add encryption to internal PHP save handlers.
Example#5307 - Example using SessionHandlerInterface
Example#5308 - bbcode_add_smiley usage example
Example#5309 - bbcode_create example
Example#5310 - bbcode_set_arg_parser usage example
Example#5311 - bbcode_set_flags usage example
Example#5312 - Examples of valid patterns
Example#5313 - Examples of invalid patterns
Example#5314 - Example comparing preg_filter with preg_replace
Example#5315 - preg_grep 예제
Example#5316 - preg_last_error example
Example#5317 - 어떤 텍스트로부터 모든 전화번호 가져오기
Example#5318 - HTML 태그 찾기 (greedy)
Example#5319 - 이름 있는 서브패턴 사용하기
Example#5320 - 문자열 "php" 찾기
Example#5321 - 단어 "Web" 찾기
Example#5322 - URL에서 도메인 이름 얻기
Example#5323 - 이름 있는 서브패턴 사용하기
Example#5324 - preg_quote 예제
Example#5325 - 텍스트 안의 단어를 기울임꼴로
Example#5326 - preg_replace_callback_array example
Example#5327 - preg_replace_callback과 create_function
Example#5328 - preg_replace_callback 예제
Example#5329 - BB 코드를 다루기 위해 재귀 구조를 사용하는 preg_replace_callback
Example#5330 - 수가 따라오는 역참조 사용하기
Example#5331 - preg_replace와 인덱스 배열 사용하기
Example#5332 - 여러 값 치환하기
Example#5333 - 'e' 변경자 사용하기
Example#5334 - 공백 제거하기
Example#5335 - count 인수 사용하기
Example#5336 - preg_split 예제 : 검색 문자열의 일부만을 얻기
Example#5337 - 문자열을 구성 문자로 나누기.
Example#5338 - 매치와 시작위치로 문자열을 나누기.
Example#5339 - Regular Expression Examples
Example#5340 - ereg_replace example
Example#5341 - ereg_replace example
Example#5342 - Replace URLs with links
Example#5343 - ereg example
Example#5344 - Highlight search results
Example#5345 - eregi example
Example#5346 - split example
Example#5347 - split example
Example#5348 - spliti example
Example#5349 - sql_regcase example
Example#5350 - addcslashes 예제
Example#5351 - addslashes 예제
Example#5352 - chr 예제
Example#5353 - chunk_split 예제
Example#5354 - convert_uudecode example
Example#5355 - convert_uuencode example
Example#5356 - count_chars 예제
Example#5357 - crc32 체크섬 표시하기
Example#5358 - crypt 예제
Example#5359 - htpasswd와 crypt 사용하기
Example#5360 - 다양한 암호화 형식으로 crypt 사용하기
Example#5361 - echo 예제
Example#5362 - explode 예제
Example#5363 - limit 인수 예제
Example#5364 - fprintf: 0을 채운 정수
Example#5365 - fprintf: 통화 형식화
Example#5366 - 변환표 예제
Example#5367 - hex2bin example
Example#5368 - HTML 엔티티 디코딩
Example#5369 - htmlentities 예제
Example#5370 - A htmlspecialchars_decode example
Example#5371 - htmlspecialchars 예제
Example#5372 - implode 예제
Example#5373 - lcfirst example
Example#5374 - levenshtein example
Example#5375 - localeconv example
Example#5376 - ltrim 용례
Example#5377 - md5_file 용례
Example#5378 - md5 예제
Example#5379 - money_format Example
Example#5380 - nl2br 사용하기
Example#5381 - is_xhtml 인수를 사용해서 유효한 HTML 생성하기
Example#5382 - number_format Example
Example#5383 - ord 예제
Example#5384 - parse_str 사용하기
Example#5385 - print 예제
Example#5386 - rtrim 사용 예제
Example#5387 - setlocale Examples
Example#5388 - setlocale Examples for Windows
Example#5389 - sha1_file 예제
Example#5390 - sha1 예제
Example#5391 - Soundex 예제
Example#5392 - 인수 교환
Example#5393 - 인수 교환
Example#5394 - 인수 교환
Example#5395 - 인수 교환
Example#5396 - printf: 다양한 예제
Example#5397 - printf: 문자열 지정어
Example#5398 - sprintf: 0으로 채운 정수
Example#5399 - sprintf: 통화 표현하기
Example#5400 - sprintf: 과학 표현
Example#5401 - sscanf 예제
Example#5402 - sscanf - 선택 인수 사용하기
Example#5403 - str_ireplace 예제
Example#5404 - str_pad 예제
Example#5405 - str_repeat 예제
Example#5406 - str_replace 예제
Example#5407 - str_rot13 예제
Example#5408 - str_shuffle 예제
Example#5409 - str_split 용례
Example#5410 - str_word_count 예제
Example#5411 - strcasecmp 예제
Example#5412 - strip_tags 예제
Example#5413 - stripos 예제
Example#5414 - stripslashes 예제
Example#5415 - 배열에 stripslashes 사용하기
Example#5416 - stristr 예제
Example#5417 - 문자열의 발견 여부 시험하기
Example#5418 - "문자열"이 아닌 needle 사용하기
Example#5419 - strlen 예제
Example#5420 - strpbrk example
Example#5421 - === 사용하기
Example#5422 - !== 사용하기
Example#5423 - offset 사용하기
Example#5424 - strrchr 예제
Example#5425 - strrev를 사용하여 문자열 뒤집기
Example#5426 - 간단한 strripos 예제
Example#5427 - strspn 예제
Example#5428 - strstr 예제
Example#5429 - strtok 예제
Example#5430 - strtok 이전 동작
Example#5431 - strtok 새 동작
Example#5432 - strtolower 예제
Example#5433 - strtoupper 예제
Example#5434 - strtr example
Example#5435 - strtr example with two arguments
Example#5436 - strtr behavior comparison
Example#5437 - A substr_compare example
Example#5438 - A substr_count example
Example#5439 - Simple substr_replace examples
Example#5440 - Using substr_replace to replace multiple strings at once
Example#5441 - Using a negative start
Example#5442 - Using a negative length
Example#5443 - Basic substr usage
Example#5444 - substr casting behaviour
Example#5445 -
Example#5446 - Usage example of trim
Example#5447 - Trimming array values with trim
Example#5448 - ucfirst example
Example#5449 - ucwords example
Example#5450 - ucwords example with custom delimiter
Example#5451 - vfprintf: zero-padded integers
Example#5452 - vprintf: zero-padded integers
Example#5453 - vsprintf: zero-padded integers
Example#5454 - wordwrap example
Example#5455 - wordwrap example
Example#5456 - wordwrap example
Example#5457 - array_change_key_case 예제
Example#5458 - array_chunk 예제
Example#5459 - Get the column of first names from a recordset
Example#5460 - Get the column of last names from a recordset, indexed by the "id" column
Example#5461 - Get the column of usernames from the public "username" property of an object
Example#5462 - Get the column of names from the private "name" property of an object using the magic __get method.
Example#5463 - 간단한 array_combine 예제
Example#5464 - array_count_values 예제
Example#5465 - array_diff_assoc 예제
Example#5466 - array_diff_assoc 예제
Example#5467 - array_diff_key example
Example#5468 - array_diff_uassoc example
Example#5469 - array_diff_ukey example
Example#5470 - array_diff 예제
Example#5471 - array_fill_keys example
Example#5472 - array_fill 예제
Example#5473 - array_filter 예제
Example#5474 - callback 없는 array_filter
Example#5475 - array_flip 예제
Example#5476 - array_flip 예제 : 충돌
Example#5477 - array_intersect_assoc 예제코드
Example#5478 - array_intersect_key example
Example#5479 - array_intersect_uassoc example
Example#5480 - array_intersect_ukey example
Example#5481 - array_intersect 예제
Example#5482 - array_key_exists 예제
Example#5483 - array_key_exists 대 isset
Example#5484 - array_keys 예제
Example#5485 - array_map example
Example#5486 - array_map using a lambda function (as of PHP 5.3.0)
Example#5487 - array_map - using more arrays
Example#5488 - Creating an array of arrays
Example#5489 - array_map - with string keys
Example#5490 - array_merge_recursive 예제
Example#5491 - array_merge 예제
Example#5492 - 간단한 array_merge 예제
Example#5493 - array_merge PHP 5 예제
Example#5494 - 여러 배열 정렬하기
Example#5495 - 다차원 배열 정렬하기
Example#5496 - 데이터베이스 결과 정렬하기
Example#5497 - 대소문자 구분 없는 정렬
Example#5498 - array_pad 예제
Example#5499 - array_pop 예제
Example#5500 - array_product examples
Example#5501 - array_push 예제
Example#5502 - array_rand 예제
Example#5503 - array_reduce 예제
Example#5504 - array_replace_recursive example
Example#5505 - array_replace_recursive and recursive behavior
Example#5506 - array_replace example
Example#5507 - array_reverse 예제
Example#5508 - array_search 예제
Example#5509 - array_shift 예제
Example#5510 - array_slice 예제
Example#5511 - array_splice 예제
Example#5512 - array_splice 예제
Example#5513 - array_sum 예제
Example#5514 - array_udiff_assoc example
Example#5515 - array_udiff_uassoc example
Example#5516 - stdClass 객체를 이용한 array_udiff 예제
Example#5517 - DateTime 객체를 이용한 array_udiff 예제
Example#5518 - array_uintersect_assoc example
Example#5519 - array_uintersect_uassoc example
Example#5520 - array_uintersect example
Example#5521 - array_unique 예제
Example#5522 - array_unique와 자료형
Example#5523 - array_unshift 예제
Example#5524 - array_values 예제
Example#5525 - array_walk_recursive example
Example#5526 - array_walk 예제
Example#5527 - array 예제
Example#5528 - 자동 인덱스 array
Example#5529 - 1-기반 인덱스 array
Example#5530 - 겹따옴표 안에서 배열 접근하기
Example#5531 - arsort 예제
Example#5532 - asort 예제
Example#5533 - compact 예제
Example#5534 - count 예제
Example#5535 - 재귀적인 count 예제
Example#5536 - current의 용례와 관련 함수
Example#5537 - each 예제
Example#5538 - each로 배열 따라가기
Example#5539 - end 예제
Example#5540 - extract 예제
Example#5541 - in_array 예제
Example#5542 - in_array에 strict 예제
Example#5543 - in_array에 needle로 배열
Example#5544 - key 예제
Example#5545 - krsort 예제
Example#5546 - ksort 예제
Example#5547 - list 예제
Example#5548 - list 용례
Example#5549 - 중첩 list 사용하기
Example#5550 - 배열 인덱스로 list 사용하기
Example#5551 - natcasesort 예제
Example#5552 - natsort 예제
Example#5553 - next의 용례와 관련 함수
Example#5554 - prev 용례와 관련 함수
Example#5555 - range 예제
Example#5556 - reset 예제
Example#5557 - rsort 예제
Example#5558 - shuffle 예제
Example#5559 - sort 예제
Example#5560 - uksort 예제
Example#5561 - usort 예제
Example#5562 - 다차원 배열을 사용하는 usort 예제
Example#5563 - 객체의 멤버 함수를 사용하는 usort 예제
Example#5564 -
Example#5565 - test_script.php
Example#5566 - call_user_method_array 대체
Example#5567 - call_user_method 대체
Example#5568 - class_alias example
Example#5569 - class_exists 예제
Example#5570 - autoload 인수 예제
Example#5571 - get_called_class 사용하기
Example#5572 - get_class_methods 예제
Example#5573 - get_class_vars 예제
Example#5574 - get_class 사용하기
Example#5575 - 슈퍼클래스에서 get_class 사용하기
Example#5576 - get_declared_classes 예제
Example#5577 - get_declared_interfaces 예제
Example#5578 - get_object_vars의 사용
Example#5579 - get_parent_class 사용하기
Example#5580 - interface_exists 예제
Example#5581 - is_a 예제
Example#5582 - PHP 5에서 instanceof 연산자 사용하기
Example#5583 - is_subclass_of 예제
Example#5584 - method_exists 예제
Example#5585 - 정적 method_exists 예제
Example#5586 - property_exists 예제
Example#5587 - classkit_import example
Example#5588 - classkit_method_add example
Example#5589 - classkit_method_copy example
Example#5590 - classkit_method_redefine example
Example#5591 - classkit_method_remove example
Example#5592 - classkit_method_rename example
Example#5593 - A ctype_alnum example (using the default locale)
Example#5594 - A ctype_alpha example (using the default locale)
Example#5595 - A ctype_cntrl example
Example#5596 - A ctype_digit example
Example#5597 - A ctype_digit example comparing strings with integers
Example#5598 - A ctype_graph example
Example#5599 - A ctype_lower example (using the default locale)
Example#5600 - A ctype_print example
Example#5601 - A ctype_punct example
Example#5602 - A ctype_space example
Example#5603 - A ctype_upper example (using the default locale)
Example#5604 - A ctype_xdigit example
Example#5605 - Vector
Example#5606 - Map
Example#5607 - Ds\Collection::clear example
Example#5608 - Ds\Collection::copy example
Example#5609 - Ds\Collection::isEmpty example
Example#5610 - Ds\Collection::toArray example
Example#5611 - Ds\Hashable::hash example
Example#5612 - Ds\Sequence::allocate example
Example#5613 - Ds\Sequence::apply example
Example#5614 - Ds\Sequence::capacity example
Example#5615 - Ds\Sequence::contains example
Example#5616 - Ds\Sequence::filter example using callback function
Example#5617 - Ds\Sequence::filter example without a callback function
Example#5618 - Ds\Sequence::find example
Example#5619 - Ds\Sequence::first example
Example#5620 - Ds\Sequence::get example
Example#5621 - Ds\Sequence::get example using array syntax
Example#5622 - Ds\Sequence::insert example
Example#5623 - Ds\Sequence::join example using a separator string
Example#5624 - Ds\Sequence::join example without a separator string
Example#5625 - Ds\Sequence::last example
Example#5626 - Ds\Sequence::map example
Example#5627 - Ds\Sequence::merge example
Example#5628 - Ds\Sequence::pop example
Example#5629 - Ds\Sequence::push example
Example#5630 - Ds\Sequence::reduce with initial value example
Example#5631 - Ds\Sequence::reduce without an initial value example
Example#5632 - Ds\Sequence::remove example
Example#5633 - Ds\Sequence::reverse example
Example#5634 - Ds\Sequence::reversed example
Example#5635 - Ds\Sequence::rotate example
Example#5636 - Ds\Sequence::set example
Example#5637 - Ds\Sequence::set example using array syntax
Example#5638 - Ds\Sequence::shift example
Example#5639 - Ds\Sequence::slice example
Example#5640 - Ds\Sequence::sort example
Example#5641 - Ds\Sequence::sort example using a comparator
Example#5642 - Ds\Sequence::sorted example
Example#5643 - Ds\Sequence::sorted example using a comparator
Example#5644 - Ds\Sequence::sum integer example
Example#5645 - Ds\Sequence::sum float example
Example#5646 - Ds\Sequence::unshift example
Example#5647 - Ds\Vector::allocate example
Example#5648 - Ds\Vector::apply example
Example#5649 - Ds\Vector::capacity example
Example#5650 - Ds\Vector::clear example
Example#5651 - Ds\Vector::__construct example
Example#5652 - Ds\Vector::contains example
Example#5653 - Ds\Vector::copy example
Example#5654 - Ds\Vector::filter example using callback function
Example#5655 - Ds\Vector::filter example without a callback function
Example#5656 - Ds\Vector::find example
Example#5657 - Ds\Vector::first example
Example#5658 - Ds\Vector::get example
Example#5659 - Ds\Vector::get example using array syntax
Example#5660 - Ds\Vector::insert example
Example#5661 - Ds\Vector::isEmpty example
Example#5662 - Ds\Vector::join example using a separator string
Example#5663 - Ds\Vector::join example without a separator string
Example#5664 - Ds\Vector::last example
Example#5665 - Ds\Vector::map example
Example#5666 - Ds\Vector::merge example
Example#5667 - Ds\Vector::pop example
Example#5668 - Ds\Vector::push example
Example#5669 - Ds\Vector::reduce with initial value example
Example#5670 - Ds\Vector::reduce without an initial value example
Example#5671 - Ds\Vector::remove example
Example#5672 - Ds\Vector::reverse example
Example#5673 - Ds\Vector::reversed example
Example#5674 - Ds\Vector::rotate example
Example#5675 - Ds\Vector::set example
Example#5676 - Ds\Vector::set example using array syntax
Example#5677 - Ds\Vector::shift example
Example#5678 - Ds\Vector::slice example
Example#5679 - Ds\Vector::sort example
Example#5680 - Ds\Vector::sort example using a comparator
Example#5681 - Ds\Vector::sorted example
Example#5682 - Ds\Vector::sorted example using a comparator
Example#5683 - Ds\Vector::sum integer example
Example#5684 - Ds\Vector::sum float example
Example#5685 - Ds\Vector::toArray example
Example#5686 - Ds\Vector::unshift example
Example#5687 - Ds\Deque::allocate example
Example#5688 - Ds\Deque::apply example
Example#5689 - Ds\Deque::capacity example
Example#5690 - Ds\Deque::clear example
Example#5691 - Ds\Deque::__construct example
Example#5692 - Ds\Deque::contains example
Example#5693 - Ds\Deque::copy example
Example#5694 - Ds\Deque::filter example using callback function
Example#5695 - Ds\Deque::filter example without a callback function
Example#5696 - Ds\Deque::find example
Example#5697 - Ds\Deque::first example
Example#5698 - Ds\Deque::get example
Example#5699 - Ds\Deque::get example using array syntax
Example#5700 - Ds\Deque::insert example
Example#5701 - Ds\Deque::isEmpty example
Example#5702 - Ds\Deque::join example using a separator string
Example#5703 - Ds\Deque::join example without a separator string
Example#5704 - Ds\Deque::last example
Example#5705 - Ds\Deque::map example
Example#5706 - Ds\Deque::merge example
Example#5707 - Ds\Deque::pop example
Example#5708 - Ds\Deque::push example
Example#5709 - Ds\Deque::reduce with initial value example
Example#5710 - Ds\Deque::reduce without an initial value example
Example#5711 - Ds\Deque::remove example
Example#5712 - Ds\Deque::reverse example
Example#5713 - Ds\Deque::reversed example
Example#5714 - Ds\Deque::rotate example
Example#5715 - Ds\Deque::set example
Example#5716 - Ds\Deque::set example using array syntax
Example#5717 - Ds\Deque::shift example
Example#5718 - Ds\Deque::slice example
Example#5719 - Ds\Deque::sort example
Example#5720 - Ds\Deque::sort example using a comparator
Example#5721 - Ds\Deque::sorted example
Example#5722 - Ds\Deque::sorted example using a comparator
Example#5723 - Ds\Deque::sum integer example
Example#5724 - Ds\Deque::sum float example
Example#5725 - Ds\Deque::toArray example
Example#5726 - Ds\Deque::unshift example
Example#5727 - Ds\Map::allocate example
Example#5728 - Ds\Map::apply example
Example#5729 - Ds\Map::capacity example
Example#5730 - Ds\Map::clear example
Example#5731 - Ds\Map::__construct example
Example#5732 - Ds\Map::copy example
Example#5733 - Ds\Map::diff example
Example#5734 - Ds\Map::filter example using callback function
Example#5735 - Ds\Map::filter example without a callback function
Example#5736 - Ds\Map::first example
Example#5737 - Ds\Map::get example
Example#5738 - Ds\Map::get example using array syntax
Example#5739 - Ds\Map::hasKey example
Example#5740 - Ds\Map::hasValue example
Example#5741 - Ds\Map::intersect example
Example#5742 - Ds\Map::isEmpty example
Example#5743 - Ds\Map::keys example
Example#5744 - Ds\Map::ksort example
Example#5745 - Ds\Map::ksort example using a comparator
Example#5746 - Ds\Map::ksorted example
Example#5747 - Ds\Map::ksorted example using a comparator
Example#5748 - Ds\Map::last example
Example#5749 - Ds\Map::map example
Example#5750 - Ds\Map::merge example
Example#5751 - Ds\Map::pairs example
Example#5752 - Ds\Map::put example
Example#5753 - Ds\Map::put example using objects as keys
Example#5754 - Ds\Map::putAll example
Example#5755 - Ds\Map::reduce with initial value example
Example#5756 - Ds\Map::reduce without an initial value example
Example#5757 - Ds\Map::remove example
Example#5758 - Ds\Map::reverse example
Example#5759 - Ds\Map::reversed example
Example#5760 - Ds\Map::skip example
Example#5761 - Ds\Map::slice example
Example#5762 - Ds\Map::sort example
Example#5763 - Ds\Map::sort example using a comparator
Example#5764 - Ds\Map::sort example
Example#5765 - Ds\Map::sort example using a comparator
Example#5766 - Ds\Map::sum integer example
Example#5767 - Ds\Map::sum float example
Example#5768 - Ds\Map::toArray example
Example#5769 - Ds\Map::union example
Example#5770 - Ds\Map::values example
Example#5771 - Ds\Map::xor example
Example#5772 - Ds\Pair::clear example
Example#5773 - Ds\Pair::copy example
Example#5774 - Ds\Pair::isEmpty example
Example#5775 - Ds\Pair::toArray example
Example#5776 - Ds\Set::add example using integers
Example#5777 - Ds\Set::add example using objects
Example#5778 - Ds\Set::allocate example
Example#5779 - Ds\Set::capacity example
Example#5780 - Ds\Set::clear example
Example#5781 - Ds\Set::__construct example
Example#5782 - Ds\Set::contains example
Example#5783 - Ds\Set::copy example
Example#5784 - Ds\Set::diff example
Example#5785 - Ds\Set::filter example using callback function
Example#5786 - Ds\Set::filter example without a callback function
Example#5787 - Ds\Set::first example
Example#5788 - Ds\Set::get example
Example#5789 - Ds\Set::get example using array syntax
Example#5790 - Ds\Set::intersect example
Example#5791 - Ds\Set::isEmpty example
Example#5792 - Ds\Set::join example using a separator string
Example#5793 - Ds\Set::join example without a separator string
Example#5794 - Ds\Set::last example
Example#5795 - Ds\Set::merge example
Example#5796 - Ds\Set::reduce with initial value example
Example#5797 - Ds\Set::reduce without an initial value example
Example#5798 - Ds\Set::remove example
Example#5799 - Ds\Set::reverse example
Example#5800 - Ds\Set::reversed example
Example#5801 - Ds\Set::slice example
Example#5802 - Ds\Set::sort example
Example#5803 - Ds\Set::sort example using a comparator
Example#5804 - Ds\Set::sorted example
Example#5805 - Ds\Set::sorted example using a comparator
Example#5806 - Ds\Set::sum integer example
Example#5807 - Ds\Set::sum float example
Example#5808 - Ds\Set::toArray example
Example#5809 - Ds\Set::union example
Example#5810 - Ds\Set::xor example
Example#5811 - Ds\Stack::clear example
Example#5812 - Ds\Stack::__construct example
Example#5813 - Ds\Stack::copy example
Example#5814 - Ds\Stack::isEmpty example
Example#5815 - Ds\Stack::peek example
Example#5816 - Ds\Stack::pop example
Example#5817 - Ds\Stack::push example
Example#5818 - Ds\Stack::toArray example
Example#5819 - Ds\Queue::allocate example
Example#5820 - Ds\Queue::capacity example
Example#5821 - Ds\Queue::clear example
Example#5822 - Ds\Queue::__construct example
Example#5823 - Ds\Queue::copy example
Example#5824 - Ds\Queue::isEmpty example
Example#5825 - Ds\Queue::peek example
Example#5826 - Ds\Queue::pop example
Example#5827 - Ds\Queue::push example
Example#5828 - Ds\Queue::toArray example
Example#5829 - Ds\PriorityQueue::allocate example
Example#5830 - Ds\PriorityQueue::capacity example
Example#5831 - Ds\PriorityQueue::clear example
Example#5832 - Ds\PriorityQueue::__construct example
Example#5833 - Ds\PriorityQueue::copy example
Example#5834 - Ds\PriorityQueue::isEmpty example
Example#5835 - Ds\PriorityQueue::peek example
Example#5836 - Ds\PriorityQueue::pop example
Example#5837 - Ds\PriorityQueue::push example
Example#5838 - Ds\PriorityQueue::toArray example
Example#5839 - Configuring the default filter to act like htmlspecialchars
Example#5840 - Configuring the default filter to act like htmlspecialchars
Example#5841 - Validating email addresses with filter_var
Example#5842 - Validating IP addresses with filter_var
Example#5843 - Passing options to filter_var
Example#5844 - Sanitizing and validating email addresses
Example#5845 - Configuring a default filter
Example#5846 - A filter_input_array example
Example#5847 - A filter_input example
Example#5848 - A filter_list example
Example#5849 - A filter_var_array example
Example#5850 - A filter_var example
Example#5851 - call_user_func_array example
Example#5852 - call_user_func_array using namespace name
Example#5853 - Using lambda function
Example#5854 - Passing values by reference
Example#5855 - call_user_func example and references
Example#5856 - call_user_func example
Example#5857 - call_user_func using namespace name
Example#5858 - Using a class method with call_user_func
Example#5859 - Using lambda function with call_user_func
Example#5860 - Creating an anonymous function with create_function
Example#5861 - Making a general processing function with create_function
Example#5862 - Using anonymous functions as callback functions
Example#5863 - forward_static_call_array example
Example#5864 - forward_static_call example
Example#5865 - func_get_arg example
Example#5866 - func_get_arg example before and after PHP 5.3
Example#5867 - func_get_arg example of byref and byval arguments
Example#5868 - func_get_args example
Example#5869 - func_get_args example before and after PHP 5.3
Example#5870 - func_get_args example of byref and byval arguments
Example#5871 - func_num_args example
Example#5872 - func_num_args example before and after PHP 5.3
Example#5873 - function_exists example
Example#5874 - get_defined_functions example
Example#5875 - register_shutdown_function example
Example#5876 - register_tick_function example
Example#5877 - Quickhash Example
Example#5878 - Quickhash ArrayAccess Example
Example#5879 - Quickhash Iterator Example
Example#5880 - Quickhash String Values Example
Example#5881 - QuickHashIntSet::add example
Example#5882 - QuickHashIntSet::__construct example
Example#5883 - QuickHashIntSet::delete example
Example#5884 - QuickHashIntSet::exists example
Example#5885 - QuickHashIntSet::getSize example
Example#5886 - QuickHashIntSet::loadFromFile example
Example#5887 - QuickHashIntSet::loadFromString example
Example#5888 - QuickHashIntSet::saveToFile example
Example#5889 - QuickHashIntSet::saveToString example
Example#5890 - QuickHashIntHash::add example
Example#5891 - QuickHashIntHash::__construct example
Example#5892 - QuickHashIntHash::delete example
Example#5893 - QuickHashIntHash::exists example
Example#5894 - QuickHashIntHash::get example
Example#5895 - QuickHashIntHash::getSize example
Example#5896 - QuickHash IntHash file format
Example#5897 - QuickHash IntHash file format
Example#5898 - QuickHashIntHash::loadFromFile example
Example#5899 - QuickHashIntHash::loadFromString example
Example#5900 - QuickHashIntHash::saveToFile example
Example#5901 - QuickHashIntHash::saveToString example
Example#5902 - QuickHashIntHash::set example
Example#5903 - QuickHashIntHash::update example
Example#5904 - QuickHashStringIntHash::add example
Example#5905 - QuickHashStringIntHash::__construct example
Example#5906 - QuickHashStringIntHash::delete example
Example#5907 - QuickHashStringIntHash::get example
Example#5908 - QuickHashStringIntHash::getSize example
Example#5909 - QuickHash StringIntHash file format
Example#5910 - QuickHash IntHash file format
Example#5911 - QuickHashStringIntHash::loadFromFile example
Example#5912 - QuickHashStringIntHash::loadFromString example
Example#5913 - QuickHashStringIntHash::saveToFile example
Example#5914 - QuickHashStringIntHash::saveToString example
Example#5915 - QuickHashStringIntHash::set example
Example#5916 - QuickHashStringIntHash::update example
Example#5917 - QuickHashIntStringHash::add example
Example#5918 - QuickHashIntStringHash::__construct example
Example#5919 - QuickHashIntStringHash::delete example
Example#5920 - QuickHashIntStringHash::get example
Example#5921 - QuickHashIntStringHash::getSize example
Example#5922 - QuickHash IntString file format
Example#5923 - QuickHash IntString file format
Example#5924 - QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromFile example
Example#5925 - QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromString example
Example#5926 - QuickHashIntStringHash::saveToFile example
Example#5927 - QuickHashIntStringHash::saveToString example
Example#5928 - QuickHashIntStringHash::set example
Example#5929 - QuickHashIntStringHash::update example
Example#5930 - Reflection Example from Shell (a Terminal)
Example#5931 - Extending the built-in classes
Example#5932 - Basic usage ReflectionClass
Example#5933 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::export
Example#5934 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::getConstructor
Example#5935 - ReflectionClass::getDefaultProperties example
Example#5936 - ReflectionClass::getDocComment example
Example#5937 - ReflectionClass::getEndLine example
Example#5938 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::getExtension
Example#5939 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::getExtensionName
Example#5940 - ReflectionClass::getInterfaceNames example
Example#5941 - ReflectionClass::getInterfaces example
Example#5942 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::getMethod
Example#5943 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::getMethods
Example#5944 - Filtering results from ReflectionClass::getMethods
Example#5945 - ReflectionClass::getName example
Example#5946 - ReflectionClass::getNamespaceName example
Example#5947 - ReflectionClass::getProperties filtering example
Example#5948 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::getProperty
Example#5949 - ReflectionClass::getShortName example
Example#5950 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue
Example#5951 - ReflectionClass::hasConstant example
Example#5952 - ReflectionClass::hasMethod example
Example#5953 - ReflectionClass::hasProperty example
Example#5954 - ReflectionClass::inNamespace example
Example#5955 - ReflectionClass::isAbstract example
Example#5956 - ReflectionClass::isAnonymous example
Example#5957 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::isCloneable
Example#5958 - ReflectionClass::isFinal example
Example#5959 - ReflectionClass::isInstance related examples
Example#5960 - ReflectionClass::isInstantiable example
Example#5961 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::isInterface
Example#5962 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::isInternal
Example#5963 - ReflectionClass::isIterateable example
Example#5964 - Basic usage of ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs
Example#5965 - ReflectionClass::__toString example
Example#5966 - ReflectionExtension example
Example#5967 - ReflectionExtension::getClasses example
Example#5968 - ReflectionExtension::getClassNames example
Example#5969 - ReflectionExtension::getConstants example
Example#5970 - ReflectionExtension::getDependencies example
Example#5971 - ReflectionExtension::getFunctions example
Example#5972 - ReflectionExtension::getINIEntries example
Example#5973 - ReflectionExtension::getName example
Example#5974 - ReflectionExtension::getVersion example
Example#5975 - ReflectionExtension::info example
Example#5976 - ReflectionFunction::__construct example
Example#5977 - ReflectionFunction::invoke example
Example#5978 - ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs example
Example#5979 - ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs with references example
Example#5980 - ReflectionFunction::__toString example
Example#5981 - ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getReturnType example
Example#5982 - Usage on built-in functions
Example#5983 - ReflectionFunctionAbstract::hasReturnType example
Example#5984 - Usage on built-in functions
Example#5985 - ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isClosure example
Example#5986 - ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isDeprecated example
Example#5987 - ReflectionMethod::__construct example
Example#5988 - ReflectionMethod::getDeclaringClass example
Example#5989 - ReflectionMethod::getModifiers example
Example#5990 - ReflectionMethod::getPrototype example
Example#5991 - ReflectionMethod::invoke example
Example#5992 - ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs example
Example#5993 - ReflectionMethod::__toString example
Example#5994 - Using the ReflectionParameter class
Example#5995 - Using the ReflectionParameter class
Example#5996 - Getting the class that declared the method
Example#5997 - Getting
Example#5998 - ReflectionParameter::getType example
Example#5999 - ReflectionParameter::hasType example
Example#6000 - ReflectionProperty::__construct example
Example#6001 - Getting value from private and protected properties using ReflectionProperty class
Example#6002 - ReflectionProperty::getDocComment example
Example#6003 - ReflectionProperty::getValue example
Example#6004 - ReflectionClass::isDefault example
Example#6005 - ReflectionProperty::setValue example
Example#6006 - ReflectionType::allowsNull example
Example#6007 - ReflectionType::isBuiltin example
Example#6008 - ReflectionType::__toString example
Example#6009 - ReflectionGenerator::__construct example
Example#6010 - ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingFile example
Example#6011 - ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingGenerator example
Example#6012 - ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingLine example
Example#6013 - ReflectionGenerator::getFunction example
Example#6014 - ReflectionGenerator::getThis example
Example#6015 - ReflectionGenerator::getTrace example
Example#6016 - boolval examples
Example#6017 - debug_zval_dump example
Example#6018 -
Example#6019 -
Example#6020 - 간단한 empty / isset 비교입니다.
Example#6021 - floatval 예제
Example#6022 - get_defined_vars 예제
Example#6023 - get_resource_type 예제
Example#6024 - gettype 예제
Example#6025 - import_request_variables 예제
Example#6026 - intval 예제
Example#6027 - 변수가 배열인지 확인하기
Example#6028 - is_bool 예제
Example#6029 -
Example#6030 - is_float 예제
Example#6031 - is_int 예제
Example#6032 - is_null 예제
Example#6033 - is_numeric 예제
Example#6034 - is_object 예제
Example#6035 - is_resource 예제
Example#6036 - is_scalar 예제
Example#6037 - is_string 예제
Example#6038 - isset 예제
Example#6039 - print_r 예제
Example#6040 - return 인수 예제
Example#6041 - serialize 예제
Example#6042 - settype 예제
Example#6043 - PHP5의 __toString 마법 메쏘드를 사용하는 strval 예제
Example#6044 - unserialize 예제
Example#6045 - unserialize_callback_func 예제
Example#6046 - unset 예제
Example#6047 - (unset) 캐스팅 사용하기
Example#6048 - var_dump 예제
Example#6049 - var_export 예제
Example#6050 - PHP 5.1.0부터 클래스 내보내기
Example#6051 - __set_state 사용하기 (PHP 5.1.0부터)
Example#6052 -
Example#6053 - OAuth::fetch example
Example#6054 - OAuth::getAccessToken example
Example#6055 - OAuth::getRequestToken example
Example#6056 - OAuth::setRequestEngine example
Example#6057 - An OAuth::setRsaCertificate example
Example#6058 - OAuth::setToken example
Example#6059 - OAuthProvider::__construct example
Example#6060 - Example OAuthProvider::consumerHandler callback
Example#6061 - OAuthProvider::generateToken example
Example#6062 - OAuthProvider::is2LeggedEndpoint example
Example#6063 - Example OAuthProvider::timestampNonceHandler callback
Example#6064 - Example OAuthProvider::tokenHandler callback
Example#6065 - A sample SCA component
Example#6066 - The structure of an SCA for PHP component
Example#6067 - Obtaining a proxy for a local PHP class
Example#6068 - Obtaining a proxy for a web service
Example#6069 - Calling services
Example#6070 - Obtaining a proxy using getService
Example#6071 - Making calls on the proxy
Example#6072 - StockQuote Service
Example#6073 - Generated WSDL
Example#6074 - Generated WSDL
Example#6075 - location attribute
Example#6076 - method with two arguments
Example#6077 - types section illustrating named parameters
Example#6078 - A Component that uses Data Structures
Example#6079 - An SCA::getService example
Example#6080 - is_soap_fault example
Example#6081 - SOAP's standard method for error reporting is exceptions
Example#6082 - SoapClient::__doRequest example
Example#6083 - SoapClient::__getFunctions example
Example#6084 - SoapClient::__getLastRequest() example
Example#6085 - SoapClient::__getLastRequestHeaders() example
Example#6086 - SoapClient::__getLastResponse() example
Example#6087 - SoapClient::__getLastResponse() example
Example#6088 - SoapClient::__getTypes example
Example#6089 - SoapClient::__setLocation example
Example#6090 - SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders example
Example#6091 - Set Multiple Headers
Example#6092 - SoapClient::__soapCall example
Example#6093 - SoapClient::SoapClient example
Example#6094 - SoapServer::addFunction example
Example#6095 - SoapServer::getFunctions example
Example#6096 - SoapServer::handle example
Example#6097 - SoapServer::setPersistence example
Example#6098 - SoapServer::SoapServer example
Example#6099 - Some examples
Example#6100 - Some examples
Example#6101 - SoapHeader::SoapHeader example
Example#6102 - SoapParam::SoapParam example
Example#6103 - SoapVar::SoapVar example
Example#6104 - Yar Server Example
Example#6105 - Access the server in borwser(GET request)
Example#6106 - Yar Client Example
Example#6107 - Yar Concurrent Client Example
Example#6108 - Yar_Server::__construct example
Example#6109 - Yar_Server::handle example
Example#6110 - Yar_Client::__call example
Example#6111 - Yar_Client::__construct example
Example#6112 - Yar_Client::setOpt example
Example#6113 - Yar_Concurrent_Client::call example
Example#6114 - Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop example
Example#6115 - Yar_Concurrent_Client::reset example
Example#6116 - Yar_Server_Exception::getType example
Example#6117 - Yar_Client_Exception::getType example
Example#6118 - XMLRPC client functions example
Example#6119 - XML-RPC type example
Example#6120 - A xmlrpc_set_type example
Example#6121 - For Each in ASP
Example#6122 - while() ... Next() in PHP 4
Example#6123 - foreach in PHP 5
Example#6124 - COM example (1)
Example#6125 - COM example (2)
Example#6126 - DOTNET example
Example#6127 - Variant example, PHP 4.x style
Example#6128 - Variant example, PHP 5 style
Example#6129 - COM event sink example
Example#6130 - Statistics about the current PHP process
Example#6131 - Statistics about global memory utilization
Example#6132 - Registering a PHP script to run as a service
Example#6133 - Unregistering a service
Example#6134 - Running as a service
Example#6135 - A win32_create_service example
Example#6136 - A win32_delete_service example
Example#6137 - A win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher example
Example#6138 - book.xml
Example#6139 - Creating a new DOMAttr object
Example#6140 - DOMAttr::isId() Example
Example#6141 - Creating a new DOMCdataSection object
Example#6142 - Creating a new DOMComment
Example#6143 - Creating a new DOMDocument
Example#6144 - Creating a new element and inserting it as root
Example#6145 - Passing text containing an unescaped & as value
Example#6146 - Creating a new element and inserting it as root
Example#6147 - A namespace prefix example
Example#6148 - DOMDocument::getElementById() Example
Example#6149 - Basic Usage Example
Example#6150 - Get all the XInclude elements
Example#6151 - DOMDocument::importNode example
Example#6152 - Creating a Document
Example#6153 - Creating a Document
Example#6154 - Creating a Document
Example#6155 - Creating a Document
Example#6156 - Static invocation of loadXML
Example#6157 - Adding a new method to DOMElement to ease our code
Example#6158 - Retrieving elements as custom class
Example#6159 - Retrieving owner document
Example#6160 - Saving a DOM tree into a file
Example#6161 - Saving a HTML tree into a string
Example#6162 - Saving a HTML tree into a file
Example#6163 - Saving a DOM tree into a string
Example#6164 - Example of DTD validation
Example#6165 - DOMDocument::xinclude() example
Example#6166 - Appending XML data to your document
Example#6167 - Creating a new DOMElement
Example#6168 - Setting an attribute
Example#6169 - Creating a new DOMEntityReference
Example#6170 - Creating a document with an attached DTD
Example#6171 - Testing your DOM Implementation
Example#6172 - Adding a child
Example#6173 - DOMNode::getLineNo example
Example#6174 - DOMNode::getNodePath example
Example#6175 - Removing a child
Example#6176 - Traversing all the entries of the table
Example#6177 - Creating a new DOMProcessingInstruction object
Example#6178 - Creating a new DOMText
Example#6179 - Getting the count of all the english books
Example#6180 - Getting all the english books
Example#6181 - book.xml
Example#6182 - DOMXPath::registerPHPFunctions with php:functionString
Example#6183 - DOMXPath::registerPHPFunctions with php:function
Example#6184 - Import SimpleXML into DOM with dom_import_simplexml
Example#6185 - A libxml_get_errors example
Example#6186 - libxml_set_external_entity_loader example
Example#6187 - A libxml_set_streams_context example
Example#6188 - A libxml_use_internal_errors example
Example#6189 - Access via property name
Example#6190 - Access via property name as array index
Example#6191 - Data Object iteration
Example#6192 - Access many-valued property by name
Example#6193 - Many-valued element access
Example#6194 - Many-valued property iteration
Example#6195 - Chained property access
Example#6196 - XPath navigation
Example#6197 - XPath querying
Example#6198 - Creating child data objects
Example#6199 - Unset a primitive property
Example#6200 - Unset a data object
Example#6201 - Unset a referenced data object
Example#6202 - Access via property index
Example#6203 - Getting the SDO_Sequence interface
Example#6204 - Get/set sequence values
Example#6205 - Sequence iteration
Example#6206 - Sequence versus Data Object
Example#6207 - Adding to a sequence
Example#6208 - Removing from a sequence
Example#6209 - Reflecting on a Data Object
Example#6210 - Accessing the type information
Example#6211 - A SDO_DAS_DataFactory::addPropertyToType example
Example#6212 - A SDO_DAS_DataFactory::addType example
Example#6213 - Creating a data object
Example#6214 - Retrieving a data object
Example#6215 - Updating a data object
Example#6216 - Deleting a data object
Example#6217 - One company, one department - Create
Example#6218 - One company, one department - Retrieve and Update
Example#6219 - One company, two departments - Retrieve and Delete
Example#6220 - One company, one department, one employee - Create
Example#6221 - One company, one department, one employee - Retrieve and update
Example#6222 - One company, two departments, two employees - Retrieve and delete
Example#6223 - Retrieving a data object using executePreparedQuery
Example#6224 - Loading, altering, and saving an XML document
Example#6225 - Creating a new XML document
Example#6226 - Setting XML document properties
Example#6227 - Using an open type
Example#6228 - Finding out what you can from the document
Example#6229 - Printing the SDO model
Example#6230 - XML 문자열을 가진 포함 파일 example.php
Example#6231 - <plot> 가져오기.
Example#6232 - <line> 가져오기.
Example#6233 - SimpleXML에서 다중 요소에 접근하기.
Example#6234 - 속성 사용하기
Example#6235 - 요소와 속성을 텍스트와 비교하기.
Example#6236 - 두 요소 비교하기.
Example#6237 - XPath 사용하기.
Example#6238 - 값 설정하기.
Example#6239 - 요소와 속성 추가하기.
Example#6240 - DOM 상호 작용.
Example#6241 - Loading broken XML string
Example#6242 - Add attributes and children to a SimpleXML element
Example#6243 - Add attributes and children to a SimpleXML element
Example#6244 - Get XML
Example#6245 - Using asXML() on SimpleXMLElement::xpath results
Example#6246 - Interpret an XML string
Example#6247 - Traversing a children() pseudo-array
Example#6248 - Using namespaces
Example#6249 - Create a SimpleXMLElement object
Example#6250 - Create a SimpleXMLElement object from a URL
Example#6251 - Counting the number of children
Example#6252 - Get document namespaces
Example#6253 - Working with multiple namespaces
Example#6254 - Get XML element names
Example#6255 - Get document namespaces in use
Example#6256 - Setting a namespace prefix to use in an XPath query
Example#6257 - Get string content
Example#6258 - Xpath
Example#6259 - Importing DOM
Example#6260 - Interpret an XML document
Example#6261 - Interpret an XML string
Example#6262 - Serializing a single value with WDDX
Example#6263 - Using incremental packets with WDDX
Example#6264 - wddx_serialize_vars example
Example#6265 - Show XML Element Structure
Example#6266 - Map XML to HTML
Example#6267 - External Entity Example
Example#6268 - xmltest.xml
Example#6269 - xmltest2.xml
Example#6270 - xml_parse_into_struct example
Example#6271 - moldb.xml - small database of molecular information
Example#6272 - parsemoldb.php - parses moldb.xml into an array of molecular objects
Example#6273 - xml_set_object example
Example#6274 - Validating XML
Example#6275 - collection.xml
Example#6276 - collection.xsl
Example#6277 - fruits.xml
Example#6278 - fruits.xsl
Example#6279 - Collating and printing errors
Example#6280 - Creating an XSLTProcessor
Example#6281 - Testing EXSLT support
Example#6282 - Simple PHP Function call from a stylesheet
Example#6283 - Changing the owner before the transformation
Example#6284 - Example profiling output
Example#6285 - Transforming to a DOMDocument
Example#6286 - Transforming to a HTML file
Example#6287 - Transforming to a string
Example#6288 - Leak Detection in Action
Example#6289 - Accessor macros for per-module globals
Example#6290 - "counter"'s basic interface
Example#6291 - "counter"'s extended interface
Example#6292 - "counter"'s objective interface
Example#6293 - An example config.m4 file
Example#6294 - Sample configure output
Example#6295 - counter's config.m4 file
Example#6296 - An example config.w32 file
Example#6297 - counter's config.w32 file
Example#6298 - Files in the counter extension, in no particular order
Example#6299 - zend_module declaration in the counter extension
Example#6300 - zend_module definition in PHP 5.3
Example#6301 - Counter extension module definition
Example#6302 - The wrong way to store the basic counter interface's value
Example#6303 - The counter module's globals
Example#6304 - The counter module's global structure declaration
Example#6305 - Accessor macros for per-module globals
Example#6306 - The right way to store the basic counter interface's value
Example#6307 - counter's PHP_MINFO function
Example#6308 - Example macros for invoking pdo_SKEL_error
Example#6309 - Using pdo_parse_params
Example#6310 - Implementing preparer for drivers that don't support native prepared statements
Example#6311 - simple stream example that displays the PHP home page
Example#6312 - How to accept a stream as a parameter
Example#6313 - How to return a stream from a function
Example#6314 - The default config.m4.
Example#6315 - A simple extension.
Example#6316 - A test file for
Example#6317 - Internal declaration of zend_function_entry.
Example#6318 - Internal declaration of zend_module_entry.
Example#6319 - PHP's implementation of variable arguments in fsockopen().
Example#6320 - PHP/Zend zval type definition.
Example#6321 - Testing for referenced parameter passing.
Example#6322 - Creating variables with different scopes.
Example#6323 - Creation of a long.
Example#6324 - Adding an element to an associative array.
Example#6325 - Adding an element to an indexed array.
Example#6326 - Source code and screenshot for output in phpinfo.
Example#6327 - Printing execution information.
Example#6328 - Calling user functions.
Example#6329 - 숨겨진 HTML 폼의 엘리먼트(element)
Example#6330 - 유저에 의해 조장되는 데이터
Example#6331 - URL 안에서
Example#6332 - PHP로 자바스크립트 생성하기
Example#6333 - Register Globals 흉내내기
Example#6334 - In PHP Core
Example#6335 - Object Oriented Code in PHP Core
Example#6336 - In the bzip2 Extension
Example#6337 - In the datetime Extension
Example#6338 - In the dBase Extension
Example#6339 - In the mcrypt Extension
Example#6340 - In the oci8 Extension
Example#6341 - In the SPL Extension
Example#6342 - In the Semaphore (sysvmsg) extension
Example#6343 - A 5.2.1+ Zip Example
Example#6344 - strrpos와 strripos가 전체 문자열을 needle로 사용합니다.
Example#6345 - 프로퍼티가 없는 객체를 더 이상 "빈" 것으로 판단하지 않습니다.
Example#6346 - 몇몇 경우에 클래스는 사용하기 전에 선언해야 합니다.
Example#6347 - PHP 5로 아파치 설정 파일을 이행하기.
Example#6348 - PHP CGI 모드를 위한 아파치 설정 파일 이행하기.
Example#6349 - Example of object comparison in PHP 4
Example#6350 - Compound object comparisons in PHP 4
Example#6351 - Activate full on-screen error reporting for dev. domain
Example#6352 - Add security script for protected areas
Example#6353 - Unix include_path
Example#6354 - Windows include_path
Example#6355 - Unix include_path using ${USER} env variable
Example#6356 - string.rot13
Example#6357 - string.toupper
Example#6358 - string.tolower
Example#6359 - string.strip_tags
Example#6360 - convert.base64-encode & convert.base64-decode
Example#6361 - convert.quoted-printable-encode & convert.quoted-printable-decode
Example#6362 - zlib.deflate and zlib.inflate
Example#6363 - zlib.deflate simple
Example#6364 - bzip2.compress and bzip2.decompress
Example#6365 - Encrypting file output using 3DES
Example#6366 - Reading an encrypted file
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